Crime Prevention

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Yeovil Town Avon and Somerset Constabulary Police Local Neighbourhood

The Yeovil Town neighbourhood is situated within the town of Yeovil and is policed by the Avon and Somerset Constabulary.

Team for Yeovil Town beat.


Map of the Yeovil Town Policing Area

Yellow markers represent Police Forces and the red markers represent neighbourhoods within Avon and Somerset Constabulary.

Zoom LevelLatitudeLongitude

Towns and Villages within the Yeovil Town Neighbourhood

Settlements located within Yeovil Town
Name Type County
Yeovil Town Dorset,Somerset

Worst Locations for Crime within the Yeovil Town neighbourhood


The Top 5 Worst Locations for Crime in the Yeovil Town neighbourhood in April 2019
Town Type County Location Number of Crimes Committed
YeoviltownDorset,SomersetOn or near Queensway Place15
YeoviltownDorset,SomersetOn or near Wyndham View11
YeoviltownDorset,SomersetOn or near Further/Higher Educational Building10
YeoviltownDorset,SomersetOn or near Clarence Terrace8
YeoviltownDorset,SomersetOn or near Shopping Area8


The Top 5 Worst Locations for Crime in the Yeovil Town neighbourhood in March 2019
Town Type County Location Number of Crimes Committed
YeoviltownDorset,SomersetOn or near Pine Tree Avenue16
YeoviltownDorset,SomersetOn or near Queensway Place14
YeoviltownDorset,SomersetOn or near Bus/Coach Station11
YeoviltownDorset,SomersetOn or near Hospital9
YeoviltownDorset,SomersetOn or near Vicarage Street9


The Top 5 Worst Locations for Crime in the Yeovil Town neighbourhood in February 2019
Town Type County Location Number of Crimes Committed
YeoviltownDorset,SomersetOn or near Further/Higher Educational Building14
YeoviltownDorset,SomersetOn or near Hospital9
YeoviltownDorset,SomersetOn or near Bus/Coach Station9
YeoviltownDorset,SomersetOn or near Pine Tree Avenue9
YeoviltownDorset,SomersetOn or near Shopping Area8

Police Officer Information for Yeovil Town

Amanda Thomas (Town Centre Area) (3032) Constable
Louise Wareham (3680) Constable
Leanne Mountain (6987) PCSO
Claire Maidment (9899) PCSO
Daniel Crawford (4173) Constable
Michael Eades (7220) PCSO
Hayley Harris (7690) PCSO
Daniel Jeffries (4185) Constable
Andrea Bowditch (8255) PCSO
Barbara Hooper (8706) PCSO
Andrew Whelpton (512) Sergeant
Matthew Wilson (3460) Constable
Joshua Sutton (4637) Constable

Neighbourhood Priorities for Yeovil Town


Working closely with housing, social services and mental health services to target harden addresses of our vulnerable residents.

Two males arrested on Reckleford for intent to supply drugs.

Issue dated: 30/11/-0001

Action dated: 22/02/2019

To target organized car meets where anti-social behaviour is caused for our local residents through noise, dangerous driving and littering.

Section 59 Warning issued to a male driver at Tesco, Queensway for anti-social and careless driving.

Issue dated: 30/11/-0001

Action dated: 22/02/2019

Increased foot patrols with new ways of working in and around the town center, allowing greater visibility and greater proactivity.

Taxi engagement operation. Yeovil town centre beat team have spoken to various taxi drivers throughout the evening to encourage the reporting of incidents and to provide support and reassurance to the drivers.

Issue dated: 30/11/-0001

Action dated: 22/02/2019

Street Crime Within Yeovil Town

Last Update April.

A30 Other theft Under investigation
A30 Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
A37 Violence and sexual offences Investigation complete; no suspect identified
A37 Violence and sexual offences Unable to prosecute suspect
Abbey Road Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Abbots Meade Other theft Under investigation
Abbots Way Anti-social behaviour
Abbots Way Anti-social behaviour
Alexandra Road Criminal damage and arson Under investigation
Alexandra Road Violence and sexual offences Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Allingham Road Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Allingham Road Violence and sexual offences Unable to prosecute suspect
Arnewood Gardens Anti-social behaviour
Arundel Road Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Ashford Grove Public order Under investigation
Babylon View Criminal damage and arson Under investigation
Bartletts Place Criminal damage and arson Under investigation
Bartletts Place Criminal damage and arson Under investigation
Birchfield Road Shoplifting Under investigation
Blenheim Road Anti-social behaviour
Blenheim Road Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Blenheim Road Violence and sexual offences Unable to prosecute suspect
Bond Street Other theft Under investigation
Boundary Close Anti-social behaviour
Boundary Close Anti-social behaviour
Brunswick Street Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Bucklers Mead Road Violence and sexual offences Unable to prosecute suspect
Bunford Lane Public order Under investigation
Burroughes Avenue Vehicle crime Under investigation
Burroughes Avenue Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Bus/Coach Station Anti-social behaviour
Bus/Coach Station Bicycle theft Under investigation
Bus/Coach Station Criminal damage and arson Under investigation
Bus/Coach Station Possession of weapons Under investigation
Bus/Coach Station Public order Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Bus/Coach Station Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Bus/Coach Station Violence and sexual offences Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Camborne Grove Anti-social behaviour
Camborne Street Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Charles Road Burglary Under investigation
Charlton Close Violence and sexual offences Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Charlton Close Violence and sexual offences Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Chilton Grove Vehicle crime Under investigation
Christopher Close Other theft Under investigation
Christopher Close Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Church Street Anti-social behaviour
Clarence Terrace Other theft Under investigation
Clarence Terrace Public order Under investigation
Clarence Terrace Public order Under investigation
Clarence Terrace Public order Under investigation
Clarence Terrace Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Clarence Terrace Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Clarence Terrace Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Clarence Terrace Violence and sexual offences Unable to prosecute suspect
Cooksons Orchard Anti-social behaviour
Cooksons Orchard Public order Under investigation
Court Gardens Anti-social behaviour
Crofton Avenue Anti-social behaviour
Crofton Avenue Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Crofton Avenue Violence and sexual offences Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Crofton Park Anti-social behaviour
Crofton Park Public order Under investigation
Crofton Park Theft from the person Under investigation
Crofton Park Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Crofton Road Anti-social behaviour
Derwent Gardens Public order Under investigation
Derwent Gardens Violence and sexual offences Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Eastland Road Violence and sexual offences Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Fairway View Burglary Under investigation
Ferndale Gardens Violence and sexual offences Unable to prosecute suspect
Ferndale Gardens Violence and sexual offences Unable to prosecute suspect
Fosse Park Road Criminal damage and arson Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Foxes Rest Criminal damage and arson Under investigation
Foxes Rest Public order Under investigation
Foxes Rest Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Friars Avenue Anti-social behaviour
Friars Avenue Anti-social behaviour
Friars Avenue Public order Under investigation
Friars Avenue Violence and sexual offences Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Further/Higher Educational Building Public order Under investigation
Further/Higher Educational Building Vehicle crime Under investigation
Further/Higher Educational Building Violence and sexual offences Unable to prosecute suspect
Further/Higher Educational Building Other theft Under investigation
Further/Higher Educational Building Possession of weapons Under investigation
Further/Higher Educational Building Public order Under investigation
Further/Higher Educational Building Public order Under investigation
Further/Higher Educational Building Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Further/Higher Educational Building Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Further/Higher Educational Building Violence and sexual offences Unable to prosecute suspect
Further/Higher Educational Building Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Further/Higher Educational Building Violence and sexual offences Unable to prosecute suspect
Further/Higher Educational Building Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Glenthorne Avenue Anti-social behaviour
Glenthorne Avenue Drugs Under investigation
Glenville Road Burglary Under investigation
Glenville Road Burglary Under investigation
Glenville Road Criminal damage and arson Under investigation
Glenville Road Vehicle crime Under investigation
Glenville Road Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Glenville Road Violence and sexual offences Action to be taken by another organisation
Glenville Road Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Gordon Road Drugs Under investigation
Gordon Road Possession of weapons Awaiting court outcome
Gordon Road Other crime Awaiting court outcome
Grass Royal Burglary Under investigation
Grass Royal Violence and sexual offences Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Great Western Terrace Public order Under investigation
Hallet Gardens Anti-social behaviour
Hawthorn Road Anti-social behaviour
Hawthorn Road Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Heather Road Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Hendford Grove Anti-social behaviour
Hendford Grove Anti-social behaviour
Hendford Grove Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
High Street Public order Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Hill Crest Road Anti-social behaviour
Hospital Criminal damage and arson Under investigation
Hospital Other theft Under investigation
Hospital Public order Awaiting court outcome
Hospital Public order Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Hospital Violence and sexual offences Further investigation is not in the public interest
Hospital Other crime Under investigation
Huish Anti-social behaviour
Huish Public order Under investigation
Kingston Criminal damage and arson Under investigation
Kingston View Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Larkhill Road Public order Under investigation
Larkhill Road Vehicle crime Under investigation
Legion Road Criminal damage and arson Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Lowther Road Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Lowther Road Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Lowther Road Other crime Under investigation
Lysander Road Anti-social behaviour
Lysander Way Anti-social behaviour
Marl Close Violence and sexual offences Unable to prosecute suspect
Marl Close Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Matthews Road Other theft Under investigation
Matthews Road Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Melrose Road Burglary Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Middle Street Burglary Under investigation
Middle Street Criminal damage and arson Under investigation
Middle Street Public order Under investigation
Middle Street Violence and sexual offences Unable to prosecute suspect
Milford Road Criminal damage and arson Under investigation
Mill Lane Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Mitchelmore Road Vehicle crime Under investigation
Monks Dale Anti-social behaviour
Monks Dale Criminal damage and arson Under investigation
Monks Dale Criminal damage and arson Under investigation
Monks Dale Violence and sexual offences Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Montrose Road Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Netherton Road Vehicle crime Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Netherton Road Vehicle crime Under investigation
Netherton Road Violence and sexual offences Unable to prosecute suspect
North Terrace Anti-social behaviour
North Terrace Criminal damage and arson Under investigation
North Terrace Violence and sexual offences Unable to prosecute suspect
Northbrook Road Anti-social behaviour
Northbrook Road Anti-social behaviour
Northbrook Road Anti-social behaviour
Northbrook Road Anti-social behaviour
Northbrook Road Criminal damage and arson Under investigation
Northbrook Road Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Northbrook Road Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Oaklands Road Anti-social behaviour
Oaklands Road Burglary Under investigation
Oaklands Road Public order Under investigation
Old Station Road Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Old Station Road Violence and sexual offences Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Park Gardens Other theft Under investigation
Park Gardens Other theft Under investigation
Park Road Public order Under investigation
Park/Open Space Other theft Under investigation
Park/Open Space Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Parking Area Burglary Under investigation
Parking Area Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Parking Area Anti-social behaviour
Parking Area Anti-social behaviour
Parking Area Anti-social behaviour
Parking Area Anti-social behaviour
Parking Area Anti-social behaviour
Parking Area Burglary Under investigation
Parking Area Burglary Under investigation
Parking Area Other theft Under investigation
Parking Area Public order Under investigation
Parking Area Public order Under investigation
Parking Area Public order Under investigation
Parking Area Violence and sexual offences Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Parking Area Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Parking Area Violence and sexual offences Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Parking Area Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Perrythorne Park Anti-social behaviour
Perrythorne Park Drugs Under investigation
Perrythorne Park Violence and sexual offences Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Petrol Station Other theft Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Petrol Station Other theft Under investigation
Petrol Station Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Petrol Station Other theft Under investigation
Petrol Station Other theft Under investigation
Petrol Station Other theft Under investigation
Petrol Station Other theft Under investigation
Petrol Station Shoplifting Under investigation
Petrol Station Shoplifting Under investigation
Petrol Station Shoplifting Under investigation
Petter'S Way Other theft Under investigation
Pickett Lane Public order Unable to prosecute suspect
Pine Tree Avenue Burglary Under investigation
Pine Tree Avenue Other theft Under investigation
Pine Tree Avenue Other theft Under investigation
Pine Tree Avenue Other theft Under investigation
Pine Tree Avenue Public order Under investigation
Plantagenet Park Shoplifting Under investigation
Preston Court Violence and sexual offences Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Princes Street Criminal damage and arson Under investigation
Princes Street Public order Under investigation
Queensway Place Anti-social behaviour
Queensway Place Anti-social behaviour
Queensway Place Anti-social behaviour
Queensway Place Anti-social behaviour
Queensway Place Burglary Under investigation
Queensway Place Other theft Under investigation
Queensway Place Public order Under investigation
Queensway Place Public order Under investigation
Queensway Place Public order Under investigation
Queensway Place Shoplifting Under investigation
Queensway Place Shoplifting Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Queensway Place Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Queensway Place Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Queensway Place Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Queensway Place Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Raglan Terrace Criminal damage and arson Under investigation
Rosebery Avenue Other theft Under investigation
Royal Close Anti-social behaviour
Royal Close Anti-social behaviour
Royal Close Anti-social behaviour
Salthouse Lane Anti-social behaviour
Salthouse Lane Anti-social behaviour
Salthouse Lane Criminal damage and arson Under investigation
Samarate Way Anti-social behaviour
Sandringham Road Violence and sexual offences Unable to prosecute suspect
Sandringham Road Other crime Under investigation
Sedgemoor Close Violence and sexual offences Unable to prosecute suspect
Sherborne Road Anti-social behaviour
Sherborne Road Anti-social behaviour
Shopping Area Anti-social behaviour
Shopping Area Other theft Under investigation
Shopping Area Other theft Under investigation
Shopping Area Shoplifting Under investigation
Shopping Area Shoplifting Under investigation
Shopping Area Shoplifting Under investigation
Shopping Area Shoplifting Under investigation
Shopping Area Shoplifting Under investigation
Shopping Area Shoplifting Under investigation
Shopping Area Shoplifting Under investigation
Shopping Area Shoplifting Under investigation
Shopping Area Shoplifting Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Shopping Area Shoplifting Local resolution
Shopping Area Shoplifting Under investigation
Shopping Area Shoplifting Under investigation
Shopping Area Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Shopping Area Violence and sexual offences Unable to prosecute suspect
Shopping Area Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Silver Street Anti-social behaviour
Silver Street Public order Under investigation
Silver Street Shoplifting Under investigation
Silver Street Violence and sexual offences Investigation complete; no suspect identified
South Street Anti-social behaviour
South Street Public order Unable to prosecute suspect
South Street Public order Under investigation
Southville Anti-social behaviour
Southville Public order Under investigation
Sparrow Road Other theft Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Sports/Recreation Area Criminal damage and arson Unable to prosecute suspect
Sports/Recreation Area Violence and sexual offences Unable to prosecute suspect
Sports/Recreation Area Bicycle theft Under investigation
Sports/Recreation Area Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Sports/Recreation Area Public order Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Springfield Place Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
St Andrews Road Violence and sexual offences Unable to prosecute suspect
St Andrews Road Violence and sexual offences Unable to prosecute suspect
St Anne'S Gardens Anti-social behaviour
St Anne'S Gardens Criminal damage and arson Under investigation
St John'S Road Anti-social behaviour
St John'S Road Criminal damage and arson Under investigation
St Michael'S Avenue Shoplifting Under investigation
St Michael'S Avenue Shoplifting Investigation complete; no suspect identified
St Patrick'S Road Violence and sexual offences Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Stars Lane Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Stiby Road Anti-social behaviour
Stiby Road Criminal damage and arson Under investigation
Stiby Road Criminal damage and arson Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Stratford Road Violence and sexual offences Formal action is not in the public interest
Stratford Road Violence and sexual offences Formal action is not in the public interest
Stratford Road Other crime Under investigation
Summerlands Anti-social behaviour
Summerlands Anti-social behaviour
Summerlands Criminal damage and arson Under investigation
Summerlands Public order Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Summerlands Public order Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Summerlands Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Summerlands Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Sunningdale Road Burglary Under investigation
Supermarket Other theft Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Supermarket Public order Under investigation
Supermarket Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Supermarket Violence and sexual offences Unable to prosecute suspect
Supermarket Shoplifting Under investigation
Supermarket Shoplifting Awaiting court outcome
Supermarket Theft from the person Under investigation
Sycamore Drive Anti-social behaviour
Sycamore Drive Criminal damage and arson Unable to prosecute suspect
Sydling Road Anti-social behaviour
Sydling Road Other theft Under investigation
Sydling Road Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Sydling Road Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Sydling Road Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Thatcham Park Burglary Under investigation
The Avenue Anti-social behaviour
The Avenue Criminal damage and arson Under investigation
The Avenue Other theft Under investigation
The Avenue Vehicle crime Under investigation
The Manse Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
The Manse Violence and sexual offences Unable to prosecute suspect
The Manse Other crime Under investigation
Theatre/Concert Hall Criminal damage and arson Under investigation
Theatre/Concert Hall Public order Under investigation
Theatre/Concert Hall Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Theme/Adventure Park Anti-social behaviour
Theme/Adventure Park Anti-social behaviour
Theme/Adventure Park Possession of weapons Under investigation
Vincent Place Public order Under investigation
Watercombe Lane Anti-social behaviour
Wentworth Road Vehicle crime Under investigation
West Hendford Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
West Hendford Violence and sexual offences Investigation complete; no suspect identified
West Street Anti-social behaviour
West Street Bicycle theft Under investigation
Westfield Avenue Drugs Under investigation
Westfield Avenue Other theft Under investigation
Westfield Avenue Other theft Under investigation
Westfield Avenue Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Westfield Crescent Public order Under investigation
Westfield Grove Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Westfield Place Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Westfield Road Other theft Under investigation
Westfield Road Public order Under investigation
Westland Road Other theft Under investigation
Westland Road Other theft Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Westminster Street Other theft Under investigation
Westminster Street Public order Under investigation
Westminster Street Public order Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Westminster Street Violence and sexual offences Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Westminster Street Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Westville Criminal damage and arson Under investigation
Westville Public order Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Willow Road Public order Unable to prosecute suspect
Willow Road Violence and sexual offences Further investigation is not in the public interest
Winchester Gardens Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Winchester Gardens Violence and sexual offences Unable to prosecute suspect
Windermere Close Anti-social behaviour
Windermere Close Anti-social behaviour
Windermere Close Other theft Under investigation
Wine Street Burglary Under investigation
Wine Street Public order Under investigation
Wine Street Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Wingate Avenue Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Woburn Road Criminal damage and arson Unable to prosecute suspect
Woburn Road Violence and sexual offences Unable to prosecute suspect
Woburn Road Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Woburn Road Violence and sexual offences Unable to prosecute suspect
Wyndham Street Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Wyndham View Anti-social behaviour
Wyndham View Anti-social behaviour
Wyndham View Anti-social behaviour
Wyndham View Criminal damage and arson Under investigation
Wyndham View Drugs Under investigation
Wyndham View Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Wyndham View Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Wyndham View Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Wyndham View Violence and sexual offences Unable to prosecute suspect
Wyndham View Violence and sexual offences Unable to prosecute suspect
Wyndham View Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Yarn Barton Criminal damage and arson Under investigation
Yarn Barton Public order Under investigation