101Team for Keynsham beat.
Yellow markers represent Police Forces and the red markers represent neighbourhoods within Avon and Somerset Constabulary.
Zoom Level | Latitude | Longitude |
6 | 53.521968 | -2.164306 |
The Keynsham is policed by the Avon and Somerset Constabulary and covers the following settlements.
Name | Type | County |
Bath | City | Somerset |
Bristol | City | Somerset,Gloucestershire,Bristol |
Compton Dando | Village | Somerset |
Corston | Village | Somerset |
Keynsham | Town | Somerset,Gloucestershire |
Newton St Loe | Village | Somerset |
Queen Charlton | Village | Somerset |
Saltford | Village | Somerset |
Woollard | Village | Somerset |
Town | Type | County | Location | Number of Crimes Committed |
Keynsham | town | Somerset,Gloucestershire | On or near High Street | 16 |
Keynsham | town | Somerset,Gloucestershire | On or near Ashmead Road | 10 |
Keynsham | town | Somerset,Gloucestershire | On or near Dunster Road | 9 |
Keynsham | town | Somerset,Gloucestershire | On or near The Brambles | 7 |
Saltford | village | Somerset | On or near Jena Court | 6 |
Town | Type | County | Location | Number of Crimes Committed |
Keynsham | town | Somerset,Gloucestershire | On or near High Street | 8 |
Keynsham | town | Somerset,Gloucestershire | On or near Amberley Close | 6 |
Keynsham | town | Somerset,Gloucestershire | On or near Bath Road | 6 |
Keynsham | town | Somerset,Gloucestershire | On or near Dunster Road | 5 |
Town | Type | County | Location | Number of Crimes Committed |
Keynsham | town | Somerset,Gloucestershire | On or near Ashmead Road | 8 |
Keynsham | town | Somerset,Gloucestershire | On or near High Street | 7 |
Keynsham | town | Somerset,Gloucestershire | On or near Durham Grove | 6 |
Keynsham | town | Somerset,Gloucestershire | On or near Parking Area | 5 |
Keynsham | town | Somerset,Gloucestershire | On or near Supermarket | 4 |
Name | Rank | Bio |
Will Stephens (4016) | Sergeant | Sergeant for the Keynsham policing area |
Rebecca Knocker (9777) | PCSO | |
Sarah Hewlett (8149) | PCSO | |
James Evans (3803) | Constable | |
Jon Bagnowiec (2601) | Sergeant | |
Christopher Purvey (9973) | ||
Kerry Grace (4135) | Constable | |
Katie White (6838) | PCSO |
Issue | Action | Dates |
Off-road motorcycles being ridden in the area of the railway station overflow car park. This is causing concern for the users of the car park and nearby residents. |
Patrols have taken place; motorcyclists spoken to and checked on one occasion. Advice given. No further reports have been received from the public. |
Issue dated: 30/11/-0001 Action dated: 25/05/2019 |
ASB has increased slightly in and around the Civic Centre. Please report any instances and note descriptions to aid identification of offenders. |
Overall ASB remains low. Officers respond to all incidents and take action against identified perpetrators. |
Issue dated: 30/11/-0001 Action dated: 25/05/2019 |
Last Update April.
Location | Type | Outcome |
A4175 | Public order | Under investigation |
Abbey Park | Criminal damage and arson | Under investigation |
Acacia Court | Criminal damage and arson | Under investigation |
Amberley Close | Public order | Under investigation |
Amberley Close | Violence and sexual offences | Unable to prosecute suspect |
Ashmead Road | Criminal damage and arson | Under investigation |
Ashmead Road | Criminal damage and arson | Investigation complete; no suspect identified |
Ashmead Road | Drugs | Investigation complete; no suspect identified |
Ashmead Road | Drugs | Under investigation |
Ashmead Road | Violence and sexual offences | Investigation complete; no suspect identified |
Ashmead Road | Violence and sexual offences | Under investigation |
Ashmead Road | Violence and sexual offences | Investigation complete; no suspect identified |
Ashmead Road | Violence and sexual offences | Investigation complete; no suspect identified |
Ashmead Road | Violence and sexual offences | Investigation complete; no suspect identified |
Ashmead Road | Violence and sexual offences | Investigation complete; no suspect identified |
Bath Road | Drugs | Under investigation |
Bristol Road | Public order | Under investigation |
Broadmead Lane | Other theft | Under investigation |
Broadmead Lane | Vehicle crime | Under investigation |
Calder Close | Violence and sexual offences | Under investigation |
Chandag Road | Anti-social behaviour | |
Chandos Road | Violence and sexual offences | Under investigation |
Chandos Road | Violence and sexual offences | Under investigation |
Cleeve Grove | Violence and sexual offences | Under investigation |
Clyde Avenue | Burglary | Under investigation |
Constable Close | Other theft | Under investigation |
Cross Street | Violence and sexual offences | Under investigation |
Cross Street | Violence and sexual offences | Under investigation |
Culvers Close | Anti-social behaviour | |
Culvers Close | Criminal damage and arson | Under investigation |
Dapps Hill | Violence and sexual offences | Unable to prosecute suspect |
Dunster Road | Anti-social behaviour | |
Dunster Road | Anti-social behaviour | |
Dunster Road | Anti-social behaviour | |
Dunster Road | Anti-social behaviour | |
Dunster Road | Anti-social behaviour | |
Dunster Road | Criminal damage and arson | Under investigation |
Dunster Road | Criminal damage and arson | Under investigation |
Dunster Road | Violence and sexual offences | Under investigation |
Dunster Road | Violence and sexual offences | Unable to prosecute suspect |
Durham Grove | Anti-social behaviour | |
Durham Grove | Violence and sexual offences | Investigation complete; no suspect identified |
Farleigh Road | Violence and sexual offences | Under investigation |
Farleigh Road | Violence and sexual offences | Under investigation |
Farleigh Road | Violence and sexual offences | Unable to prosecute suspect |
Further/Higher Educational Building | Public order | Under investigation |
Further/Higher Educational Building | Violence and sexual offences | Under investigation |
Handel Road | Violence and sexual offences | Investigation complete; no suspect identified |
Harlech Close | Burglary | Under investigation |
Heathfield Close | Anti-social behaviour | |
High Street | Anti-social behaviour | |
High Street | Anti-social behaviour | |
High Street | Anti-social behaviour | |
High Street | Anti-social behaviour | |
High Street | Anti-social behaviour | |
High Street | Anti-social behaviour | |
High Street | Anti-social behaviour | |
High Street | Criminal damage and arson | Under investigation |
High Street | Criminal damage and arson | Under investigation |
High Street | Shoplifting | Under investigation |
High Street | Shoplifting | Under investigation |
High Street | Shoplifting | Under investigation |
High Street | Vehicle crime | Under investigation |
High Street | Violence and sexual offences | Under investigation |
High Street | Violence and sexual offences | Under investigation |
High Street | Violence and sexual offences | Under investigation |
Holly Walk | Anti-social behaviour | |
Jena Court | Anti-social behaviour | |
Jena Court | Anti-social behaviour | |
Jena Court | Anti-social behaviour | |
Jena Court | Anti-social behaviour | |
Jena Court | Public order | Unable to prosecute suspect |
Jena Court | Violence and sexual offences | Unable to prosecute suspect |
Kelston Road | Anti-social behaviour | |
Kelston Road | Violence and sexual offences | Under investigation |
Kelston Road | Violence and sexual offences | Under investigation |
Kenilworth Close | Burglary | Under investigation |
Lawson Close | Criminal damage and arson | Under investigation |
Mead Lane | Anti-social behaviour | |
Mead Lane | Anti-social behaviour | |
Newlands Road | Anti-social behaviour | |
Newlands Road | Anti-social behaviour | |
Nightclub | Violence and sexual offences | Investigation complete; no suspect identified |
Nightclub | Violence and sexual offences | Under investigation |
Norfolk Grove | Anti-social behaviour | |
Norfolk Grove | Possession of weapons | Under investigation |
Park Close | Vehicle crime | Under investigation |
Park Road | Violence and sexual offences | Under investigation |
Parkhouse Lane | Anti-social behaviour | |
Parkhouse Lane | Vehicle crime | Under investigation |
Parking Area | Vehicle crime | Under investigation |
Parking Area | Other theft | Under investigation |
Pennyquick | Anti-social behaviour | |
Petrol Station | Other theft | Under investigation |
Police Station | Anti-social behaviour | |
Police Station | Violence and sexual offences | Under investigation |
Queen Square | Public order | Under investigation |
Queens Road | Violence and sexual offences | Under investigation |
Richmond Close | Anti-social behaviour | |
Roundmoor Close | Criminal damage and arson | Under investigation |
Somerdale Road | Anti-social behaviour | |
Somerdale Road | Anti-social behaviour | |
Sports/Recreation Area | Anti-social behaviour | |
Sports/Recreation Area | Anti-social behaviour | |
Sports/Recreation Area | Vehicle crime | Under investigation |
Sports/Recreation Area | Violence and sexual offences | Under investigation |
Sports/Recreation Area | Drugs | Under investigation |
Sports/Recreation Area | Violence and sexual offences | Investigation complete; no suspect identified |
Sports/Recreation Area | Violence and sexual offences | Investigation complete; no suspect identified |
St Anne'S Avenue | Public order | Under investigation |
St Clements Court | Public order | Unable to prosecute suspect |
St Francis Road | Anti-social behaviour | |
St Johns Court | Anti-social behaviour | |
St Keyna Road | Criminal damage and arson | Under investigation |
St. Dunstans Close | Anti-social behaviour | |
Staple Grove | Violence and sexual offences | Under investigation |
Station Road | Bicycle theft | Under investigation |
Stirling Way | Anti-social behaviour | |
Stockwood Hill | Burglary | Under investigation |
Stockwood Hill | Vehicle crime | Under investigation |
Supermarket | Criminal damage and arson | Under investigation |
Supermarket | Vehicle crime | Under investigation |
Supermarket | Shoplifting | Under investigation |
Supermarket | Violence and sexual offences | Under investigation |
Temple Street | Anti-social behaviour | |
Temple Street | Public order | Under investigation |
Temple Street | Public order | Under investigation |
Teviot Road | Violence and sexual offences | Under investigation |
The Avenue | Violence and sexual offences | Investigation complete; no suspect identified |
The Avenue | Violence and sexual offences | Awaiting court outcome |
The Brambles | Anti-social behaviour | |
The Brambles | Criminal damage and arson | Under investigation |
The Brambles | Public order | Investigation complete; no suspect identified |
The Brambles | Violence and sexual offences | Investigation complete; no suspect identified |
The Brambles | Violence and sexual offences | Investigation complete; no suspect identified |
The Brambles | Other crime | Unable to prosecute suspect |
The Brambles | Other crime | Unable to prosecute suspect |
The Folly | Violence and sexual offences | Unable to prosecute suspect |
The Folly | Violence and sexual offences | Investigation complete; no suspect identified |
Warwick Road | Burglary | Under investigation |
West View Road | Anti-social behaviour | |
Westfield Close | Violence and sexual offences | Under investigation |
Wick House Close | Public order | Investigation complete; no suspect identified |