Crime Prevention

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North Mendip Avon and Somerset Constabulary Police Local Neighbourhood

Team for North Mendip beat.


Map of the North Mendip Policing Area

Yellow markers represent Police Forces and the red markers represent neighbourhoods within Avon and Somerset Constabulary.

Zoom LevelLatitudeLongitude

Towns and Villages within the North Mendip Neighbourhood

The North Mendip is policed by the Avon and Somerset Constabulary and covers the following settlements.

Settlements located within North Mendip
Name Type County
Chelwood Village Somerset
Clutton Village Somerset
Clutton Hill Village Somerset
East Harptree Village Somerset
Farmborough Village Somerset
Farrington Gurney Village Somerset
Hallatrow Village Somerset
High Littleton Village Somerset
Hinton Blewett Village Somerset
Paulton Village Somerset
Temple Cloud Village Somerset
Timsbury Village Somerset
West Harptree Village Somerset

Worst Locations for Crime within the North Mendip neighbourhood


The Top 5 Worst Locations for Crime in the North Mendip neighbourhood in April 2019
Town Type County Location Number of Crimes Committed
High LittletonvillageSomersetOn or near New Road2
High LittletonvillageSomersetOn or near Eastover Road2
High LittletonvillageSomersetOn or near Southover Road2


The Top 5 Worst Locations for Crime in the North Mendip neighbourhood in March 2019
Town Type County Location Number of Crimes Committed
Clutton HillvillageSomersetOn or near Clutton Hill2
TimsburyvillageSomersetOn or near Church Lane2
TimsburyvillageSomersetOn or near Greenvale Drive2


The Top 5 Worst Locations for Crime in the North Mendip neighbourhood in February 2019
Town Type County Location Number of Crimes Committed
Clutton HillvillageSomersetOn or near Clutton Hill2
Farrington GurneyvillageSomersetOn or near Petrol Station2
FarmboroughvillageSomersetOn or near Ferenberge Close1

Police Officer Information for North Mendip

Stuart Peard (3455) Constable
Kate Humphreys (7752) PCSO
Glyn Samways (7485) PCSO
Kate Charlton (7649) PCSO

Neighbourhood Priorities for North Mendip


Our work with Farm Watch and Horse Watch continues in relation to giving crime prevention advice to our rural communities and utilising community alert messages to raise awareness regarding the latest rural crime trends.

Several new members to Farm Watch recruited as we continue to promote the extremely valuable Farm Watch and Horse Watch schemes. We continue to keep good communication with our rural community.

Issue dated: 30/11/-0001

Action dated: 22/01/2018

Youths gathering in the play park at Clutton leaving litter behind.

PCSO 7752 attended on the 23/02/2019 at appoximately 1pm to check the area no issues

Issue dated: 30/11/-0001

Action dated: 23/02/2019

Targeted patrols to farms and commercial business in rural locations to prevent rural crime.

PC 3455 - targeted partols in the rural area to prevent crime.

Issue dated: 30/11/-0001

Action dated: 24/02/2019

The local beat team will be attending any of the 7 beat area schools who require support in delivering internet safety advice to the pupils.

Issue dated: 30/11/-0001

Action dated: 30/11/-0001

Reports have been raised regarding anti-social behaviour and littering around the scout hut in Clutton.

PCSO 7485 night time patrols of area. Youths at location spoken to and given advice.

Issue dated: 30/11/-0001

Action dated: 25/01/2019

Street Crime Within North Mendip

Last Update April.

A37 Vehicle crime Under investigation
Aumery Gardens Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Bloomfield Close Vehicle crime Under investigation
Brookside Drive Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Cameley Close Other crime Under investigation
Church Lane Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Church Lane Vehicle crime Under investigation
Conygre Green Criminal damage and arson Under investigation
Eastover Road Vehicle crime Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Eastover Road Violence and sexual offences Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Elm View Public order Under investigation
Farrington Way Vehicle crime Under investigation
Furnleaze Burglary Under investigation
Goldney Close Other theft Under investigation
Gores Park Anti-social behaviour
Greenvale Close Violence and sexual offences Unable to prosecute suspect
Greenvale Drive Anti-social behaviour
Hayeswood Road Public order Under investigation
Homefield Anti-social behaviour
Lansdown View Violence and sexual offences Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Meadway Vehicle crime Under investigation
New Road Criminal damage and arson Under investigation
New Road Vehicle crime Under investigation
Park/Open Space Violence and sexual offences Unable to prosecute suspect
Park/Open Space Other crime Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Park/Open Space Criminal damage and arson Under investigation
Parsonage Close Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Petrol Station Anti-social behaviour
Pitway Close Anti-social behaviour
Southover Road Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Southover Road Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
The Glebe Other crime Under investigation
Tiledown Close Criminal damage and arson Under investigation
Water Street Vehicle crime Under investigation