Crime Prevention

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Limbury Bedfordshire Police Police Local Neighbourhood

The Limbury neighbourhood is situated within the town of Luton and is policed by the Bedfordshire Police.

Your Community Team is dedicated to making your neighbourhood an even safer place to live by tackling crime and anti-social behaviour.

Use the links to find out which Community Policing Team covers your area, who they are and what they are doing.

You can also use these pages to view crime maps for your area.

Visit Police Neighbourhood Page

Map of the Limbury Policing Area

Yellow markers represent Police Forces and the red markers represent neighbourhoods within Bedfordshire Police.

Zoom LevelLatitudeLongitude

Towns and Villages within the Limbury Neighbourhood

Settlements located within Limbury
Name Type County
Luton Town Bedfordshire,Hertfordshire

Worst Locations for Crime within the Limbury neighbourhood


The Top 5 Worst Locations for Crime in the Limbury neighbourhood in April 2019
Town Type County Location Number of Crimes Committed
LutontownBedfordshire,HertfordshireOn or near Supermarket5
LutontownBedfordshire,HertfordshireOn or near Hewlett Road3
LutontownBedfordshire,HertfordshireOn or near Garden Court3
LutontownBedfordshire,HertfordshireOn or near Monton Close2
LutontownBedfordshire,HertfordshireOn or near Leathwaite Close2


The Top 5 Worst Locations for Crime in the Limbury neighbourhood in March 2019
Town Type County Location Number of Crimes Committed
LutontownBedfordshire,HertfordshireOn or near Hewlett Road4
LutontownBedfordshire,HertfordshireOn or near Supermarket3
LutontownBedfordshire,HertfordshireOn or near Hurst Way3
LutontownBedfordshire,HertfordshireOn or near Westmorland Avenue3
LutontownBedfordshire,HertfordshireOn or near Willow Way2


The Top 5 Worst Locations for Crime in the Limbury neighbourhood in February 2019
Town Type County Location Number of Crimes Committed
LutontownBedfordshire,HertfordshireOn or near Willow Way4
LutontownBedfordshire,HertfordshireOn or near Rydal Way2
LutontownBedfordshire,HertfordshireOn or near Mostyn Road2
LutontownBedfordshire,HertfordshireOn or near River Way2
LutontownBedfordshire,HertfordshireOn or near Ambleside2

Police Officer Information for Limbury

Annita Clarke Inspector
Luke Huckle PC
Jack Calow PC
Jonathan Rees PC
Zara Pryce PCSO
Robert Williams PC
Barry Smith Sergeant
Claire Daniel PCSO

Neighbourhood Priorities for Limbury



Issue dated: 01/02/2018

Action dated: 30/11/-0001


Issue dated: 01/11/2018

Action dated: 30/11/-0001

Serious youth violence

Issue dated: 01/02/2019

Action dated: 30/11/-0001

Street Crime Within Limbury

Last Update April.

Ambleside Violence and sexual offences Unable to prosecute suspect
Archway Road Criminal damage and arson Unable to prosecute suspect
Ashfield Way Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Carsdale Close Criminal damage and arson Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Dunsby Road Burglary Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Evedon Close Burglary Under investigation
Garden Court Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Garden Court Violence and sexual offences Unable to prosecute suspect
Garden Court Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Hewlett Road Anti-social behaviour
Hewlett Road Anti-social behaviour
Hewlett Road Shoplifting Under investigation
Leathwaite Close Anti-social behaviour
Leathwaite Close Anti-social behaviour
Monton Close Anti-social behaviour
Monton Close Public order Under investigation
Mostyn Road Shoplifting Under investigation
Mostyn Road Violence and sexual offences Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Mount Pleasant Road Anti-social behaviour
Petrol Station Possession of weapons Under investigation
River Way Anti-social behaviour
Sawtry Close Violence and sexual offences Unable to prosecute suspect
Stanmore Crescent Violence and sexual offences Further investigation is not in the public interest
Supermarket Other theft Under investigation
Supermarket Shoplifting Under investigation
Supermarket Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Supermarket Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Supermarket Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Swasedale Road Criminal damage and arson Unable to prosecute suspect
Willow Way Anti-social behaviour
Willow Way Violence and sexual offences Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Wistow Road Violence and sexual offences Under investigation