Crime Prevention

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Hartlepool Cleveland Police Police Local Neighbourhood

Visit Police Neighbourhood Page Contact Cleveland Police on the Non-Emergency number 101

Map of the Hartlepool Policing Area

Yellow markers represent Police Forces and the red markers represent neighbourhoods within Cleveland Police.

Zoom LevelLatitudeLongitude

Towns and Villages within the Hartlepool Neighbourhood

The Hartlepool is policed by the Cleveland Police and covers the following settlements.

Settlements located within Hartlepool
Name Type County
Dalton Piercy Village Durham
Elwick Village Durham
Greatham Village Durham
Hart Village Durham
Hartlepool Town Durham
Wynyard Village Village Durham

Worst Locations for Crime within the Hartlepool neighbourhood


The Top 5 Worst Locations for Crime in the Hartlepool neighbourhood in April 2019
Town Type County Location Number of Crimes Committed
HartlepooltownDurhamOn or near Catcote Road34
HartlepooltownDurhamOn or near St Patricks Shops21
HartlepooltownDurhamOn or near Stanley Road18
HartlepooltownDurhamOn or near Braemar Road18
HartlepooltownDurhamOn or near Victoria Road17


The Top 5 Worst Locations for Crime in the Hartlepool neighbourhood in March 2019
Town Type County Location Number of Crimes Committed
HartlepooltownDurhamOn or near Catcote Road23
HartlepooltownDurhamOn or near Marina Way20
HartlepooltownDurhamOn or near Middleton Grange Shopping Centre20
HartlepooltownDurhamOn or near St Patricks Shops19
HartlepooltownDurhamOn or near Victoria Road18


The Top 5 Worst Locations for Crime in the Hartlepool neighbourhood in February 2019
Town Type County Location Number of Crimes Committed
HartlepooltownDurhamOn or near Marina Way20
HartlepooltownDurhamOn or near Victoria Road19
HartlepooltownDurhamOn or near Milner Grove17
HartlepooltownDurhamOn or near Thornton Street16
HartlepooltownDurhamOn or near Catcote Road16

Police Officer Information for Hartlepool

Darren Bainbridge Inspector

Collar Number: p2408

Peter Young Sergeant

Collar Number: p1461

Thomas Legg Sergeant

Collar Number: p2055

Adrian Dack Sergeant

Collar Number: p1448

David Myers PC

Collar Number: p0740

Stephanie Button PC

Collar Number: p1925

Ian Raine PC

Collar Number: p2091

Anthony Williamson PC

Collar Number: p1786

John Main PC

Collar Number: p1296

Steven Rodgers PC

Collar Number: p2311

Sophie Humble PC

Collar Number: p2238

Neil Gannon PC

Collar Number: p0480

Simon Lowther PC

Collar Number: p1897

Kieth Robinson PC

Collar Number: p1144

Geoffrey Coggin PC

Collar Number: p2104

Carl Gatenby PC

Collar Number: p0298

Anthony Oliver PC

Collar Number: p0374

Steven Ridsdale PC

Collar Number: p2521

Lorene Haworth PC

Collar Number: p1966

Joanne Clark PCSO

Collar Number: c7547

Catherine Jones PCSO

Collar Number: c7979

Rebecca Hole PCSO

Collar Number: c8661

David Fowler PCSO

Collar Number: c7989

Paul Devonport PCSO

Collar Number: c8186

Kirstin Anderson PCSO

Collar Number: c7744

Steven Widdowfield PCSO

Collar Number: c7905

Peter McBride PCSO

Collar Number: c7980

Pauline Duffield PCSO

Collar Number: c8657

Geoffrey Hester PCSO

Collar Number: c7737

Yasmin Calvert PCSO

Collar Number: c8261

Andrew Douglas PCSO

Collar Number: c8075

Darrell Aspery PCSO

Collar Number: c7992

Mark Say PCSO

Collar Number: c7985

Daniel Rooker PCSO

Collar Number: c8665

Simon Thompson PCSO

Collar Number: c8071

Howard Kirk PCSO

Collar Number: c8073

Graeme Handley PCSO

Collar Number: c7751

Aidden Nicholson PCSO

Collar Number: c8664

Vanessa Hocking PCSO

Collar Number: c8662

Ian Heslop PCSO

Collar Number: c7729

Julie Dobson PCSO

Collar Number: c8105

Street Crime Within Hartlepool

Last Update April.

A179 Burglary Investigation complete; no suspect identified
A179 Burglary Investigation complete; no suspect identified
A179 Shoplifting Investigation complete; no suspect identified
A179 Shoplifting Further investigation is not in the public interest
A179 Shoplifting Investigation complete; no suspect identified
A19 Other theft Under investigation
A19 Other theft Investigation complete; no suspect identified
A19 Other theft Under investigation
A19 Other theft Investigation complete; no suspect identified
A19 Other theft Under investigation
A19 Other theft Under investigation
A19 Other theft Investigation complete; no suspect identified
A689 Other theft Investigation complete; no suspect identified
A689 Other theft Investigation complete; no suspect identified
A689 Shoplifting Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Acclom Street Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Admiral Way Violence and sexual offences Unable to prosecute suspect
Admiral Way Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Ainderby Walk Criminal damage and arson Under investigation
Allendale Street Anti-social behaviour
Allendale Street Anti-social behaviour
Allendale Street Anti-social behaviour
Allendale Street Anti-social behaviour
Allendale Street Criminal damage and arson Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Allendale Street Criminal damage and arson Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Allerton Close Anti-social behaviour
Allerton Close Other theft Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Alma Street Criminal damage and arson Unable to prosecute suspect
Alma Street Drugs Under investigation
Alma Street Other theft Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Alma Street Violence and sexual offences Unable to prosecute suspect
Amberton Road Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Amberton Road Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Amble Close Anti-social behaviour
Amble Close Anti-social behaviour
Anglesey Grove Public order Under investigation
Anglesey Grove Vehicle crime Under investigation
Anglesey Grove Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Angus Street Anti-social behaviour
Annandale Crescent Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Annandale Crescent Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Applewood Close Criminal damage and arson Under investigation
Applewood Close Public order Under investigation
Applewood Close Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Applewood Close Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Applewood Close Other crime Under investigation
Arabella Street Anti-social behaviour
Arch Court Anti-social behaviour
Arch Court Criminal damage and arson Unable to prosecute suspect
Arch Court Violence and sexual offences Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Ardrossan Road Other crime Unable to prosecute suspect
Argyll Road Burglary Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Ark Royal Close Criminal damage and arson Under investigation
Arkley Crescent Criminal damage and arson Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Arnold Grove Anti-social behaviour
Arnold Grove Shoplifting Further investigation is not in the public interest
Arnold Grove Violence and sexual offences Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Arnold Grove Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Ashburn Street Criminal damage and arson Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Ashfield Close Criminal damage and arson Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Ashgrove Avenue Anti-social behaviour
Ashgrove Avenue Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Ashley Gardens Anti-social behaviour
Ashley Gardens Anti-social behaviour
Ashley Gardens Bicycle theft Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Ashley Gardens Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Baden Street Anti-social behaviour
Baden Street Criminal damage and arson Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Baden Street Public order Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Baden Street Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Baden Street Violence and sexual offences Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Bailey Street Violence and sexual offences Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Balcary Court Drugs Under investigation
Balcary Court Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Balmoral Road Anti-social behaviour
Bamburgh Court Anti-social behaviour
Bamburgh Road Criminal damage and arson Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Barbara Mann Court Other theft Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Barton Avenue Violence and sexual offences Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Beath Grove Violence and sexual offences Unable to prosecute suspect
Beauly Grove Anti-social behaviour
Bede Grove Public order Unable to prosecute suspect
Bede Grove Public order Under investigation
Belk Street Anti-social behaviour
Belk Street Criminal damage and arson Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Belk Street Other theft Under investigation
Belk Street Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Belk Street Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Belle Vue Way Burglary Under investigation
Belle Vue Way Criminal damage and arson Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Belle Vue Way Public order Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Belle Vue Way Other theft Under investigation
Belle Vue Way Other theft Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Belle Vue Way Other theft Under investigation
Belle Vue Way Other theft Unable to prosecute suspect
Belle Vue Way Other theft Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Belle Vue Way Shoplifting Further investigation is not in the public interest
Belle Vue Way Shoplifting Further investigation is not in the public interest
Belle Vue Way Shoplifting Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Belle Vue Way Shoplifting Under investigation
Belle Vue Way Shoplifting Further investigation is not in the public interest
Belle Vue Way Vehicle crime Under investigation
Bellows Burn Lane Burglary Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Bellows Burn Lane Burglary Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Belmont Gardens Burglary Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Benmore Road Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Bennett Road Anti-social behaviour
Bentick Street Anti-social behaviour
Berwick Street Criminal damage and arson Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Berwick Street Criminal damage and arson Unable to prosecute suspect
Berwick Street Other crime Under investigation
Blake Street Anti-social behaviour
Bodmin Grove Criminal damage and arson Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Bodmin Grove Other theft Unable to prosecute suspect
Bond Street Anti-social behaviour
Borrowdale Street Anti-social behaviour
Bowness Close Public order Unable to prosecute suspect
Bowness Close Violence and sexual offences Unable to prosecute suspect
Braemar Road Anti-social behaviour
Braemar Road Anti-social behaviour
Braemar Road Anti-social behaviour
Braemar Road Anti-social behaviour
Braemar Road Anti-social behaviour
Braemar Road Anti-social behaviour
Braemar Road Anti-social behaviour
Braemar Road Anti-social behaviour
Braemar Road Anti-social behaviour
Braemar Road Anti-social behaviour
Braemar Road Anti-social behaviour
Braemar Road Anti-social behaviour
Braemar Road Anti-social behaviour
Braemar Road Criminal damage and arson Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Braemar Road Criminal damage and arson Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Braemar Road Public order Under investigation
Braemar Road Public order Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Braemar Road Violence and sexual offences Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Brafferton Street Criminal damage and arson Unable to prosecute suspect
Brecongill Close Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Brecongill Close Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Brenda Road Anti-social behaviour
Brenda Road Anti-social behaviour
Brenda Road Criminal damage and arson Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Briarfields Anti-social behaviour
Briarfields Anti-social behaviour
Briarfields Anti-social behaviour
Briarfields Anti-social behaviour
Brierton Lane Anti-social behaviour
Brierton Lane Anti-social behaviour
Brierton Lane Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Brierton Lane Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Brierton Lane Anti-social behaviour
Brierton Lane Public order Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Brierton Lane Vehicle crime Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Brierton Lane Violence and sexual offences Unable to prosecute suspect
Brierton Lane Anti-social behaviour
Brierton Lane Anti-social behaviour
Brierton Lane Anti-social behaviour
Brierton Lane Anti-social behaviour
Brooklime Close Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Brough Court Criminal damage and arson Unable to prosecute suspect
Brough Court Public order Unable to prosecute suspect
Brough Court Vehicle crime Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Brough Court Vehicle crime Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Browning Avenue Violence and sexual offences Unable to prosecute suspect
Bruce Crescent Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Bruce Crescent Other crime Under investigation
Bulmer Place Other crime Under investigation
Burn Road Burglary Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Burn Road Shoplifting Under investigation
Burn Road Shoplifting Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Burns Avenue Violence and sexual offences Unable to prosecute suspect
Caithness Road Anti-social behaviour
Caithness Road Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Caledonian Road Shoplifting Further investigation is not in the public interest
Callander Road Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Cameron Road Anti-social behaviour
Cameron Road Violence and sexual offences Unable to prosecute suspect
Cameron Road Violence and sexual offences Unable to prosecute suspect
Cameron Road Violence and sexual offences Unable to prosecute suspect
Cameron Road Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Carlisle Street Anti-social behaviour
Carlton Street Anti-social behaviour
Carlton Street Criminal damage and arson Under investigation
Carlton Street Criminal damage and arson Under investigation
Carlton Street Criminal damage and arson Under investigation
Carlton Street Criminal damage and arson Under investigation
Carlton Street Criminal damage and arson Under investigation
Carlton Street Other theft Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Caroline Street Anti-social behaviour
Caroline Street Shoplifting Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Carrick Street Public order Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Castle Howard Close Other theft Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Catcote Road Burglary Under investigation
Catcote Road Burglary Under investigation
Catcote Road Burglary Under investigation
Catcote Road Criminal damage and arson Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Catcote Road Shoplifting Further investigation is not in the public interest
Catcote Road Shoplifting Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Catcote Road Shoplifting Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Catcote Road Shoplifting Further investigation is not in the public interest
Catcote Road Shoplifting Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Catcote Road Shoplifting Further investigation is not in the public interest
Catcote Road Shoplifting Further investigation is not in the public interest
Catcote Road Shoplifting Further investigation is not in the public interest
Catcote Road Shoplifting Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Catcote Road Shoplifting Further investigation is not in the public interest
Catcote Road Shoplifting Further investigation is not in the public interest
Catcote Road Shoplifting Further investigation is not in the public interest
Catcote Road Shoplifting Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Catcote Road Shoplifting Further investigation is not in the public interest
Catcote Road Shoplifting Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Catcote Road Shoplifting Further investigation is not in the public interest
Catcote Road Shoplifting Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Catcote Road Shoplifting Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Catcote Road Shoplifting Under investigation
Catcote Road Shoplifting Under investigation
Catcote Road Shoplifting Further investigation is not in the public interest
Catcote Road Shoplifting Further investigation is not in the public interest
Catcote Road Shoplifting Further investigation is not in the public interest
Catcote Road Shoplifting Further investigation is not in the public interest
Catcote Road Shoplifting Further investigation is not in the public interest
Catcote Road Shoplifting Further investigation is not in the public interest
Catcote Road Shoplifting Further investigation is not in the public interest
Catcote Road Shoplifting Further investigation is not in the public interest
Catcote Road Shoplifting Under investigation
Catcote Road Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Catcote Road Vehicle crime Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Catcote Road Vehicle crime Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Catherine Road Anti-social behaviour
Caxton Grove Anti-social behaviour
Challoner Road Public order Unable to prosecute suspect
Challoner Road Violence and sexual offences Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Charles Street Violence and sexual offences Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Charles Street Anti-social behaviour
Charles Street Violence and sexual offences Unable to prosecute suspect
Charles Street Violence and sexual offences Unable to prosecute suspect
Charles Street Violence and sexual offences Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Charterhouse Street Burglary Under investigation
Charterhouse Street Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Charterhouse Street Violence and sexual offences Unable to prosecute suspect
Chatham Gardens Other theft Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Chatham Road Robbery Under investigation
Chatham Road Violence and sexual offences Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Chatham Road Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Chatham Road Violence and sexual offences Awaiting court outcome
Chester Road Anti-social behaviour
Chester Road Public order Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Chester Road Violence and sexual offences Unable to prosecute suspect
Chester Road Violence and sexual offences Unable to prosecute suspect
Chester Road Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Chichester Close Public order Under investigation
Christopher Street Violence and sexual offences Unable to prosecute suspect
Christopher Street Violence and sexual offences Unable to prosecute suspect
Church Street Anti-social behaviour
Church Street Anti-social behaviour
Church Street Anti-social behaviour
Church Street Anti-social behaviour
Church Street Anti-social behaviour
Church Street Anti-social behaviour
Church Street Anti-social behaviour
Church Street Burglary Under investigation
Church Street Burglary Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Church Street Criminal damage and arson Under investigation
Church Street Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Church Street Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Church Street Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Church Street Anti-social behaviour
Church Street Anti-social behaviour
Church Street Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Clarence Street Criminal damage and arson Unable to prosecute suspect
Clark Street Bicycle theft Unable to prosecute suspect
Clavering Road Robbery Under investigation
Claymore Road Anti-social behaviour
Clifford Close Vehicle crime Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Coal Lane Drugs Under investigation
Coal Lane Public order Under investigation
Cobden Street Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Cobden Street Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Cobden Street Violence and sexual offences Awaiting court outcome
Colenso Street Anti-social behaviour
Colenso Street Anti-social behaviour
Colenso Street Drugs Under investigation
Colenso Street Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Colenso Street Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Coleridge Avenue Anti-social behaviour
Coleridge Avenue Drugs Under investigation
Coleridge Avenue Violence and sexual offences Unable to prosecute suspect
Collingwood Road Anti-social behaviour
Collingwood Road Criminal damage and arson Under investigation
Collingwood Road Criminal damage and arson Under investigation
Collingwood Road Public order Unable to prosecute suspect
Colwyn Road Public order Unable to prosecute suspect
Commercial Street Criminal damage and arson Unable to prosecute suspect
Commondale Drive Violence and sexual offences Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Comrie Road Violence and sexual offences Awaiting court outcome
Coniscliffe Road Anti-social behaviour
Coniscliffe Road Criminal damage and arson Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Cornwall Street Anti-social behaviour
Cornwall Street Burglary Under investigation
Cornwall Street Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Corporation Road Violence and sexual offences Unable to prosecute suspect
Cranwell Road Other crime Unable to prosecute suspect
Cresswell Road Other theft Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Cromwell Street Other theft Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Crowland Road Anti-social behaviour
Cundall Road Anti-social behaviour
Cundall Road Vehicle crime Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Dallas Road Public order Under investigation
Dalry Grove Violence and sexual offences Unable to prosecute suspect
Dalry Grove Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Dalry Grove Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Dalry Grove Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Danby Grove Anti-social behaviour
Darvel Road Other crime Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Darvel Road Drugs Under investigation
Darvel Road Violence and sexual offences Awaiting court outcome
Darvel Road Violence and sexual offences Unable to prosecute suspect
Darwin Grove Anti-social behaviour
Darwin Grove Other theft Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Davison Drive Anti-social behaviour
Davison Drive Bicycle theft Under investigation
Davison Drive Bicycle theft Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Davison Drive Public order Under investigation
Davison Drive Violence and sexual offences Unable to prosecute suspect
Davison Drive Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Davison Drive Violence and sexual offences Unable to prosecute suspect
Dawlish Drive Criminal damage and arson Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Deacon Gardens Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Dean Fall Close Anti-social behaviour
Dean Fall Close Anti-social behaviour
Dean Fall Close Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Dean Fall Close Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Dean Fall Close Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Dean Fall Close Violence and sexual offences Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Dean Fall Close Violence and sexual offences Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Deerpool Close Violence and sexual offences Unable to prosecute suspect
Deerpool Close Violence and sexual offences Unable to prosecute suspect
Dent Street Burglary Awaiting court outcome
Dent Street Criminal damage and arson Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Dent Street Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Derby Street Burglary Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Derby Street Violence and sexual offences Unable to prosecute suspect
Derwent Street Drugs Under investigation
Derwent Street Violence and sexual offences Unable to prosecute suspect
Derwent Street Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Devon Street Burglary Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Devon Street Criminal damage and arson Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Devon Street Other theft Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Devon Street Violence and sexual offences Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Dewberry Close Violence and sexual offences Unable to prosecute suspect
Dickens Grove Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Dickens Street Criminal damage and arson Unable to prosecute suspect
Dorset Street Burglary Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Dorset Street Criminal damage and arson Under investigation
Dorset Street Criminal damage and arson Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Dover Street Public order Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Downham Grove Anti-social behaviour
Dowson Road Burglary Under investigation
Dowson Road Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Dowson Road Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Drayton Road Drugs Under investigation
Drayton Road Public order Unable to prosecute suspect
Duke Street Criminal damage and arson Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Duke Street Public order Under investigation
Duke Street Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Duke Street Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Duke Street Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Duke Street Other crime Under investigation
Dumfries Road Burglary Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Dumfries Road Burglary Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Duncan Road Anti-social behaviour
Duncan Road Burglary Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Duncan Road Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Duncan Road Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Duncan Road Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Duncan Road Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Dunlin Road Other crime Awaiting court outcome
Dunoon Road Criminal damage and arson Unable to prosecute suspect
Durness Grove Burglary Awaiting court outcome
Durness Grove Burglary Under investigation
Eaglesfield Road Anti-social behaviour
Eaglesfield Road Anti-social behaviour
Eaglesfield Road Violence and sexual offences Unable to prosecute suspect
Eamont Gardens Violence and sexual offences Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Earl Street Other theft Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Earlsferry Road Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Eden Street Shoplifting Further investigation is not in the public interest
Ednam Grove Anti-social behaviour
Ednam Grove Criminal damage and arson Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Elcho Street Anti-social behaviour
Elcho Street Other theft Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Elcho Street Public order Unable to prosecute suspect
Elcho Street Shoplifting Further investigation is not in the public interest
Elcho Street Shoplifting Further investigation is not in the public interest
Elcho Street Other crime Awaiting court outcome
Elgin Road Violence and sexual offences Unable to prosecute suspect
Elizabeth Way Anti-social behaviour
Elizabeth Way Other theft Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Elliott Street Anti-social behaviour
Elliott Street Anti-social behaviour
Elliott Street Burglary Under investigation
Elliott Street Other theft Further investigation is not in the public interest
Ellison Street Drugs Under investigation
Eltringham Road Anti-social behaviour
Elwick Road Anti-social behaviour
Elwick Road Anti-social behaviour
Elwick Road Anti-social behaviour
Elwick Road Anti-social behaviour
Elwick Road Bicycle theft Under investigation
Elwick Road Anti-social behaviour
Elwick Road Criminal damage and arson Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Elwick Road Public order Unable to prosecute suspect
Elwick Road Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Emerson Court Criminal damage and arson Under investigation
Emerson Court Criminal damage and arson Under investigation
Emerson Court Public order Unable to prosecute suspect
Emerson Court Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Endeavour Close Vehicle crime Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Errol Street Anti-social behaviour
Errol Street Anti-social behaviour
Errol Street Burglary Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Errol Street Vehicle crime Under investigation
Errol Street Violence and sexual offences Unable to prosecute suspect
Eton Street Anti-social behaviour
Eton Street Burglary Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Eton Street Other theft Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Everett Street Burglary Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Everett Street Other theft Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Everett Street Other crime Unable to prosecute suspect
Evergreen Close Violence and sexual offences Unable to prosecute suspect
Falkirk Road Burglary Unable to prosecute suspect
Falkirk Road Drugs Under investigation
Falmouth Grove Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Fareham Close Drugs Under investigation
Fareham Close Other crime Under investigation
Fareham Close Other crime Under investigation
Farndale Road Anti-social behaviour
Farnell Grove Anti-social behaviour
Farnell Grove Criminal damage and arson Under investigation
Fastnet Grove Criminal damage and arson Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Felixstowe Close Anti-social behaviour
Felixstowe Close Public order Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Fenton Road Anti-social behaviour
Fenton Road Anti-social behaviour
Findlay Grove Vehicle crime Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Flaxton Street Public order Under investigation
Flaxton Street Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Fordyce Road Violence and sexual offences Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Forester Close Anti-social behaviour
Forester Close Criminal damage and arson Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Fraser Grove Public order Unable to prosecute suspect
Fraser Grove Public order Under investigation
Fraser Grove Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Friendship Lane Vehicle crime Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Front Street Other theft Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Front Street Violence and sexual offences Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Furness Street Anti-social behaviour
Gala Close Vehicle crime Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Gala Close Vehicle crime Under investigation
Galsworthy Road Anti-social behaviour
Galsworthy Road Anti-social behaviour
Galsworthy Road Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Galsworthy Road Violence and sexual offences Awaiting court outcome
Garside Drive Other theft Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Garston Grove Burglary Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Gatesgarth Close Vehicle crime Unable to prosecute suspect
Gilberti Place Anti-social behaviour
Gilberti Place Anti-social behaviour
Gilberti Place Anti-social behaviour
Gilberti Place Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Gilberti Place Violence and sexual offences Unable to prosecute suspect
Gladstone Street Public order Under investigation
Glamis Walk Drugs Under investigation
Glamorgan Grove Criminal damage and arson Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Glentower Grove Anti-social behaviour
Gloucester Street Anti-social behaviour
Gloucester Street Burglary Under investigation
Gloucester Street Public order Court case unable to proceed
Goldcrest Close Anti-social behaviour
Goldcrest Close Vehicle crime Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Graham Street Anti-social behaviour
Grainger Street Burglary Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Grainger Street Violence and sexual offences Unable to prosecute suspect
Grange Road Anti-social behaviour
Grasmere Street Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Greatham Street Other theft Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Green Terrace Anti-social behaviour
Greenock Road Anti-social behaviour
Greenock Road Public order Under investigation
Greenock Road Public order Under investigation
Greenshank Close Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Groom Terrace Vehicle crime Awaiting court outcome
Grosmont Road Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Hamilton Road Criminal damage and arson Unable to prosecute suspect
Hamilton Road Criminal damage and arson Awaiting court outcome
Hamilton Road Violence and sexual offences Unable to prosecute suspect
Harcourt Street Anti-social behaviour
Harcourt Street Burglary Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Harrow Street Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Harrow Street Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Hart Lane Burglary Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Hart Lane Burglary Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Hart Lane Other theft Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Hartoft Square Criminal damage and arson Unable to prosecute suspect
Hartoft Square Other theft Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Hartoft Square Public order Unable to prosecute suspect
Hartside Gardens Anti-social behaviour
Harvester Close Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Hastings Place Other theft Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Hastings Place Shoplifting Further investigation is not in the public interest
Hawkridge Street Shoplifting Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Hayfield Close Vehicle crime Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Hazel Grove Anti-social behaviour
Hazel Grove Burglary Under investigation
Hazel Grove Other theft Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Hazel Grove Public order Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Hazel Grove Other crime Under investigation
Heathfield Drive Anti-social behaviour
Heathfield Drive Anti-social behaviour
Heathfield Drive Burglary Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Heathfield Drive Drugs Formal action is not in the public interest
Heathfield Drive Other theft Unable to prosecute suspect
Heathfield Drive Shoplifting Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Heathfield Drive Shoplifting Further investigation is not in the public interest
Heathfield Drive Shoplifting Further investigation is not in the public interest
Heathfield Drive Shoplifting Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Heathfield Drive Violence and sexual offences Unable to prosecute suspect
Heathfield Drive Violence and sexual offences Unable to prosecute suspect
Heathfield Drive Violence and sexual offences Unable to prosecute suspect
Heathfield Drive Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Heathfield Drive Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Helmsley Street Criminal damage and arson Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Helmsley Street Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Henry Smith'S Terrace Other theft Offender given community sentence
Heortnesse Road Violence and sexual offences Unable to prosecute suspect
Heortnesse Road Other crime Unable to prosecute suspect
Hindpool Close Vehicle crime Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Hirdman Grove Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Hirdman Grove Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Holland Road Vehicle crime Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Holland Road Criminal damage and arson Unable to prosecute suspect
Homer Grove Violence and sexual offences Unable to prosecute suspect
Homer Grove Violence and sexual offences Unable to prosecute suspect
Hood Close Anti-social behaviour
Hood Close Anti-social behaviour
Hood Close Criminal damage and arson Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Hood Close Criminal damage and arson Unable to prosecute suspect
Hood Close Other theft Unable to prosecute suspect
Hood Close Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Hood Close Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Hospital Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Houghton Street Anti-social behaviour
Howard Street Other theft Under investigation
Howden Road Other crime Unable to prosecute suspect
Hunter Street Anti-social behaviour
Hurworth Street Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Hurworth Street Other crime Unable to prosecute suspect
Hutton Street Anti-social behaviour
Iber Grove Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Ilkley Grove Burglary Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Ilkley Grove Other theft Under investigation
Inchcape Road Other theft Under investigation
Ingham Grove Other theft Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Ingleby Road Anti-social behaviour
Intrepid Close Vehicle crime Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Intrepid Close Vehicle crime Under investigation
Inverness Road Violence and sexual offences Unable to prosecute suspect
Irvine Road Anti-social behaviour
Irvine Road Public order Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Irvine Road Public order Under investigation
Irvine Road Violence and sexual offences Further investigation is not in the public interest
Irvine Road Violence and sexual offences Further investigation is not in the public interest
Irvine Road Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Ivanhoe Crescent Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Ivy Grove Anti-social behaviour
Ivy Grove Anti-social behaviour
Ivy Grove Criminal damage and arson Unable to prosecute suspect
Ivy Grove Criminal damage and arson Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Ivy Grove Public order Unable to prosecute suspect
Ivy Grove Violence and sexual offences Unable to prosecute suspect
Ivy Grove Other crime Unable to prosecute suspect
Jackson Street Anti-social behaviour
Jackson Street Burglary Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Jackson Street Violence and sexual offences Unable to prosecute suspect
James Street Anti-social behaviour
James Street Anti-social behaviour
James Street Anti-social behaviour
James Street Burglary Investigation complete; no suspect identified
James Street Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Jersey Street Anti-social behaviour
Jersey Street Burglary Under investigation
Jesmond Gardens Anti-social behaviour
Jesmond Gardens Burglary Under investigation
Jesmond Gardens Criminal damage and arson Under investigation
Jesmond Gardens Shoplifting Under investigation
Jobson Street Burglary Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Johnson Street Other theft Under investigation
Jones Road Bicycle theft Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Jones Road Vehicle crime Under investigation
Jutland Road Police Station Anti-social behaviour
Kendal Road Vehicle crime Under investigation
Kent Avenue Burglary Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Kesteven Road Anti-social behaviour
Keswick Street Anti-social behaviour
Keswick Street Anti-social behaviour
Kimberley Street Violence and sexual offences Unable to prosecute suspect
Kimberley Street Violence and sexual offences Unable to prosecute suspect
Kinbrace Road Anti-social behaviour
Kinbrace Road Anti-social behaviour
Kinbrace Road Anti-social behaviour
King Oswy Drive Anti-social behaviour
King Oswy Drive Anti-social behaviour
King Oswy Drive Anti-social behaviour
King Oswy Shops Anti-social behaviour
King Oswy Shops Criminal damage and arson Under investigation
King Oswy Shops Shoplifting Investigation complete; no suspect identified
King Street Shoplifting Further investigation is not in the public interest
Kingfisher Close Criminal damage and arson Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Kipling Road Anti-social behaviour
Kipling Road Drugs Offender given a drugs possession warning
Kipling Road Violence and sexual offences Unable to prosecute suspect
Laburnum Street Shoplifting Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Laburnum Street Shoplifting Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Laburnum Street Shoplifting Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Laburnum Street Shoplifting Under investigation
Laburnum Street Shoplifting Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Laburnum Street Shoplifting Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Lacey Grove Criminal damage and arson Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Ladysmith Street Burglary Under investigation
Ladysmith Street Criminal damage and arson Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Lamberd Road Criminal damage and arson Unable to prosecute suspect
Lamont Grove Criminal damage and arson Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Lamont Grove Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Lanark Road Criminal damage and arson Unable to prosecute suspect
Lancaster Road Anti-social behaviour
Lansbury Grove Burglary Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Lansbury Grove Criminal damage and arson Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Lansdowne Road Anti-social behaviour
Lansdowne Road Anti-social behaviour
Lansdowne Road Criminal damage and arson Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Leyburn Street Other crime Under investigation
Lime Crescent Anti-social behaviour
Lime Crescent Vehicle crime Under investigation
Lime Crescent Violence and sexual offences Unable to prosecute suspect
Lincoln Road Violence and sexual offences Unable to prosecute suspect
Linden Grove Anti-social behaviour
Lindisfarne Close Burglary Under investigation
Lindisfarne Close Criminal damage and arson Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Lizard Grove Anti-social behaviour
Lizard Grove Burglary Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Lizard Grove Drugs Under investigation
Lizard Grove Public order Unable to prosecute suspect
Lizard Grove Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Lowdale Lane Drugs Awaiting court outcome
Loyalty Close Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Loyalty Road Drugs Formal action is not in the public interest
Loyalty Road Vehicle crime Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Lucan Street Anti-social behaviour
Lucan Street Other theft Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Lumley Square Other theft Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Mainsforth Terrace Anti-social behaviour
Malcom Road Anti-social behaviour
Malcom Road Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Malcom Road Violence and sexual offences Unable to prosecute suspect
Malcom Road Violence and sexual offences Unable to prosecute suspect
Malcom Road Violence and sexual offences Unable to prosecute suspect
Malcom Road Violence and sexual offences Unable to prosecute suspect
Malcom Road Violence and sexual offences Unable to prosecute suspect
Manor Field Anti-social behaviour
Mardale Avenue Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Marina Way Anti-social behaviour
Marina Way Anti-social behaviour
Marina Way Anti-social behaviour
Marina Way Anti-social behaviour
Marina Way Anti-social behaviour
Marina Way Bicycle theft Unable to prosecute suspect
Marina Way Bicycle theft Under investigation
Marina Way Public order Under investigation
Marina Way Shoplifting Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Marina Way Shoplifting Further investigation is not in the public interest
Marina Way Shoplifting Further investigation is not in the public interest
Marina Way Shoplifting Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Marina Way Shoplifting Under investigation
Marina Way Shoplifting Further investigation is not in the public interest
Marlborough Street Anti-social behaviour
Marlowe Road Violence and sexual offences Unable to prosecute suspect
Marshall Close Vehicle crime Unable to prosecute suspect
Marske Street Anti-social behaviour
Marton Street Violence and sexual offences Unable to prosecute suspect
Masefield Road Anti-social behaviour
Maxwell Road Anti-social behaviour
Meadowgate Drive Criminal damage and arson Under investigation
Meadowsweet Road Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Mellanby Lane Anti-social behaviour
Melrose Street Drugs Under investigation
Melrose Street Shoplifting Further investigation is not in the public interest
Melrose Street Violence and sexual offences Unable to prosecute suspect
Melrose Street Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Melrose Street Violence and sexual offences Unable to prosecute suspect
Middleton Grange Shopping Centre Anti-social behaviour
Middleton Grange Shopping Centre Anti-social behaviour
Middleton Grange Shopping Centre Anti-social behaviour
Middleton Grange Shopping Centre Criminal damage and arson Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Middleton Grange Shopping Centre Criminal damage and arson Under investigation
Middleton Grange Shopping Centre Public order Unable to prosecute suspect
Middleton Grange Shopping Centre Shoplifting Further investigation is not in the public interest
Middleton Grange Shopping Centre Shoplifting Under investigation
Middleton Grange Shopping Centre Shoplifting Further investigation is not in the public interest
Middleton Grange Shopping Centre Shoplifting Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Middleton Grange Shopping Centre Violence and sexual offences Unable to prosecute suspect
Middleton Grange Shopping Centre Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Middleton Road Anti-social behaviour
Middleton Road Burglary Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Middleton Road Vehicle crime Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Middleton Road Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Miers Avenue Anti-social behaviour
Miers Avenue Public order Unable to prosecute suspect
Miers Avenue Anti-social behaviour
Milbank Close Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Milbank Close Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Milbank Close Other crime Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Milbank Road Anti-social behaviour
Milbank Road Criminal damage and arson Under investigation
Milbank Road Criminal damage and arson Under investigation
Milbank Road Criminal damage and arson Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Milbank Road Vehicle crime Under investigation
Millpool Close Anti-social behaviour
Milner Grove Anti-social behaviour
Milner Grove Public order Unable to prosecute suspect
Milner Grove Shoplifting Further investigation is not in the public interest
Milner Grove Shoplifting Further investigation is not in the public interest
Milner Grove Shoplifting Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Milner Grove Shoplifting Further investigation is not in the public interest
Milner Grove Shoplifting Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Milton Road Anti-social behaviour
Minch Road Violence and sexual offences Further investigation is not in the public interest
Mitchell Street Anti-social behaviour
Mitchell Street Anti-social behaviour
Moffat Road Criminal damage and arson Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Moffat Road Public order Unable to prosecute suspect
Moffat Road Public order Unable to prosecute suspect
Monach Road Violence and sexual offences Formal action is not in the public interest
Monkton Road Violence and sexual offences Unable to prosecute suspect
Mountbatten Close Burglary Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Mowbray Road Anti-social behaviour
Muir Grove Anti-social behaviour
Muir Grove Anti-social behaviour
Muir Grove Criminal damage and arson Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Muir Grove Criminal damage and arson Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Muirfield Close Violence and sexual offences Unable to prosecute suspect
Munro Grove Vehicle crime Under investigation
Munro Grove Violence and sexual offences Unable to prosecute suspect
Murray Street Burglary Under investigation
Murray Street Criminal damage and arson Further investigation is not in the public interest
Murray Street Public order Awaiting court outcome
Murray Street Criminal damage and arson Unable to prosecute suspect
Murray Street Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Nash Grove Anti-social behaviour
Nash Grove Criminal damage and arson Under investigation
Nash Grove Other theft Under investigation
Navigation Point Other theft Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Nesham Road Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Nesham Road Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Newark Road Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Newholm Court Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Norfolk Close Violence and sexual offences Unable to prosecute suspect
North Drive Other theft Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Northgate Other crime Under investigation
Northumberland Grove Burglary Unable to prosecute suspect
Northumberland Grove Public order Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Northumberland Grove Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Northwold Close Anti-social behaviour
Oakland Avenue Criminal damage and arson Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Oakland Avenue Criminal damage and arson Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Oakland Avenue Criminal damage and arson Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Oakland Avenue Other theft Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Old Cemetery Road Anti-social behaviour
Osborne Road Anti-social behaviour
Osborne Road Anti-social behaviour
Osborne Road Anti-social behaviour
Osborne Road Criminal damage and arson Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Osborne Road Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Osborne Road Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Owton Manor Lane Anti-social behaviour
Owton Manor Lane Anti-social behaviour
Owton Manor Lane Criminal damage and arson Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Owton Manor Lane Drugs Under investigation
Owton Manor Lane Drugs Under investigation
Owton Manor Lane Violence and sexual offences Unable to prosecute suspect
Owton Manor Lane Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Owton Manor Lane Shops Vehicle crime Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Owton Manor Lane Shops Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Oxford Road Criminal damage and arson Unable to prosecute suspect
Oxford Road Anti-social behaviour
Oxford Road Anti-social behaviour
Oxford Road Anti-social behaviour
Oxford Road Public order Under investigation
Oxford Road Public order Unable to prosecute suspect
Oxford Road Robbery Under investigation
Oxford Street Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Park Avenue Anti-social behaviour
Park Avenue Anti-social behaviour
Park Mews Burglary Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Park/Open Space Anti-social behaviour
Park/Open Space Anti-social behaviour
Park/Open Space Anti-social behaviour
Park/Open Space Anti-social behaviour
Park/Open Space Anti-social behaviour
Park/Open Space Anti-social behaviour
Park/Open Space Criminal damage and arson Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Parking Area Anti-social behaviour
Parking Area Anti-social behaviour
Parking Area Anti-social behaviour
Parking Area Anti-social behaviour
Parking Area Anti-social behaviour
Parking Area Anti-social behaviour
Parking Area Anti-social behaviour
Parking Area Anti-social behaviour
Parking Area Anti-social behaviour
Parking Area Anti-social behaviour
Parking Area Anti-social behaviour
Parking Area Anti-social behaviour
Parking Area Anti-social behaviour
Parking Area Anti-social behaviour
Parking Area Burglary Unable to prosecute suspect
Parking Area Criminal damage and arson Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Parking Area Criminal damage and arson Under investigation
Parking Area Public order Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Parking Area Public order Under investigation
Parking Area Shoplifting Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Parking Area Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Parking Area Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Parking Area Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Parking Area Other crime Under investigation
Parking Area Anti-social behaviour
Parking Area Bicycle theft Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Parking Area Burglary Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Parking Area Burglary Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Parking Area Public order Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Parking Area Anti-social behaviour
Parking Area Anti-social behaviour
Parking Area Burglary Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Parking Area Burglary Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Parking Area Burglary Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Parking Area Other theft Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Parking Area Public order Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Parking Area Violence and sexual offences Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Parking Area Public order Under investigation
Parking Area Anti-social behaviour
Parking Area Anti-social behaviour
Parking Area Anti-social behaviour
Parking Area Anti-social behaviour
Parking Area Drugs Under investigation
Parking Area Other theft Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Parking Area Other theft Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Parking Area Anti-social behaviour
Parkview Road West Public order Unable to prosecute suspect
Patterdale Street Violence and sexual offences Unable to prosecute suspect
Peebles Avenue Anti-social behaviour
Peebles Avenue Other theft Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Penrhyn Street Anti-social behaviour
Penrhyn Street Anti-social behaviour
Pert Road Anti-social behaviour
Perth Street Violence and sexual offences Unable to prosecute suspect
Perth Street Other crime Unable to prosecute suspect
Petrol Station Shoplifting Under investigation
Petrol Station Shoplifting Further investigation is not in the public interest
Petrol Station Vehicle crime Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Petrol Station Burglary Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Petrol Station Shoplifting Under investigation
Petrol Station Shoplifting Further investigation is not in the public interest
Petrol Station Shoplifting Further investigation is not in the public interest
Petrol Station Shoplifting Further investigation is not in the public interest
Petrol Station Shoplifting Further investigation is not in the public interest
Petrol Station Shoplifting Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Petrol Station Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Petrol Station Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Petrol Station Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Petrol Station Violence and sexual offences Unable to prosecute suspect
Petrol Station Other crime Awaiting court outcome
Pilgrim Street Anti-social behaviour
Pinero Grove Anti-social behaviour
Plymouth Grove Violence and sexual offences Unable to prosecute suspect
Police Station Burglary Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Police Station Violence and sexual offences Unable to prosecute suspect
Police Station Anti-social behaviour
Police Station Drugs Under investigation
Police Station Robbery Under investigation
Police Station Theft from the person Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Police Station Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Police Station Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Police Station Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Police Station Drugs Offender given a caution
Police Station Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Police Station Criminal damage and arson Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Police Station Public order Unable to prosecute suspect
Police Station Public order Under investigation
Poole Gardens Criminal damage and arson Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Pope Grove Anti-social behaviour
Pope Grove Public order Under investigation
Pope Grove Public order Under investigation
Portland Grove Criminal damage and arson Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Pounder Place Anti-social behaviour
Powell Street Violence and sexual offences Unable to prosecute suspect
Prospect Way Anti-social behaviour
Queen Street Criminal damage and arson Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Queen Street Criminal damage and arson Under investigation
Queen Street Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Queen Street Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Queen Street Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Queensberry Avenue Burglary Under investigation
Raby Road Anti-social behaviour
Raby Road Anti-social behaviour
Raby Road Vehicle crime Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Raby Road Violence and sexual offences Unable to prosecute suspect
Raby Road Burglary Under investigation
Raby Road Public order Unable to prosecute suspect
Raby Road Anti-social behaviour
Raby Road Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Raby Road Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Retford Grove Vehicle crime Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Richmond Street Burglary Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Richmond Street Other crime Unable to prosecute suspect
Rium Terrace Public order Under investigation
Riverston Close Criminal damage and arson Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Rogeri Place Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Rogeri Place Violence and sexual offences Unable to prosecute suspect
Rogeri Place Violence and sexual offences Unable to prosecute suspect
Romaine Park Public order Under investigation
Romaine Park Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Romanby Close Anti-social behaviour
Rosebery Road Other theft Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Rosebery Road Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Rossall Street Criminal damage and arson Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Rossall Street Criminal damage and arson Awaiting court outcome
Rossmere Way Shoplifting Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Rossmere Way Vehicle crime Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Rossmere Way Anti-social behaviour
Rossmere Way Anti-social behaviour
Rossmere Way Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Rugby Street Anti-social behaviour
Rugby Street Other theft Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Rydal Street Anti-social behaviour
Rydal Street Anti-social behaviour
Rydal Street Anti-social behaviour
Rydal Street Anti-social behaviour
Rydal Street Anti-social behaviour
Rydal Street Burglary Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Rydal Street Robbery Under investigation
Rydal Street Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Saltaire Terrace Burglary Under investigation
Scarborough Street Anti-social behaviour
Sea View Terrace Burglary Under investigation
Seaton Lane Burglary Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Serpentine Road Anti-social behaviour
Shakespeare Avenue Anti-social behaviour
Shakespeare Avenue Anti-social behaviour
Shakespeare Avenue Criminal damage and arson Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Shakespeare Avenue Possession of weapons Unable to prosecute suspect
Sharp Crescent Criminal damage and arson Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Sheerness Grove Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Shelley Grove Violence and sexual offences Unable to prosecute suspect
Sheriff Street Public order Under investigation
Shields Terrace Violence and sexual offences Unable to prosecute suspect
Shopping Area Anti-social behaviour
Shopping Area Anti-social behaviour
Shopping Area Anti-social behaviour
Shopping Area Anti-social behaviour
Shopping Area Shoplifting Further investigation is not in the public interest
Shopping Area Shoplifting Further investigation is not in the public interest
Shopping Area Shoplifting Further investigation is not in the public interest
Shopping Area Shoplifting Further investigation is not in the public interest
Shopping Area Shoplifting Offender given community sentence
Shopping Area Shoplifting Further investigation is not in the public interest
Shopping Area Shoplifting Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Shopping Area Shoplifting Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Shopping Area Shoplifting Further investigation is not in the public interest
Shopping Area Shoplifting Further investigation is not in the public interest
Shopping Area Shoplifting Further investigation is not in the public interest
Shopping Area Shoplifting Further investigation is not in the public interest
Shopping Area Violence and sexual offences Unable to prosecute suspect
Shrewsbury Street Violence and sexual offences Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Silver Street Anti-social behaviour
Sinclair Road Public order Under investigation
Sinclair Road Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Sinclair Road Violence and sexual offences Unable to prosecute suspect
Skelton Street Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Skelton Street Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Skelton Street Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Skelton Street Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Skelton Street Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Somersby Close Anti-social behaviour
Somersby Close Anti-social behaviour
Somersby Close Anti-social behaviour
Somersby Close Public order Under investigation
Somersby Close Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Somersby Close Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
South Drive Other theft Investigation complete; no suspect identified
South Drive Other theft Investigation complete; no suspect identified
South Parade Anti-social behaviour
South Road Anti-social behaviour
South Road Anti-social behaviour
South Road Anti-social behaviour
South Road Criminal damage and arson Investigation complete; no suspect identified
South Road Criminal damage and arson Investigation complete; no suspect identified
South View Criminal damage and arson Under investigation
Southburn Terrace Drugs Under investigation
Southburn Terrace Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Southgate Anti-social behaviour
Speeding Drive Public order Under investigation
Sports/Recreation Area Anti-social behaviour
Sports/Recreation Area Violence and sexual offences Unable to prosecute suspect
Sports/Recreation Area Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Sports/Recreation Area Anti-social behaviour
Sports/Recreation Area Other theft Under investigation
Sports/Recreation Area Possession of weapons Awaiting court outcome
Sports/Recreation Area Public order Awaiting court outcome
Sports/Recreation Area Shoplifting Unable to prosecute suspect
Sports/Recreation Area Shoplifting Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Sports/Recreation Area Shoplifting Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Sports/Recreation Area Shoplifting Further investigation is not in the public interest
Sports/Recreation Area Shoplifting Awaiting court outcome
Sports/Recreation Area Shoplifting Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Sports/Recreation Area Shoplifting Offender given conditional discharge
Sports/Recreation Area Shoplifting Further investigation is not in the public interest
Sports/Recreation Area Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Sports/Recreation Area Anti-social behaviour
Sports/Recreation Area Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Sports/Recreation Area Vehicle crime Under investigation
Sports/Recreation Area Burglary Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Sports/Recreation Area Criminal damage and arson Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Sports/Recreation Area Other theft Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Sports/Recreation Area Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Sports/Recreation Area Violence and sexual offences Investigation complete; no suspect identified
St Helen'S Street Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
St Helen'S Street Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
St Helen'S Street Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
St Helen'S Street Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
St Joan'S Grove Anti-social behaviour
St Joan'S Grove Anti-social behaviour
St Oswald'S Street Anti-social behaviour
St Patricks Shops Anti-social behaviour
St Patricks Shops Anti-social behaviour
St Patricks Shops Shoplifting Investigation complete; no suspect identified
St Patricks Shops Shoplifting Under investigation
St Patricks Shops Shoplifting Investigation complete; no suspect identified
St Patricks Shops Shoplifting Under investigation
St Patricks Shops Shoplifting Further investigation is not in the public interest
St Patricks Shops Shoplifting Under investigation
St Patricks Shops Shoplifting Investigation complete; no suspect identified
St Patricks Shops Shoplifting Investigation complete; no suspect identified
St Patricks Shops Shoplifting Further investigation is not in the public interest
St Patricks Shops Shoplifting Investigation complete; no suspect identified
St Patricks Shops Shoplifting Investigation complete; no suspect identified
St Patricks Shops Shoplifting Further investigation is not in the public interest
St Patricks Shops Shoplifting Further investigation is not in the public interest
St Patricks Shops Shoplifting Further investigation is not in the public interest
St Patricks Shops Shoplifting Investigation complete; no suspect identified
St Patricks Shops Shoplifting Further investigation is not in the public interest
St Patricks Shops Shoplifting Further investigation is not in the public interest
St Patricks Shops Shoplifting Further investigation is not in the public interest
St Patricks Shops Shoplifting Investigation complete; no suspect identified
St Paul'S Road Violence and sexual offences Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Staindrop Street Other theft Under investigation
Stanley Road Anti-social behaviour
Stanley Road Anti-social behaviour
Stanley Road Anti-social behaviour
Stanley Road Shoplifting Further investigation is not in the public interest
Stanley Road Shoplifting Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Stanley Road Shoplifting Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Stanley Road Shoplifting Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Stanley Road Shoplifting Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Stanley Road Shoplifting Under investigation
Stanley Road Shoplifting Further investigation is not in the public interest
Stanley Road Shoplifting Awaiting court outcome
Stanley Road Shoplifting Further investigation is not in the public interest
Stanley Road Shoplifting Under investigation
Stanley Road Shoplifting Further investigation is not in the public interest
Stanley Road Shoplifting Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Stanley Road Shoplifting Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Stanley Road Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Stanley Road Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Stanmore Grove Anti-social behaviour
Stanmore Grove Anti-social behaviour
Stanmore Grove Violence and sexual offences Unable to prosecute suspect
Station Approach Bicycle theft Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Station Approach Shoplifting Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Station Avenue Criminal damage and arson Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Station Lane Anti-social behaviour
Station Lane Anti-social behaviour
Station Lane Anti-social behaviour
Stephen Street Other theft Under investigation
Stephen Street Violence and sexual offences Unable to prosecute suspect
Stirling Street Anti-social behaviour
Stockton Road Anti-social behaviour
Stockton Road Anti-social behaviour
Stockton Road Burglary Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Stockton Road Criminal damage and arson Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Stockton Road Other theft Under investigation
Stockton Road Vehicle crime Under investigation
Stockton Road Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Stockton Road Other theft Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Stockton Road Drugs Offender given a caution
Stockton Street Burglary Under investigation
Stonethwaite Close Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Stonethwaite Close Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Stotfold Street Burglary Under investigation
Stotfold Street Criminal damage and arson Under investigation
Stotfold Street Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Stotfold Street Violence and sexual offences Unable to prosecute suspect
Stowmarket Close Anti-social behaviour
Stowmarket Close Criminal damage and arson Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Stratford Road Other theft Under investigation
Stratford Road Violence and sexual offences Unable to prosecute suspect
Stratford Road Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Studley Road Anti-social behaviour
Studley Road Burglary Under investigation
Studley Road Public order Further investigation is not in the public interest
Studley Road Shoplifting Further investigation is not in the public interest
Studley Road Shoplifting Further investigation is not in the public interest
Studley Road Shoplifting Further investigation is not in the public interest
Suffolk Close Anti-social behaviour
Suffolk Close Anti-social behaviour
Suffolk Close Anti-social behaviour
Suffolk Close Criminal damage and arson Unable to prosecute suspect
Suffolk Close Violence and sexual offences Awaiting court outcome
Suggitt Street Anti-social behaviour
Suggitt Street Criminal damage and arson Unable to prosecute suspect
Supermarket Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Supermarket Shoplifting Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Supermarket Anti-social behaviour
Supermarket Other theft Further investigation is not in the public interest
Supermarket Other theft Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Supermarket Other theft Under investigation
Supermarket Shoplifting Further investigation is not in the public interest
Supermarket Shoplifting Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Supermarket Shoplifting Offender sent to prison
Supermarket Shoplifting Further investigation is not in the public interest
Supermarket Shoplifting Further investigation is not in the public interest
Supermarket Anti-social behaviour
Supermarket Shoplifting Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Supermarket Shoplifting Further investigation is not in the public interest
Supermarket Other theft Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Supermarket Public order Under investigation
Supermarket Shoplifting Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Supermarket Shoplifting Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Supermarket Shoplifting Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Supermarket Shoplifting Further investigation is not in the public interest
Supermarket Shoplifting Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Supermarket Shoplifting Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Supermarket Shoplifting Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Supermarket Shoplifting Further investigation is not in the public interest
Supermarket Shoplifting Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Supermarket Shoplifting Further investigation is not in the public interest
Supermarket Shoplifting Further investigation is not in the public interest
Supermarket Shoplifting Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Supermarket Shoplifting Under investigation
Supermarket Shoplifting Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Supermarket Vehicle crime Under investigation
Supermarket Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Supermarket Anti-social behaviour
Supermarket Shoplifting Awaiting court outcome
Supermarket Shoplifting Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Supermarket Shoplifting Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Supermarket Shoplifting Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Supermarket Shoplifting Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Supermarket Shoplifting Further investigation is not in the public interest
Supermarket Shoplifting Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Supermarket Shoplifting Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Supermarket Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Supermarket Anti-social behaviour
Supermarket Criminal damage and arson Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Supermarket Criminal damage and arson Under investigation
Supermarket Shoplifting Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Supermarket Shoplifting Further investigation is not in the public interest
Supermarket Shoplifting Under investigation
Supermarket Shoplifting Further investigation is not in the public interest
Supermarket Vehicle crime Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Supermarket Vehicle crime Unable to prosecute suspect
Supermarket Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Supermarket Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Supermarket Violence and sexual offences Unable to prosecute suspect
Supermarket Violence and sexual offences Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Supermarket Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Supermarket Other crime Unable to prosecute suspect
Surgery Lane Vehicle crime Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Sydenham Road Anti-social behaviour
Sydenham Road Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Tanfield Road Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Tankerville Street Burglary Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Tankerville Street Criminal damage and arson Unable to prosecute suspect
Tankerville Street Criminal damage and arson Under investigation
Tankerville Street Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Tarnston Road Anti-social behaviour
Tarnston Road Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Taunton Grove Anti-social behaviour
Taunton Grove Possession of weapons Under investigation
Taybrooke Avenue Criminal damage and arson Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Taybrooke Avenue Public order Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Taybrooke Avenue Violence and sexual offences Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Tees Street Anti-social behaviour
Tees Street Public order Under investigation
Tees Street Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Teesdale Avenue Other theft Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Teesdale Avenue Violence and sexual offences Unable to prosecute suspect
Telford Close Other theft Under investigation
Thackeray Road Anti-social behaviour
Thackeray Road Anti-social behaviour
Thackeray Road Anti-social behaviour
Thackeray Road Anti-social behaviour
Thackeray Road Anti-social behaviour
Thackeray Road Anti-social behaviour
Thackeray Road Criminal damage and arson Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Thackeray Road Criminal damage and arson Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Thackeray Road Criminal damage and arson Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Thackeray Road Criminal damage and arson Under investigation
Thackeray Road Criminal damage and arson Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Thackeray Road Criminal damage and arson Under investigation
Thackeray Road Criminal damage and arson Investigation complete; no suspect identified
The Ashes Anti-social behaviour
The Front Anti-social behaviour
The Front Burglary Investigation complete; no suspect identified
The Front Other theft Investigation complete; no suspect identified
The Front Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
The Grove Criminal damage and arson Unable to prosecute suspect
The Headland Police Station Robbery Under investigation
The Lawns Anti-social behaviour
The Maltings Anti-social behaviour
The Meadow Public order Unable to prosecute suspect
The Vale Robbery Under investigation
Thomlinson Road Other theft Further investigation is not in the public interest
Thornton Street Anti-social behaviour
Thornton Street Anti-social behaviour
Thornton Street Anti-social behaviour
Thornton Street Anti-social behaviour
Thornton Street Anti-social behaviour
Thornton Street Anti-social behaviour
Thornton Street Anti-social behaviour
Thornton Street Criminal damage and arson Under investigation
Thornton Street Public order Unable to prosecute suspect
Thornton Street Shoplifting Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Thornton Street Shoplifting Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Thornton Street Violence and sexual offences Unable to prosecute suspect
Thornton Street Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Thornton Street Violence and sexual offences Unable to prosecute suspect
Thornton Street Anti-social behaviour
Thornton Street Anti-social behaviour
Thornton Street Anti-social behaviour
Thornton Street Anti-social behaviour
Thornton Street Anti-social behaviour
Thornton Street Anti-social behaviour
Thornton Street Anti-social behaviour
Thornville Road Anti-social behaviour
Thornville Road Criminal damage and arson Under investigation
Thornville Road Burglary Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Thornville Road Other theft Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Thornville Road Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Throston Close Public order Under investigation
Tiverton Grove Anti-social behaviour
Tiverton Grove Anti-social behaviour
Tiverton Grove Anti-social behaviour
Tiverton Grove Anti-social behaviour
Tommy Mcguigan Grove Anti-social behaviour
Tommy Mcguigan Grove Vehicle crime Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Topcliffe Street Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Tower Street Anti-social behaviour
Tower Street Drugs Further investigation is not in the public interest
Town Wall Anti-social behaviour
Travellers Gate Anti-social behaviour
Tristram Avenue Anti-social behaviour
Truro Drive Other theft Unable to prosecute suspect
Tuson Walk Criminal damage and arson Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Tynebrooke Avenue Vehicle crime Under investigation
Uppingham Street Burglary Under investigation
Uppingham Street Other theft Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Upton Walk Anti-social behaviour
Usworth Road Anti-social behaviour
Usworth Road Other theft Under investigation
Usworth Road Shoplifting Further investigation is not in the public interest
Usworth Road Shoplifting Further investigation is not in the public interest
Ventnor Avenue Anti-social behaviour
Ventnor Avenue Other crime Unable to prosecute suspect
Victoria Park Drugs Under investigation
Victoria Road Anti-social behaviour
Victoria Road Anti-social behaviour
Victoria Road Anti-social behaviour
Victoria Road Anti-social behaviour
Victoria Road Anti-social behaviour
Victoria Road Anti-social behaviour
Victoria Road Anti-social behaviour
Victoria Road Anti-social behaviour
Victoria Road Drugs Awaiting court outcome
Victoria Road Other theft Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Victoria Road Vehicle crime Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Victoria Road Violence and sexual offences Unable to prosecute suspect
Victoria Road Violence and sexual offences Unable to prosecute suspect
Victoria Road Violence and sexual offences Awaiting court outcome
Victoria Road Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Victoria Road Violence and sexual offences Unable to prosecute suspect
Victoria Road Violence and sexual offences Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Victoria Street Anti-social behaviour
Victoria Street Anti-social behaviour
Vincent Street Anti-social behaviour
Vincent Street Anti-social behaviour
Vollum Rise Shoplifting Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Wainfleet Road Anti-social behaviour
Wainwright Close Violence and sexual offences Unable to prosecute suspect
Wainwright Close Violence and sexual offences Unable to prosecute suspect
Waldon Street Anti-social behaviour
Waldon Street Anti-social behaviour
Waldon Street Anti-social behaviour
Waldon Street Burglary Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Waldon Street Criminal damage and arson Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Waldon Street Criminal damage and arson Under investigation
Waldon Street Criminal damage and arson Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Waldon Street Criminal damage and arson Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Waldon Street Criminal damage and arson Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Waldon Street Criminal damage and arson Under investigation
Waldon Street Violence and sexual offences Unable to prosecute suspect
Wansbeck Gardens Criminal damage and arson Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Warren Close Other theft Under investigation
Warren Road Anti-social behaviour
Warren Road Criminal damage and arson Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Warren Road Burglary Under investigation
Warren Road Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Warren Street Vehicle crime Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Wasdale Close Anti-social behaviour
Wasdale Close Anti-social behaviour
Wells Street Anti-social behaviour
Wensleydale Street Other theft Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Wensleydale Street Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Wensleydale Street Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Wentworth Grove Anti-social behaviour
Wentworth Grove Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
West View Road Burglary Investigation complete; no suspect identified
West View Road Violence and sexual offences Unable to prosecute suspect
West View Road Violence and sexual offences Awaiting court outcome
West View Road Anti-social behaviour
West View Road Anti-social behaviour
West View Road Anti-social behaviour
West View Road Bicycle theft Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Westmoreland Street Criminal damage and arson Unable to prosecute suspect
Wharton Street Anti-social behaviour
Wharton Street Anti-social behaviour
Wharton Street Anti-social behaviour
Wharton Street Anti-social behaviour
Wharton Street Burglary Under investigation
Wharton Street Other theft Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Wharton Street Violence and sexual offences Unable to prosecute suspect
Wharton Terrace Anti-social behaviour
Wharton Terrace Anti-social behaviour
Wharton Terrace Criminal damage and arson Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Wharton Terrace Public order Unable to prosecute suspect
Wharton Terrace Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Wharton Terrace Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Wharton Terrace Violence and sexual offences Unable to prosecute suspect
Whin Meadows Criminal damage and arson Under investigation
Whin Meadows Drugs Under investigation
Whin Meadows Violence and sexual offences Unable to prosecute suspect
Whin Meadows Violence and sexual offences Unable to prosecute suspect
Whin Meadows Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Whin Meadows Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Whitburn Street Anti-social behaviour
Whitby Street Anti-social behaviour
Whitby Street Criminal damage and arson Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Whitby Street Public order Unable to prosecute suspect
Whitby Walk Criminal damage and arson Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Whitby Walk Drugs Under investigation
Whitby Walk Possession of weapons Awaiting court outcome
Whitfield Drive Other theft Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Whitrout Road Violence and sexual offences Offender given a caution
Whitrout Road Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
William Street Anti-social behaviour
Willow Grove Theft from the person Under investigation
Willow Grove Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Wilson Street Anti-social behaviour
Wilson Street Criminal damage and arson Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Wilson Street Other theft Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Wilson Street Other theft Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Windermere Road Anti-social behaviour
Windermere Road Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Windermere Road Violence and sexual offences Awaiting court outcome
Windsor Street Shoplifting Under investigation
Wingfield Drive Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Winston Court Criminal damage and arson Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Winter Close Anti-social behaviour
Winter Close Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Winter Close Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Winter Close Violence and sexual offences Unable to prosecute suspect
Winter Close Other crime Unable to prosecute suspect
Winterbottom Avenue Shoplifting Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Winterbottom Avenue Violence and sexual offences Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Winthorpe Grove Criminal damage and arson Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Wisbech Close Criminal damage and arson Unable to prosecute suspect
Woburn Grove Other theft Under investigation
Wolviston Road Public order Unable to prosecute suspect
Wooler Road Burglary Under investigation
Wooler Road Violence and sexual offences Unable to prosecute suspect
Wynyard Mews Anti-social behaviour
Wynyard Mews Burglary Under investigation
Wynyard Mews Drugs Under investigation
Wynyard Mews Vehicle crime Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Wynyard Road Anti-social behaviour
Wynyard Road Anti-social behaviour
Wynyard Road Anti-social behaviour
Wynyard Road Anti-social behaviour
Wynyard Road Anti-social behaviour
Wynyard Road Anti-social behaviour
Wynyard Road Anti-social behaviour
Wynyard Road Anti-social behaviour
Wynyard Road Criminal damage and arson Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Yarmouth Close Anti-social behaviour
York Road Burglary Investigation complete; no suspect identified
York Road Anti-social behaviour
York Road Anti-social behaviour
York Road Anti-social behaviour
York Road Anti-social behaviour
York Road Anti-social behaviour
York Road Anti-social behaviour
York Road Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
York Road Violence and sexual offences Unable to prosecute suspect
York Road Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
York Road Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
York Road Violence and sexual offences Investigation complete; no suspect identified
York Road Violence and sexual offences Unable to prosecute suspect
York Road Police Station Anti-social behaviour
York Road Police Station Other crime Under investigation
Young Street Anti-social behaviour
Young Street Other theft Under investigation
Zetland Road Public order Unable to prosecute suspect