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South Normanton and Pinxton Derbyshire Constabulary Police Local Neighbourhood

This Safer Neighbourhood area covers South Normanton and Pinxton. It belongs to the Amber Valley Local Policing Unit.
South Normanton and Pinxton are small market villages within the Bolsover District Council area, approximately ten miles south of Chesterfield Town Centre.
Both areas are adjacent to the main A38 Derby/Mansfield link road and Junction 28 of the M1 Motorway. The areas were predominantly mining villages and are still highly populated with ex-mining communities.

Visit Police Neighbourhood Page 101

Map of the South Normanton and Pinxton Policing Area

Yellow markers represent Police Forces and the red markers represent neighbourhoods within Derbyshire Constabulary.

Zoom LevelLatitudeLongitude

Towns and Villages within the South Normanton and Pinxton Neighbourhood

The South Normanton and Pinxton is policed by the Derbyshire Constabulary and covers the following settlements.

Settlements located within South Normanton and Pinxton
Name Type County
Pinxton Village Derbyshire,Nottinghamshire
Selston Village Derbyshire,Nottinghamshire
Somercotes Settlement Derbyshire
South Normanton Village Derbyshire

Worst Locations for Crime within the South Normanton and Pinxton neighbourhood


The Top 5 Worst Locations for Crime in the South Normanton and Pinxton neighbourhood in April 2019
Town Type County Location Number of Crimes Committed
South NormantonvillageDerbyshireOn or near Church Street3
South NormantonvillageDerbyshireOn or near Eastfield Drive3
South NormantonvillageDerbyshireOn or near Market Street3


The Top 5 Worst Locations for Crime in the South Normanton and Pinxton neighbourhood in March 2019
Town Type County Location Number of Crimes Committed
South NormantonvillageDerbyshireOn or near Alfred Street13
South NormantonvillageDerbyshireOn or near Parking Area6
PinxtonvillageDerbyshire,NottinghamshireOn or near Supermarket6
South NormantonvillageDerbyshireOn or near High Street4


The Top 5 Worst Locations for Crime in the South Normanton and Pinxton neighbourhood in February 2019
Town Type County Location Number of Crimes Committed
South NormantonvillageDerbyshireOn or near Maple Close6
South NormantonvillageDerbyshireOn or near Petrol Station4
PinxtonvillageDerbyshire,NottinghamshireOn or near Ash Close4
South NormantonvillageDerbyshireOn or near West Street3

Police Officer Information for South Normanton and Pinxton

Lucy Naughton PCSO
Dan Bird PC
Thomas Smedley PCSO
Louise Richards PCSO
Neil Milner Sergeant

I am Sergeant 2959 Neil Milner and I am responsible for this Safer Neighbourhood policing team.

I have worked for Derbyshire Constabulary since 2004 in frontline roles as a response officer, until I was promoted to the role of Sergeant in 2009. My service began in Chesterfield, where I worked for two years before moving to the Amber Valley in 2006. I was promoted to Sergeant and moved to Ilkeston but returned to the Amber Valley in 2012, and became a Safer Neighbourhood team Sergeant in August 2015.

I am committed to providing a high quality service to the public by ensuring my teams are visible, approachable and work alongside partner agencies to target problems affecting the local community. My priorities are to reduce anti-social behaviour and crime.

Neighbourhood Priorities for South Normanton and Pinxton


Speeding vehicles and parking problems in South Normanton and Pinxton

# Patrols increased in the problem area.

# Tickets issued when necessary

# Speed checks conducted in affected areas

Issue dated: 17/11/2011

Action dated: 17/11/2011

Anti-social behaviour around the skate park, on South Street, South Normanton

# High visibility police patrols to be carried out in the area.
# Alcohol seized from underage drinkers and letters sent home to parents of children found to be causing anti-social behaviour.
# Appropriate action to be taken against anyone found to be behaving in an anti-social manner or causing a nuisance.

Issue dated: 14/03/2017

Action dated: 14/03/2017

Nuisance motorbikes riding off-road on public footpaths around Sporton Lane and Ford Bridge Lane, South Normanton

# Regular patrols carried out at places where nuisance off road bikes are being used.
# Residents encouraged to contact police to report any incidents or relevant information.
# Advised motorbike riders in the area.
# Issued Section 59 warnings where appropriate and seized bikes if necessary.
# Worked closely with partnership agencies to take a joint approach to these concerns.

Issue dated: 23/04/2014

Action dated: 23/04/2014

Anti-social behaviour on Glebe Avenue and the surrounding area

# Increased police patrols to the area to speak to and advise youngsters.
# Seized any alcohol from underage drinkers.
# Anti-social behaviour warning letters delivered to the parents of any youngsters found to be causing a nuisance.

Issue dated: 22/08/2016

Action dated: 22/08/2016

Damage to vehicles on Birchwood Lane, South Normanton, and in the surrounding area.

# Increased police patrols.
# Encouraged and continue to ask residents to report incidents, anyone acting suspiciously or information around this issue.
# Gathered information around any key times for incidents or individuals involved in damage.
# Offered advice to residents about vehicle security.
# Appropriate action taken against any offenders.

Issue dated: 14/01/2014

Action dated: 14/01/2014

Speeding vehicles throughout the South Normanton and Pinxton area

# Worked with local residents to raise awareness of traffic speeds.
# Monitored traffic with the speed radar gun and carry out checks.
# Identified streets which are most affected by the issue.
# Enforcement carried out where appropriate.

Issue dated: 23/04/2014

Action dated: 23/04/2014

Irresponsible and dangerous parking on Market Street, South Normanton, Park Lane, Pinxton, and Wharf Road, Pinxton

# Increased police patrols were carried out.
# Officers advised motorists about parking issues and encouraged them to drive and park responsibly.
# The team worked alongside council civil parking enforcement officers to enforce safe, legal and responsible parking.

Issue dated: 09/09/2014

Action dated: 09/09/2014

Target and prevent thefts from vehicles across the area

# Patrols and operations to target and prevent thefts from vehicles.
# Crime prevention events and activities to take place to raise awareness.
# Officers to carry out patrols to identify vehicles which are insecure, or with valuables on show, and to make owners aware.
# Appropriate action to be taken where necessary against any offenders.

Issue dated: 14/03/2018

Action dated: 14/03/2018

Parking issues on Sough Road, Erica Drive and Greenacres Drive, South Normanton

# The team carried out increased police patrols in the area and encouraged drivers to park safely and responsibly.
# Officers advised motorists about parking issues.
# The Safer Neighbourhood team worked alongside council civil parking enforcement officers to enforce safe, legal and responsible parking.

Issue dated: 10/02/2016

Action dated: 10/02/2016

Speeding motorists on Ball Hill and Alfreton Road, South Normanton

# Increased patrols to speak to motorists about the importance of sticking to the law on the roads and safe and considerate driving.

# Speed checks carried out on local roads and warnings or fines issued to anyone breaking the limit.

Issue dated: 22/08/2016

Action dated: 22/08/2016

Inconsiderate parking around Pinxton Kirkstead Junior School

#The South Normanton and Pinxton Safer Neighbourhood Team have visited local schools at pick-up and drop-off times and monitored problem parking in the area.

# Officers have advised motorists about the importance of considerate parking to allow children and their parents to cross the road safely.

Issue dated: 22/06/2015

Action dated: 22/06/2015

Anti-social behaviour on Town Street, Pinxton

# Increase patrols in the area to speak to and advise youngsters.
# Move on youngsters and encourage them to take part in alternative activities.
# Anti-social behaviour warning letters to be delivered to the parents of youngsters found to be persistently causing a nuisance.

Issue dated: 14/03/2018

Action dated: 14/03/2018

Street Crime Within South Normanton and Pinxton

Last Update April.

Alfred Street Anti-social behaviour
Alfred Street Anti-social behaviour
Alfred Street Anti-social behaviour
Alfreton Road Drugs Under investigation
Alfreton Road Other theft Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Alfreton Road Burglary Under investigation
Alfreton Road Public order Under investigation
Alfreton Road Other theft Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Ash Close Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Barley Croft Vehicle crime Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Beech Avenue Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Birchen Holme Anti-social behaviour
Birchwood Close Vehicle crime Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Birchwood Lane Anti-social behaviour
Birchwood Lane Anti-social behaviour
Brookhill Avenue Anti-social behaviour
Buntingbank Close Drugs Under investigation
Buntingbank Close Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Carter Lane East Anti-social behaviour
Central Avenue Criminal damage and arson Under investigation
Church Street Anti-social behaviour
Church Street Anti-social behaviour
Church Street Drugs Under investigation
Eastfield Drive Anti-social behaviour
Eastfield Drive Anti-social behaviour
Eastfield Drive Possession of weapons Under investigation
Elm Close Anti-social behaviour
Elm Close Public order Under investigation
Elmhurst Avenue Possession of weapons Under investigation
Elmhurst Avenue Violence and sexual offences Awaiting court outcome
Garden Crescent Burglary Under investigation
Garden Crescent Criminal damage and arson Under investigation
George Street Vehicle crime Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Grange Close Other theft Under investigation
Guildhall Drive Anti-social behaviour
Guildhall Drive Anti-social behaviour
Hamlet Lane Anti-social behaviour
Hawthorne Road Anti-social behaviour
Hawthornes Avenue Anti-social behaviour
Hawthornes Avenue Burglary Under investigation
High Street Burglary Unable to prosecute suspect
High Street Violence and sexual offences Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Kennack Close Anti-social behaviour
Leamington Drive Anti-social behaviour
Leamington Drive Anti-social behaviour
Lilac Grove Burglary Under investigation
Little Breck Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Maisies Way Anti-social behaviour
Maisies Way Criminal damage and arson Under investigation
Maisies Way Other theft Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Maisies Way Shoplifting Awaiting court outcome
Maisies Way Shoplifting Under investigation
Maisies Way Shoplifting Awaiting court outcome
Maisies Way Shoplifting Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Maisies Way Shoplifting Under investigation
Maisies Way Shoplifting Awaiting court outcome
Maisies Way Shoplifting Awaiting court outcome
Maisies Way Shoplifting Awaiting court outcome
Maisies Way Shoplifting Under investigation
Maisies Way Shoplifting Under investigation
Maisies Way Shoplifting Under investigation
Maisies Way Shoplifting Under investigation
Maisies Way Shoplifting Under investigation
Maisies Way Shoplifting Under investigation
Maisies Way Shoplifting Under investigation
Maisies Way Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Maisies Way Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Mansfield Road Anti-social behaviour
Market Close Anti-social behaviour
Market Close Public order Unable to prosecute suspect
Market Street Anti-social behaviour
Market Street Anti-social behaviour
Market Street Criminal damage and arson Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Mill Lane Anti-social behaviour
Newlyn Drive Criminal damage and arson Unable to prosecute suspect
Newlyn Drive Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Parkhouse Drive Burglary Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Parking Area Anti-social behaviour
Parking Area Anti-social behaviour
Parking Area Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Parking Area Anti-social behaviour
Parking Area Shoplifting Under investigation
Parking Area Anti-social behaviour
Parking Area Criminal damage and arson Under investigation
Petrol Station Anti-social behaviour
Petrol Station Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Pool Close Anti-social behaviour
Pool Close Anti-social behaviour
Pool Close Public order Awaiting court outcome
Queen Street Burglary Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Queen Street Other theft Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Rosewood Close Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Sedgwick Close Anti-social behaviour
Sedgwick Close Anti-social behaviour
Sedgwick Close Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Sedgwick Close Violence and sexual offences Awaiting court outcome
Slade Close Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Sleights Lane Criminal damage and arson Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Sleights Lane Public order Under investigation
Sleights Lane Vehicle crime Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Sough Road Anti-social behaviour
South Street Anti-social behaviour
South Street Anti-social behaviour
Sporton Close Anti-social behaviour
Sporton Lane Anti-social behaviour
Sporton Lane Anti-social behaviour
Station Road Burglary Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Supermarket Shoplifting Under investigation
Supermarket Shoplifting Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Talbot Street Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
The Chine Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
The Common Drugs Under investigation
The Croft Anti-social behaviour
The Grange Other theft Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Victoria Street Criminal damage and arson Local resolution
Victoria Street Violence and sexual offences Local resolution
West End Criminal damage and arson Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Widmerpool Street Criminal damage and arson Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Woodfield Road Violence and sexual offences Investigation complete; no suspect identified