Crime Prevention

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Melcombe Regis Safer Neighbourhood Team Dorset Police Police Local Neighbourhood

The Melcombe Regis Safer Neighbourhood Team neighbourhood is situated within the town of Weymouth and is policed by the Dorset Police.

Weymouth & Portland is recognised as one of the most attractive areas in the country, and received international recognition by hosting the Olympic and Paralympic sailing events in the summer of 2012. The Weymouth & Portland Sailing Academy is the country’s premier sailing venue.

The area has been a traditional summer holiday resort since King George III came to Weymouth in 1789 and the large white horse carved into the hills on the edge of Weymouth remind residents and tourists of this.

The area has much to offer residents and visitors alike, being part of the Jurassic Coast, the scenery attracts visitors back time and time again, many staying in the towns popular hotels or at one of the campsites situated in the Borough.

Dorset Police in Weymouth operate from the building at Radipole Lane, near to the football ground, with Patrol and Safer Neighborhood Teams working together with other Agencies to make the area even safer than it already is.

Crime and Anti Social Behaviour has been falling over a number of years and with diminishing resources available, the challenge will be to continue this downward trend.

The key priority of the team at Weymouth and Portland is to find long term solutions to problems of Anti Social Behaviour and the aim of the team is to improve the quality of people’s lives within our community.

Officers follow a victim focused approach which is designed to support the needs of the victim putting them at the heart of everything that we do. Alongside this officers are proactive in targeting offenders .

We will be working with all our partners to enhance the Town Centre, in order to improve the quality of its family orientated facilities

Inspector Les Fry

Weymouth & Portland Neighbourhood Inspector

Visit Police Neighbourhood Page

Map of the Melcombe Regis Safer Neighbourhood Team Policing Area

Yellow markers represent Police Forces and the red markers represent neighbourhoods within Dorset Police.

Zoom LevelLatitudeLongitude

Towns and Villages within the Melcombe Regis Safer Neighbourhood Team Neighbourhood

Settlements located within Melcombe Regis Safer Neighbourhood Team
Name Type County
Weymouth Town Dorset

Worst Locations for Crime within the Melcombe Regis Safer Neighbourhood Team neighbourhood


The Top 5 Worst Locations for Crime in the Melcombe Regis Safer Neighbourhood Team neighbourhood in April 2019
Town Type County Location Number of Crimes Committed
WeymouthtownDorsetOn or near New Street17
WeymouthtownDorsetOn or near Nightclub13
WeymouthtownDorsetOn or near Nightclub11
WeymouthtownDorsetOn or near Great George Street9
WeymouthtownDorsetOn or near Victoria Street9


The Top 5 Worst Locations for Crime in the Melcombe Regis Safer Neighbourhood Team neighbourhood in March 2019
Town Type County Location Number of Crimes Committed
WeymouthtownDorsetOn or near Great George Street11
WeymouthtownDorsetOn or near St Thomas Street10
WeymouthtownDorsetOn or near Queen Street9
WeymouthtownDorsetOn or near Nightclub8
WeymouthtownDorsetOn or near New Street7


The Top 5 Worst Locations for Crime in the Melcombe Regis Safer Neighbourhood Team neighbourhood in February 2019
Town Type County Location Number of Crimes Committed
WeymouthtownDorsetOn or near Gloucester Mews11
WeymouthtownDorsetOn or near Great George Street11
WeymouthtownDorsetOn or near St Thomas Street10
WeymouthtownDorsetOn or near Nightclub10
WeymouthtownDorsetOn or near Supermarket9

Neighbourhood Events for Melcombe Regis Safer Neighbourhood Team

Meet your local officers


Please visit our Force website at for full information on forthcoming events we will be attending

Start: 31/01/2014 00:00

End: 01/01/2020 00:00

Police Officer Information for Melcombe Regis Safer Neighbourhood Team

Andy Jenkins PS

My role is Safer Neighbourhood Sergeant. I manage a team of PCs, PCSOs, special constables and volunteers in tackling issues that have an impact on the community as a whole. A typical day for me involves the looking after, directing and guiding those individuals I have in my charge.

It is important that I am aware of any incidents that occur on my patch, so that I can brief my team on what might be expected of them.

Mark Benwell PCSO

I am a Police Community Support Officer (PCSO) and work as part of my local Safer Neighbourhood Team. It is extremely important that I am out and about in the community, talking to people about local issues.

PCSOs work to increase public confidence by reducing not only crime but also the fear of crime. We aim to deter anti-social behaviour and improve the physical appearance of towns and villages as well as to provide reassurance to the community. We are also a main point of contact between members of the public and the police.

Tony Johnson PCSO

I am a Police Community Support Officer (PCSO) and work as part of my local Safer Neighbourhood Team. It is extremely important that I am out and about in the community, talking to people about local issues.

PCSOs work to increase public confidence by reducing not only crime but also the fear of crime. We aim to deter anti-social behaviour and improve the physical appearance of towns and villages as well as to provide reassurance to the community. We are also a main point of contact between members of the public and the police.

Dave Hill PCSO

I am a Police Community Support Officer (PCSO) and work as part of my local Safer Neighbourhood Team. It is extremely important that I am out and about in the community, talking to people about local issues.

PCSOs work to increase public confidence by reducing not only crime but also the fear of crime. We aim to deter anti-social behaviour and improve the physical appearance of towns and villages as well as to provide reassurance to the community. We are also a main point of contact between members of the public and the police.

Neighbourhood Priorities for Melcombe Regis Safer Neighbourhood Team


Dorset is one of the safest counties in the UK in which to live. Dorset Police is one of the highest performing Police Services in the United Kingdom. We are totally committed to working to make our county an even safer and better place in which to live, but we can't do it on our own. Throughout history policing has been most effective when the community and the police work together, helping each other to reduce crime and the fear of crime.

We have set our operational priorities which have been based on today's risks and from our communities have told us are areas of concern. Each year these priorities are reviewed and throughout the year leaders work to ensure the force is focussed on them.

This year's operational priorities are to:

•Reduce serious violent crime.

•Reduce the crimes most affecting local communities.

•Protect vulnerable people and communities.

•Tackle serious and organised criminals.

•Counter terrorism and domestic extremism.

•Reduce road casualties.

•Bring offenders to justice.

•Secure the trust and confidence of people in Dorset in their Police Force and the wider criminal justice system.

•Be prepared for major incidents and events

Each Safer Neighbourhood Team will have their own local priority which are set by the community and regularly updated. Your local priorities can be found by visiting our web site at and entering your postcode into the "My Area" section.

Issue dated: 16/09/2009

Action dated: 16/09/2009

Street Crime Within Melcombe Regis Safer Neighbourhood Team

Last Update April.

Albert Street Anti-social behaviour
Albert Street Anti-social behaviour
Albert Street Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Albert Street Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Astrid Way Bicycle theft Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Avenue Road Violence and sexual offences Unable to prosecute suspect
Belle Vue Anti-social behaviour
Belle Vue Violence and sexual offences Unable to prosecute suspect
Bus/Coach Station Criminal damage and arson Under investigation
Bus/Coach Station Criminal damage and arson Under investigation
Bus/Coach Station Criminal damage and arson Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Bus/Coach Station Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Carlton Road North Anti-social behaviour
Carlton Road South Anti-social behaviour
Caroline Place Anti-social behaviour
Caroline Place Anti-social behaviour
Caroline Place Bicycle theft Under investigation
College Lane Burglary Under investigation
Derby Street Anti-social behaviour
Derby Street Drugs Offender given a caution
Derby Street Robbery Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Derby Street Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Derby Street Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Derby Street Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Dorchester Road Public order Under investigation
Esplanade Anti-social behaviour
Esplanade Anti-social behaviour
Glendinning Avenue Anti-social behaviour
Glendinning Avenue Anti-social behaviour
Glendinning Avenue Anti-social behaviour
Glendinning Avenue Anti-social behaviour
Glendinning Avenue Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Gloucester Mews Anti-social behaviour
Gloucester Mews Anti-social behaviour
Gloucester Mews Violence and sexual offences Unable to prosecute suspect
Gloucester Street Public order Unable to prosecute suspect
Gloucester Street Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Grange Road Anti-social behaviour
Great George Street Anti-social behaviour
Great George Street Anti-social behaviour
Great George Street Anti-social behaviour
Great George Street Anti-social behaviour
Great George Street Anti-social behaviour
Great George Street Anti-social behaviour
Great George Street Violence and sexual offences Unable to prosecute suspect
Great George Street Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Great George Street Other crime Under investigation
Greenhill Anti-social behaviour
Helen Lane Anti-social behaviour
Helen Lane Anti-social behaviour
Helen Lane Anti-social behaviour
Helen Lane Anti-social behaviour
Helen Lane Anti-social behaviour
Hospital Violence and sexual offences Unable to prosecute suspect
Jubilee Close Anti-social behaviour
King Street Anti-social behaviour
King Street Anti-social behaviour
King Street Public order Unable to prosecute suspect
Kirtleton Avenue Violence and sexual offences Unable to prosecute suspect
Lennox Street Criminal damage and arson Under investigation
Lower St Edmund Street Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Maiden Street Anti-social behaviour
Maiden Street Anti-social behaviour
Maiden Street Anti-social behaviour
Maiden Street Anti-social behaviour
Maiden Street Robbery Under investigation
Maiden Street Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Maiden Street Violence and sexual offences Unable to prosecute suspect
Market Street Other theft Under investigation
Market Street Violence and sexual offences Unable to prosecute suspect
Melcombe Place Shoplifting Awaiting court outcome
Musgrave Place Anti-social behaviour
Musgrave Place Anti-social behaviour
Musgrave Place Anti-social behaviour
New Street Anti-social behaviour
New Street Anti-social behaviour
New Street Criminal damage and arson Awaiting court outcome
New Street Other theft Under investigation
New Street Public order Awaiting court outcome
New Street Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
New Street Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
New Street Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
New Street Violence and sexual offences Offender given a caution
New Street Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
New Street Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
New Street Violence and sexual offences Offender given a caution
New Street Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
New Street Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
New Street Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
New Street Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
New Street Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Nightclub Anti-social behaviour
Nightclub Anti-social behaviour
Nightclub Anti-social behaviour
Nightclub Anti-social behaviour
Nightclub Anti-social behaviour
Nightclub Anti-social behaviour
Nightclub Criminal damage and arson Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Nightclub Drugs Offender given a caution
Nightclub Other theft Under investigation
Nightclub Other theft Under investigation
Nightclub Public order Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Nightclub Shoplifting Under investigation
Nightclub Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Nightclub Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Nightclub Violence and sexual offences Unable to prosecute suspect
Nightclub Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Nightclub Violence and sexual offences Unable to prosecute suspect
Nightclub Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Nightclub Violence and sexual offences Unable to prosecute suspect
Nightclub Violence and sexual offences Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Nightclub Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Nightclub Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Nightclub Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Nightclub Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Nightclub Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Nightclub Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Nightclub Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Parking Area Anti-social behaviour
Parking Area Anti-social behaviour
Parking Area Anti-social behaviour
Parking Area Bicycle theft Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Parking Area Criminal damage and arson Under investigation
Parking Area Other theft Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Parking Area Public order Unable to prosecute suspect
Parking Area Public order Under investigation
Parking Area Shoplifting Under investigation
Parking Area Shoplifting Under investigation
Parking Area Theft from the person Under investigation
Parking Area Theft from the person Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Pedestrian Subway Anti-social behaviour
Pedestrian Subway Anti-social behaviour
Pedestrian Subway Anti-social behaviour
Pedestrian Subway Anti-social behaviour
Pedestrian Subway Anti-social behaviour
Pedestrian Subway Burglary Under investigation
Pedestrian Subway Other theft Under investigation
Pedestrian Subway Violence and sexual offences Unable to prosecute suspect
Penny Street Anti-social behaviour
Penny Street Drugs Under investigation
Quebec Place Anti-social behaviour
Quebec Place Other theft Under investigation
Quebec Place Other theft Under investigation
Queen Street Anti-social behaviour
Queen Street Anti-social behaviour
Radipole Park Drive Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Radipole Park Drive Violence and sexual offences Unable to prosecute suspect
Ranelagh Road Anti-social behaviour
Ranelagh Road Criminal damage and arson Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Ranelagh Road Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Ricketts Close Anti-social behaviour
Shopping Area Other theft Under investigation
Shopping Area Shoplifting Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Shopping Area Shoplifting Under investigation
Shopping Area Shoplifting Under investigation
Shopping Area Shoplifting Under investigation
Shopping Area Shoplifting Under investigation
Shopping Area Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Shopping Area Violence and sexual offences Unable to prosecute suspect
Shopping Area Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
South Parade Anti-social behaviour
St Alban Street Anti-social behaviour
St Alban Street Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
St Alban Street Other crime Under investigation
St Edmund Street Anti-social behaviour
St Edmund Street Bicycle theft Under investigation
St Edmund Street Other theft Under investigation
St Mary Street Violence and sexual offences Investigation complete; no suspect identified
St Nicholas Street Anti-social behaviour
St Thomas Street Anti-social behaviour
St Thomas Street Anti-social behaviour
St Thomas Street Drugs Awaiting court outcome
St Thomas Street Other theft Investigation complete; no suspect identified
St Thomas Street Other theft Investigation complete; no suspect identified
St Thomas Street Theft from the person Under investigation
St Thomas Street Violence and sexual offences Unable to prosecute suspect
Supermarket Drugs Awaiting court outcome
Supermarket Other theft Under investigation
Supermarket Public order Unable to prosecute suspect
Supermarket Public order Under investigation
Supermarket Public order Under investigation
Supermarket Shoplifting Unable to prosecute suspect
Supermarket Shoplifting Under investigation
Supermarket Shoplifting Under investigation
Supermarket Violence and sexual offences Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Supermarket Violence and sexual offences Offender given a caution
Supermarket Violence and sexual offences Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Turton Street Criminal damage and arson Under investigation
Turton Street Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Turton Street Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Upway Street Drugs Under investigation
Upway Street Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Upway Street Violence and sexual offences Awaiting court outcome
Victoria Street Anti-social behaviour
Victoria Street Anti-social behaviour
Victoria Street Anti-social behaviour
Victoria Street Criminal damage and arson Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Victoria Street Criminal damage and arson Under investigation
Victoria Street Public order Unable to prosecute suspect
Victoria Street Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Victoria Street Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Victoria Street Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
West Street Robbery Under investigation
Westham Road Anti-social behaviour
Westham Road Anti-social behaviour
Westham Road Criminal damage and arson Offender given a caution
Westham Road Public order Unable to prosecute suspect
William Street Anti-social behaviour
William Street Violence and sexual offences Unable to prosecute suspect