Yellow markers represent Police Forces and the red markers represent neighbourhoods within Greater Manchester Police.
Zoom Level | Latitude | Longitude |
6 | 53.521968 | -2.164306 |
The Ince is policed by the Greater Manchester Police and covers the following settlements.
Name | Type | County |
Ince-in-Makerfield | Town | Greater Manchester |
Wigan | Town | Greater Manchester |
Town | Type | County | Location | Number of Crimes Committed |
Wigan | town | Greater Manchester | On or near Warrington Lane | 11 |
Ince-in-Makerfield | town | Greater Manchester | On or near Parking Area | 10 |
Ince-in-Makerfield | town | Greater Manchester | On or near Henry Park Street | 6 |
Ince-in-Makerfield | town | Greater Manchester | On or near Wilding Street | 6 |
Town | Type | County | Location | Number of Crimes Committed |
Ince-in-Makerfield | town | Greater Manchester | On or near Stopford Street | 8 |
Ince-in-Makerfield | town | Greater Manchester | On or near Wilding Street | 7 |
Wigan | town | Greater Manchester | On or near Supermarket | 6 |
Ince-in-Makerfield | town | Greater Manchester | On or near Pinewood Crescent | 5 |
Ince-in-Makerfield | town | Greater Manchester | On or near Pennington Lane | 5 |
Town | Type | County | Location | Number of Crimes Committed |
Ince-in-Makerfield | town | Greater Manchester | On or near Branch Street | 6 |
Wigan | town | Greater Manchester | On or near Warrington Lane | 5 |
Wigan | town | Greater Manchester | On or near Caunce Road | 5 |
Wigan | town | Greater Manchester | On or near Caunce Street | 5 |
Wigan | town | Greater Manchester | On or near Hall Street | 4 |
Name | Rank | Bio |
Andy Lowe | PCSO | |
Eleanor Taylor | PCSO | |
Graeme Pendlebury | Constable | |
Ian Stringman | Sergeant | |
Philip James | Inspector | |
Rachel Monnelly | PCSO | |
Sean Robinson | Constable | |
Tanya Morris | PCSO |
Issue | Action | Dates |
What: Youths causing annoyance |
Issue dated: 30/11/-0001 Action dated: 30/11/-0001 |
Last Update April.
Location | Type | Outcome |
Amberswood Close | Anti-social behaviour | |
Arnside Avenue | Anti-social behaviour | |
Baldwin Street | Anti-social behaviour | |
Baldwin Street | Anti-social behaviour | |
Battersby Street | Anti-social behaviour | |
Battersby Street | Violence and sexual offences | Investigation complete; no suspect identified |
Belldean | Anti-social behaviour | |
Belldean | Anti-social behaviour | |
Belldean | Public order | Under investigation |
Belldean | Violence and sexual offences | Under investigation |
Bird Street | Anti-social behaviour | |
Branch Street | Burglary | Investigation complete; no suspect identified |
Branch Street | Robbery | Under investigation |
Branch Street | Violence and sexual offences | Investigation complete; no suspect identified |
Branch Street | Violence and sexual offences | Under investigation |
Bridge Street | Anti-social behaviour | |
Broomhey Terrace | Burglary | Investigation complete; no suspect identified |
Broomhey Terrace | Criminal damage and arson | Under investigation |
Broomhey Terrace | Possession of weapons | Unable to prosecute suspect |
Broomhey Terrace | Violence and sexual offences | Unable to prosecute suspect |
Brownlow Avenue | Robbery | Under investigation |
Brownlow Avenue | Violence and sexual offences | Under investigation |
Bryham Street | Vehicle crime | Investigation complete; no suspect identified |
Cambridge Street | Burglary | Investigation complete; no suspect identified |
Cambridge Street | Public order | Under investigation |
Catherine Street | Anti-social behaviour | |
Caunce Road | Criminal damage and arson | Investigation complete; no suspect identified |
Caunce Street | Vehicle crime | Investigation complete; no suspect identified |
Cecil Street | Anti-social behaviour | |
Christopher Street | Criminal damage and arson | Investigation complete; no suspect identified |
Church Street | Violence and sexual offences | Under investigation |
Collett Close | Criminal damage and arson | Unable to prosecute suspect |
Cullen Close | Other crime | Unable to prosecute suspect |
Deakin Street | Violence and sexual offences | Under investigation |
Ellen Street | Public order | Investigation complete; no suspect identified |
Ellen Street | Public order | Unable to prosecute suspect |
Ellen Street | Shoplifting | Unable to prosecute suspect |
Ellen Street | Shoplifting | Investigation complete; no suspect identified |
Ellen Street | Violence and sexual offences | Under investigation |
Emlea Gardens | Violence and sexual offences | Unable to prosecute suspect |
Eton Terrace | Burglary | Investigation complete; no suspect identified |
Eton Terrace | Public order | Under investigation |
Eton Terrace | Public order | Investigation complete; no suspect identified |
Florence Street | Anti-social behaviour | |
Florence Street | Public order | Under investigation |
Fordyce Way | Robbery | Investigation complete; no suspect identified |
Fordyce Way | Violence and sexual offences | Investigation complete; no suspect identified |
Gidlow Street | Violence and sexual offences | Investigation complete; no suspect identified |
Gidlow Street | Violence and sexual offences | Under investigation |
Grasmere Avenue | Vehicle crime | Investigation complete; no suspect identified |
Hackworth Close | Criminal damage and arson | Under investigation |
Hall Street | Criminal damage and arson | Under investigation |
Hall Street | Other theft | Investigation complete; no suspect identified |
Harper Street | Robbery | Investigation complete; no suspect identified |
Harper Street | Violence and sexual offences | Under investigation |
Harrogate Street | Violence and sexual offences | Investigation complete; no suspect identified |
Heaton Street | Anti-social behaviour | |
Hemfield Close | Anti-social behaviour | |
Hemfield Close | Violence and sexual offences | Unable to prosecute suspect |
Hemfield Close | Violence and sexual offences | Unable to prosecute suspect |
Henry Park Street | Anti-social behaviour | |
Henry Park Street | Anti-social behaviour | |
Henry Park Street | Anti-social behaviour | |
Henry Park Street | Anti-social behaviour | |
Henry Park Street | Public order | Under investigation |
Henry Park Street | Other crime | Unable to prosecute suspect |
High Street | Anti-social behaviour | |
Hook Street | Anti-social behaviour | |
Ince Green Lane | Other theft | Investigation complete; no suspect identified |
Ince Green Lane | Public order | Unable to prosecute suspect |
Ince Green Lane | Public order | Unable to prosecute suspect |
Jackson Street | Robbery | Under investigation |
Jackson Street | Vehicle crime | Investigation complete; no suspect identified |
Junction Terrace | Criminal damage and arson | Unable to prosecute suspect |
Keble Street | Vehicle crime | Investigation complete; no suspect identified |
Kendal Road | Burglary | Investigation complete; no suspect identified |
Kingsway | Violence and sexual offences | Unable to prosecute suspect |
Kingsway | Violence and sexual offences | Unable to prosecute suspect |
Kirklees Street | Anti-social behaviour | |
Kirklees Street | Anti-social behaviour | |
Kirklees Street | Criminal damage and arson | Investigation complete; no suspect identified |
Knowles Street | Public order | Investigation complete; no suspect identified |
Knowles Street | Public order | Investigation complete; no suspect identified |
Leader Street | Anti-social behaviour | |
Leader Street | Drugs | Awaiting court outcome |
Leader Street | Other theft | Unable to prosecute suspect |
Leigh Street | Violence and sexual offences | Under investigation |
Leigh Street | Violence and sexual offences | Unable to prosecute suspect |
Levens Place | Anti-social behaviour | |
Levens Place | Violence and sexual offences | Unable to prosecute suspect |
Levens Place | Other crime | Under investigation |
Lord Street | Violence and sexual offences | Investigation complete; no suspect identified |
Manley Street | Anti-social behaviour | |
Mccormack Drive | Violence and sexual offences | Awaiting court outcome |
Millgate | Other theft | Unable to prosecute suspect |
Mitchell Street | Other theft | Investigation complete; no suspect identified |
Mitchell Street | Violence and sexual offences | Investigation complete; no suspect identified |
Moat House Street | Criminal damage and arson | Under investigation |
Moat House Street | Other theft | Investigation complete; no suspect identified |
Moorings Close | Anti-social behaviour | |
Moorings Close | Anti-social behaviour | |
Moorings Close | Anti-social behaviour | |
Mount View | Violence and sexual offences | Unable to prosecute suspect |
Mount View | Other crime | Under investigation |
Parking Area | Anti-social behaviour | |
Parking Area | Possession of weapons | Investigation complete; no suspect identified |
Parking Area | Shoplifting | Investigation complete; no suspect identified |
Parking Area | Violence and sexual offences | Investigation complete; no suspect identified |
Parking Area | Other crime | Investigation complete; no suspect identified |
Parking Area | Violence and sexual offences | Unable to prosecute suspect |
Parking Area | Anti-social behaviour | |
Parking Area | Anti-social behaviour | |
Parking Area | Anti-social behaviour | |
Parking Area | Anti-social behaviour | |
Parking Area | Anti-social behaviour | |
Parking Area | Anti-social behaviour | |
Parking Area | Anti-social behaviour | |
Parking Area | Anti-social behaviour | |
Parking Area | Anti-social behaviour | |
Parking Area | Criminal damage and arson | Investigation complete; no suspect identified |
Parking Area | Violence and sexual offences | Investigation complete; no suspect identified |
Parking Area | Violence and sexual offences | Unable to prosecute suspect |
Parkwood Close | Anti-social behaviour | |
Parkwood Close | Violence and sexual offences | Investigation complete; no suspect identified |
Pennington Lane | Criminal damage and arson | Investigation complete; no suspect identified |
Pennington Lane | Violence and sexual offences | Unable to prosecute suspect |
Petrol Station | Anti-social behaviour | |
Petrol Station | Shoplifting | Unable to prosecute suspect |
Petrol Station | Vehicle crime | Investigation complete; no suspect identified |
Petrol Station | Vehicle crime | Under investigation |
Pinewood Crescent | Anti-social behaviour | |
Pinewood Crescent | Criminal damage and arson | Investigation complete; no suspect identified |
Pryce Avenue | Anti-social behaviour | |
Redbrook Road | Violence and sexual offences | Under investigation |
Rose Street | Anti-social behaviour | |
Rosebridge Way | Shoplifting | Investigation complete; no suspect identified |
Rosebridge Way | Violence and sexual offences | Unable to prosecute suspect |
Rosebridge Way | Violence and sexual offences | Unable to prosecute suspect |
Rydal Place | Anti-social behaviour | |
Ryeford Close | Shoplifting | Investigation complete; no suspect identified |
School Street | Anti-social behaviour | |
School Street | Violence and sexual offences | Under investigation |
Sharp Street | Anti-social behaviour | |
Spindlewood Road | Anti-social behaviour | |
Spindlewood Road | Anti-social behaviour | |
Spindlewood Road | Violence and sexual offences | Investigation complete; no suspect identified |
Spring Grove | Anti-social behaviour | |
Spring Grove | Violence and sexual offences | Under investigation |
Spring Grove | Violence and sexual offences | Under investigation |
Spring Street | Criminal damage and arson | Under investigation |
Spring Street | Violence and sexual offences | Unable to prosecute suspect |
Spring Street | Violence and sexual offences | Unable to prosecute suspect |
Stopford Street | Public order | Investigation complete; no suspect identified |
Stopford Street | Violence and sexual offences | Under investigation |
Supermarket | Anti-social behaviour | |
Thirlmere Avenue | Violence and sexual offences | Unable to prosecute suspect |
Vauxhall Road | Criminal damage and arson | Investigation complete; no suspect identified |
Vauxhall Road | Violence and sexual offences | Unable to prosecute suspect |
Warrington Lane | Anti-social behaviour | |
Warrington Lane | Anti-social behaviour | |
Warrington Lane | Anti-social behaviour | |
Warrington Lane | Anti-social behaviour | |
Warrington Lane | Drugs | Unable to prosecute suspect |
Warrington Lane | Other theft | Investigation complete; no suspect identified |
Warrington Lane | Other theft | Unable to prosecute suspect |
Warrington Lane | Public order | Unable to prosecute suspect |
Warrington Lane | Violence and sexual offences | Under investigation |
Warrington Lane | Violence and sexual offences | Unable to prosecute suspect |
Warrington Lane | Other crime | Unable to prosecute suspect |
Waters Reach | Criminal damage and arson | Under investigation |
Wellington Grove | Violence and sexual offences | Unable to prosecute suspect |
Wellington Street | Criminal damage and arson | Investigation complete; no suspect identified |
Whitehall Street | Anti-social behaviour | |
Whitehall Street | Vehicle crime | Investigation complete; no suspect identified |
Wilding Street | Anti-social behaviour | |
Wilding Street | Anti-social behaviour | |
Wilding Street | Anti-social behaviour | |
Wilding Street | Other theft | Unable to prosecute suspect |
Wilding Street | Violence and sexual offences | Unable to prosecute suspect |
Wilding Street | Violence and sexual offences | Unable to prosecute suspect |
Windleshaw Street | Shoplifting | Investigation complete; no suspect identified |