Crime Prevention

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Kings Langley and Hemel Hempstead South Hertfordshire Constabulary Police Local Neighbourhood

Bovingdon, Flaunden and Chipperfield, Kings Langley, Apsley and Corner Hall, Bennetts End, Leverstock Green, Nash Mills


Map of the Kings Langley and Hemel Hempstead South Policing Area

Yellow markers represent Police Forces and the red markers represent neighbourhoods within Hertfordshire Constabulary.

Zoom LevelLatitudeLongitude

Towns and Villages within the Kings Langley and Hemel Hempstead South Neighbourhood

The Kings Langley and Hemel Hempstead South is policed by the Hertfordshire Constabulary and covers the following settlements.

Settlements located within Kings Langley and Hemel Hempstead South
Name Type County
Bovingdon Village Hertfordshire
Bulstrode Village Hertfordshire
Chipperfield Village Hertfordshire
Flaunden Village Hertfordshire
Hemel Hempstead Town Hertfordshire
Hogpits Bottom Village Hertfordshire
Kings Langley Other Settlement Hertfordshire
Rucklers Lane Village Hertfordshire
Tower Hill Village Hertfordshire

Worst Locations for Crime within the Kings Langley and Hemel Hempstead South neighbourhood


The Top 5 Worst Locations for Crime in the Kings Langley and Hemel Hempstead South neighbourhood in April 2019
Town Type County Location Number of Crimes Committed
Hemel HempsteadtownHertfordshireOn or near Sherbourne Close17
Hemel HempsteadtownHertfordshireOn or near Petrol Station9
Hemel HempsteadtownHertfordshireOn or near Petrol Station9
Hemel HempsteadtownHertfordshireOn or near St Albans Hill9


The Top 5 Worst Locations for Crime in the Kings Langley and Hemel Hempstead South neighbourhood in March 2019
Town Type County Location Number of Crimes Committed
Hemel HempsteadtownHertfordshireOn or near Sherbourne Close17
Hemel HempsteadtownHertfordshireOn or near Petrol Station14
Hemel HempsteadtownHertfordshireOn or near Shopping Area14
Hemel HempsteadtownHertfordshireOn or near St Albans Hill9


The Top 5 Worst Locations for Crime in the Kings Langley and Hemel Hempstead South neighbourhood in February 2019
Town Type County Location Number of Crimes Committed
Kings LangleyotherSettlementHertfordshireOn or near Whitlars Drive16
Hemel HempsteadtownHertfordshireOn or near Sherbourne Close14
Hemel HempsteadtownHertfordshireOn or near Petrol Station13
Hemel HempsteadtownHertfordshireOn or near Petrol Station10

Police Officer Information for Kings Langley and Hemel Hempstead South

Karen Mellor Sgt

I joined the team in September 2015, having previously working in Dacorum as a Sergeant leading the Intervention team, which responds to 999 emergency calls. I also, more recently, worked in the Force Communications Room for two years. I am really pleased to have joined the Safer Neighbourhood Team and look forward to meeting as many people as possible. Safer Neighbourhood Teams work with the community to improve the quality of life for residents and make the area safer, by proactively tackling crime and anti-social behaviour (ASB). Working with partner agencies, we work to find long term solutions to resolve issues for residents and keep crime low.

Jahngir Akhtar PC
Ben Stratton PC
Charlie Shillingford PCSO
Bardhyl Agallili PCSO

Bovingdon, Chipperfield and Flaunden

Ian Martin PCSO

Kings Langley and Nash Mills

Jake Smith PCSO

Apsley and Cornerhall

Johanna Miles SC
Lazarus Clark
Karl Diggins
Rob Rawlings

Neighbourhood Priorities for Kings Langley and Hemel Hempstead South


Road traffic offences
Road safety issues including speeding and anti-social driving.
Members on OWL reported that they had concerns regarding road safety, in particular speeding in the Apsley area.

Hemel Hempstead

Problem/Issue undergoing investigation and assessment.

In the past month there have been :
3 Additional Problem Report(s)
Total Activity for this Problem/Issue :
6 Additional Problem Report(s)
1 Incident / Crime - Updates(s)
1 Supervisor Review(s)

Issue dated: 14/03/2019

Action dated: 08/06/2019

Road traffic offences
Road safety issues, in particular speeding. Members on OWL reported that they had concerns regarding road safety, in particular speeding in the Bovingdon area


Problem/Issue undergoing investigation and assessment.

Issue dated: 20/04/2019

Action dated: 20/04/2019

Street Crime Within Kings Langley and Hemel Hempstead South

Last Update April.

A41 Other theft Under investigation
A41 Other theft Under investigation
A41 Other theft Under investigation
A41 Other theft Investigation complete; no suspect identified
A41 Other theft Under investigation
A414 Anti-social behaviour
A414 Drugs Under investigation
A414 Burglary Under investigation
A414 Other theft Under investigation
A414 Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
A414 Violence and sexual offences Unable to prosecute suspect
A414 Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Abbots Rise Anti-social behaviour
Acorn Road Anti-social behaviour
Acorn Road Burglary Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Airport/Airfield Vehicle crime Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Alldicks Road Vehicle crime Defendant sent to Crown Court
Arran Close Criminal damage and arson Under investigation
Avia Close Burglary Under investigation
Avia Close Shoplifting Under investigation
Barley Croft Anti-social behaviour
Barnacres Road Anti-social behaviour
Barnsway Anti-social behaviour
Barnsway Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Bedmond Road Other theft Under investigation
Beechfield Other theft Under investigation
Belswains Lane Other theft Under investigation
Bittern Close Anti-social behaviour
Bittern Close Vehicle crime Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Box Lane Burglary Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Box Lane Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Breakspear Way Anti-social behaviour
Brickfield Avenue Vehicle crime Under investigation
Brickfield Avenue Vehicle crime Under investigation
Brindley Way Anti-social behaviour
Burleigh Road Burglary Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Burnet Close Burglary Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Bushfield Road Violence and sexual offences Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Candlefield Walk Anti-social behaviour
Candlefield Walk Anti-social behaviour
Candlefield Walk Anti-social behaviour
Candlefield Walk Public order Under investigation
Caro Lane Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Chambersbury Lane Criminal damage and arson Under investigation
Chambersbury Lane Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Chelsing Rise Vehicle crime Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Chipperfield Road Drugs Under investigation
Chipperfield Road Drugs Under investigation
Chipperfield Road Burglary Under investigation
Church Lane Criminal damage and arson Unable to prosecute suspect
Claymills Mews Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Clinton End Anti-social behaviour
Corner Hall Shoplifting Under investigation
Corner Hall Vehicle crime Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Corner Hall Avenue Anti-social behaviour
Corner Hall Avenue Anti-social behaviour
Croft Close Violence and sexual offences Unable to prosecute suspect
Croft Field Criminal damage and arson Offender given a caution
Croft Meadow Vehicle crime Under investigation
Crofts Path Criminal damage and arson Unable to prosecute suspect
Curtis Road Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Dell Meadow Criminal damage and arson Unable to prosecute suspect
Durrants Hill Road Theft from the person Under investigation
Edmund Mews Anti-social behaviour
Evans Wharf Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Farriers Close Criminal damage and arson Under investigation
Featherbed Lane Vehicle crime Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Felden Drive Violence and sexual offences Unable to prosecute suspect
Fern Drive Other theft Under investigation
Fisher Close Criminal damage and arson Under investigation
Fisher Close Other theft Unable to prosecute suspect
Flatfield Road Robbery Under investigation
Flaunden Lane Criminal damage and arson Under investigation
Fourdrinier Way Vehicle crime Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Frogmore Road Bicycle theft Under investigation
Frogmore Road Other theft Under investigation
Frogmore Road Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Frogmore Road Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Frogmore Road Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Gade View Road Burglary Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Gammon Close Anti-social behaviour
Gammon Close Vehicle crime Under investigation
Gatecroft Other theft Under investigation
Goldcroft Criminal damage and arson Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Goldcroft Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Great Elms Road Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Great Whites Road Burglary Under investigation
Green Dell Way Burglary Under investigation
Green View Close Anti-social behaviour
Havensfield Other theft Under investigation
Havensfield Vehicle crime Investigation complete; no suspect identified
High Ridge Close Vehicle crime Investigation complete; no suspect identified
High Street Anti-social behaviour
High Street Burglary Under investigation
Hill Common Criminal damage and arson Under investigation
Hill Common Vehicle crime Under investigation
Howard Agne Close Burglary Under investigation
Howe Road Anti-social behaviour
Ivory Court Anti-social behaviour
Jarman Close Drugs Under investigation
Jarman Close Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Jennings Way Vehicle crime Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Kimps Way Anti-social behaviour
Kimps Way Anti-social behaviour
Kimps Way Other theft Under investigation
Kimps Way Other theft Under investigation
Kimps Way Shoplifting Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Kimps Way Theft from the person Under investigation
Kimps Way Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Lamsey Road Burglary Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Langley Avenue Vehicle crime Under investigation
Langley Hill Close Shoplifting Under investigation
Lawn Lane Other theft Under investigation
Lawn Lane Shoplifting Under investigation
Leaside Burglary Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Leaside Burglary Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Leaside Drugs Under investigation
Leverstock Green Road Criminal damage and arson Under investigation
Lismore Criminal damage and arson Under investigation
Lismore Criminal damage and arson Under investigation
Lismore Criminal damage and arson Under investigation
Lismore Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Longlands Anti-social behaviour
Longlands Anti-social behaviour
Manor Avenue Other theft Under investigation
Manorville Road Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Manorville Road Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Market Oak Lane Anti-social behaviour
Market Oak Lane Other theft Under investigation
Marston Close Burglary Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Meadow Way Drugs Under investigation
Megg Lane Burglary Under investigation
Mill Close Anti-social behaviour
Mill Close Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Nash Green Burglary Under investigation
Nash Green Criminal damage and arson Under investigation
Nash Mills Lane Anti-social behaviour
Nash Mills Lane Anti-social behaviour
Nash Mills Lane Theft from the person Under investigation
Nash Mills Lane Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
New Road Criminal damage and arson Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Oak Street Criminal damage and arson Under investigation
Oak Street Public order Under investigation
Oakdene Road Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Old Dean Anti-social behaviour
Old Dean Anti-social behaviour
Old Dean Anti-social behaviour
Old Dean Anti-social behaviour
Old Dean Anti-social behaviour
Old Dean Anti-social behaviour
Old Dean Anti-social behaviour
Oliver Rise Robbery Under investigation
Oliver Rise Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Oliver Road Vehicle crime Defendant sent to Crown Court
Oram Place Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Orchard Street Anti-social behaviour
Panxworth Road Anti-social behaviour
Panxworth Road Anti-social behaviour
Parking Area Burglary Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Parking Area Criminal damage and arson Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Parking Area Other theft Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Parking Area Public order Under investigation
Parking Area Vehicle crime Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Parking Area Vehicle crime Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Peascroft Road Vehicle crime Under investigation
Pedestrian Subway Anti-social behaviour
Pedestrian Subway Anti-social behaviour
Pelham Court Drugs Under investigation
Petrol Station Anti-social behaviour
Petrol Station Drugs Offender given a drugs possession warning
Petrol Station Drugs Unable to prosecute suspect
Petrol Station Other theft Under investigation
Petrol Station Other theft Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Petrol Station Other theft Under investigation
Petrol Station Other theft Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Petrol Station Other theft Under investigation
Petrol Station Shoplifting Under investigation
Petrol Station Other theft Under investigation
Petrol Station Other theft Under investigation
Petrol Station Other theft Under investigation
Petrol Station Other theft Under investigation
Petrol Station Anti-social behaviour
Petrol Station Other theft Under investigation
Petrol Station Anti-social behaviour
Petrol Station Anti-social behaviour
Petrol Station Criminal damage and arson Under investigation
Petrol Station Other theft Under investigation
Petrol Station Other theft Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Petrol Station Other theft Under investigation
Petrol Station Public order Unable to prosecute suspect
Petrol Station Public order Under investigation
Petrol Station Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Petrol Station Public order Under investigation
Prison Drugs Under investigation
Prison Other theft Under investigation
Prison Possession of weapons Under investigation
Prison Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Prison Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Prison Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Prison Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Prison Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Prison Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Prison Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Prison Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Prison Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Prison Other crime Under investigation
Prison Other crime Under investigation
Prison Other crime Under investigation
Prison Other crime Under investigation
Prison Other crime Under investigation
Prison Other crime Under investigation
Prison Other crime Under investigation
Prison Other crime Under investigation
Queen Street Vehicle crime Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Reddings Burglary Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Redwood Drive Anti-social behaviour
Ridgeway Close Anti-social behaviour
Risedale Close Violence and sexual offences Unable to prosecute suspect
Ritcroft Street Public order Under investigation
Riversend Road Anti-social behaviour
Riversend Road Anti-social behaviour
Riversend Road Shoplifting Under investigation
Robins Road Robbery Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Robins Road Theft from the person Under investigation
Robins Road Vehicle crime Defendant sent to Crown Court
Robins Road Vehicle crime Defendant sent to Crown Court
Rucklers Lane Vehicle crime Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Runham Road Criminal damage and arson Under investigation
Runham Road Violence and sexual offences Awaiting court outcome
Runham Road Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Russell Place Other crime Under investigation
Russell Place Other crime Unable to prosecute suspect
Sanday Close Vehicle crime Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Sanders Close Violence and sexual offences Awaiting court outcome
Sanders Close Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Sempill Road Burglary Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Sheephouse Road Anti-social behaviour
Sheephouse Road Criminal damage and arson Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Sherbourne Close Anti-social behaviour
Sherbourne Close Anti-social behaviour
Sherbourne Close Anti-social behaviour
Sherbourne Close Anti-social behaviour
Sherbourne Close Burglary Under investigation
Sherbourne Close Other theft Under investigation
Sherbourne Close Other theft Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Sherbourne Close Public order Under investigation
Sherbourne Close Shoplifting Under investigation
Sherbourne Close Shoplifting Under investigation
Sherbourne Close Shoplifting Offender given a caution
Sherbourne Close Shoplifting Under investigation
Sherbourne Close Shoplifting Awaiting court outcome
Sherbourne Close Shoplifting Under investigation
Sherbourne Close Shoplifting Under investigation
Sherbourne Close Shoplifting Under investigation
Sherbourne Close Other crime Under investigation
Shopping Area Other theft Under investigation
Shopping Area Shoplifting Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Shopping Area Shoplifting Under investigation
Shopping Area Shoplifting Under investigation
Shopping Area Vehicle crime Under investigation
Shopping Area Vehicle crime Under investigation
Shopping Area Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Silverthorn Drive Vehicle crime Under investigation
Simmonds Rise Vehicle crime Under investigation
Simon Dean Vehicle crime Under investigation
St Albans Hill Public order Action to be taken by another organisation
St Albans Hill Anti-social behaviour
St Albans Hill Anti-social behaviour
St Albans Hill Other theft Offender given a caution
St Albans Hill Other theft Under investigation
St Albans Hill Other theft Under investigation
St Albans Hill Other theft Under investigation
St Albans Hill Vehicle crime Investigation complete; no suspect identified
St Albans Hill Vehicle crime Investigation complete; no suspect identified
St Albans Hill Violence and sexual offences Offender given a caution
St Albans Road Criminal damage and arson Under investigation
St Albans Road Anti-social behaviour
St Albans Road Public order Under investigation
St Andrew'S Road Other theft Under investigation
Standring Rise Anti-social behaviour
Standring Rise Anti-social behaviour
Station Road Anti-social behaviour
Stationers Place Anti-social behaviour
Stationers Place Burglary Under investigation
Stationers Place Criminal damage and arson Under investigation
Stationers Place Other theft Under investigation
Stationers Place Public order Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Stationers Place Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Stationers Place Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Stephenson Wharf Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Stonelea Road Possession of weapons Under investigation
Stonelea Road Anti-social behaviour
Stonelea Road Anti-social behaviour
Stratford Way Anti-social behaviour
Stratford Way Anti-social behaviour
Stroma Close Burglary Under investigation
Stuarts Close Violence and sexual offences Unable to prosecute suspect
Stuarts Close Violence and sexual offences Unable to prosecute suspect
Supermarket Shoplifting Under investigation
Supermarket Shoplifting Under investigation
Supermarket Drugs Under investigation
Tewin Road Anti-social behaviour
Tewin Road Anti-social behaviour
Tewin Road Burglary Under investigation
Tewin Road Criminal damage and arson Under investigation
Tewin Road Criminal damage and arson Under investigation
Tewin Road Vehicle crime Under investigation
The Cart Track Violence and sexual offences Awaiting court outcome
The Courtyard Anti-social behaviour
The Courtyard Public order Under investigation
The Glebe Burglary Investigation complete; no suspect identified
The Hollies Criminal damage and arson Investigation complete; no suspect identified
The Hollies Criminal damage and arson Investigation complete; no suspect identified
The Hollies Public order Unable to prosecute suspect
The Mallards Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
The Mallards Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
The Orchard Anti-social behaviour
Tooveys Mill Close Public order Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Tooveys Mill Close Violence and sexual offences Unable to prosecute suspect
Two Waters Road Anti-social behaviour
Two Waters Road Burglary Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Two Waters Road Burglary Under investigation
Two Waters Road Other theft Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Two Waters Road Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Upper Barn Public order Under investigation
Village Centre Anti-social behaviour
Wayside Burglary Under investigation
Westray Other theft Under investigation
White Lion Street Burglary Under investigation
Whiteleaf Road Anti-social behaviour
Whiteleaf Road Shoplifting Under investigation
Whiteleaf Road Shoplifting Under investigation
Wilkinson Way Anti-social behaviour
Windsor Close Burglary Under investigation
Woolmer Drive Vehicle crime Under investigation