Crime Prevention

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Leake & Keyworth Nottinghamshire Police Police Local Neighbourhood

Visit Police Neighbourhood Page 101 Ext 800 6570

Map of the Leake & Keyworth Policing Area

Yellow markers represent Police Forces and the red markers represent neighbourhoods within Nottinghamshire Police.

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Towns and Villages within the Leake & Keyworth Neighbourhood

The Leake & Keyworth is policed by the Nottinghamshire Police and covers the following settlements.

Settlements located within Leake & Keyworth
Name Type County
Barton in Fabis Village Nottinghamshire
Bradmore Village Nottinghamshire
Bunny Village Nottinghamshire
Clifton Urban Area Nottinghamshire
Costock Village Nottinghamshire
East Leake Village Nottinghamshire
Gotham Village Nottinghamshire
Hickling Village Nottinghamshire
Kegworth Village Leicestershire,Nottinghamshire
Keyworth Village Nottinghamshire
Kingston on Soar Village Nottinghamshire
Kinoulton Village Nottinghamshire
Normanton on Soar Village Nottinghamshire
Normanton-on-the-Wolds Village Nottinghamshire
Plumtree Village Nottinghamshire
Ratcliffe on Soar Village Leicestershire,Nottinghamshire
Rempstone Village Nottinghamshire
Stanton-on-the-Wolds Village Nottinghamshire
Sutton Bonington Village Nottinghamshire
Thrumpton Village Nottinghamshire
Tollerton Village Nottinghamshire
Upper Broughton Village Nottinghamshire
Widmerpool Village Nottinghamshire
Willoughby-on-the-Wolds Village Nottinghamshire
Wysall Village Nottinghamshire
Zouch Village Leicestershire,Nottinghamshire

Worst Locations for Crime within the Leake & Keyworth neighbourhood


The Top 5 Worst Locations for Crime in the Leake & Keyworth neighbourhood in April 2019
Town Type County Location Number of Crimes Committed
GothamvillageNottinghamshireOn or near Malt Street6
HicklingvillageNottinghamshireOn or near Harles Acres3
East LeakevillageNottinghamshireOn or near Weavers Close3


The Top 5 Worst Locations for Crime in the Leake & Keyworth neighbourhood in March 2019
Town Type County Location Number of Crimes Committed
KeyworthvillageNottinghamshireOn or near Dale Road4
GothamvillageNottinghamshireOn or near Malt Street4
East LeakevillageNottinghamshireOn or near Angrave Road4
KeyworthvillageNottinghamshireOn or near Supermarket3


The Top 5 Worst Locations for Crime in the Leake & Keyworth neighbourhood in February 2019
Town Type County Location Number of Crimes Committed
KeyworthvillageNottinghamshireOn or near Supermarket4
KeyworthvillageNottinghamshireOn or near Dale Road3
East LeakevillageNottinghamshireOn or near Sharpley Drive3
KeyworthvillageNottinghamshireOn or near Covert Close2

Police Officer Information for Leake & Keyworth

Tony Davies PCSO
Kathy Lucock PCSO
Adam Loydall PCSO

Neighbourhood Priorities for Leake & Keyworth


Rushcliffe Priorities

Residential burglariesBetween November 2018 to March 2019, compared to the same period in 2018, the South Nottinghamshire Community Safety Partnership (CSP) area - which includes Broxtowe, Gedling and Rushcliffe - has seen a 5.7% reduction in burglary. This includes commercial and residential burglary.Having said this, these general reductions are being supported by good reductions specifically in Gedling and Rushcliffe:Broxtowe: +10% (508 crimes total, including +7.5% residential)Gedling: -19.9% (221 crimes total)Rushcliffe: -17.9% (224 crimes total)The good news is that for the past 19 weeks, burglary numbers have remained below ‘normal’ levels, albeit levels have just started to return to normality.Whilst the overall numbers of residential burglary across the Community Safety Partnership is ‘relatively’ low, it is a high impact crime which has an adverse personal effect on those subjected to it. In April 2019, the South Nottinghamshire CSP Operational Delivery Group agreed that the CSP priorities should include residential burglary as a six-weekly priority.Please note your local Neighbourhood Policing Team (NPT) will still be proactively dealing with priorities identified at the local neighbourhood level.In order to further reduce burglary crime on South Nottinghamshire CSP we will:Target those criminals who are actively committing this type of crime on our area. For example, any individual who has historically committed a burglary on our area but is currently wanted for an unrelated offence will be prioritised for arrest.Use social media and face-to-face communication to educate and inform the public regarding crime prevention.Prioritise intelligence ensuring that anything that is ‘burglary’April 2019 updateThe last six months has seen generally low levels of residential burglary across Rushcliffe Borough. we have averaged 13 residential burglaries a month with lower levels in February and March but an increase in April and then a decrease to 11 offences in May. The offences are spread across the Borough with a higher number where the population is higher in the wider West Bridgford area including Ruddington, Gamston and Trent Bridge. There have also been reported burglaries in Bingham and Keyworth. The good news is that there have been a number of significant arrests of offenders suspected of committing burglaries in Rushcliffe Borough. See Insp Berry’s most recent blog for more detail.The common features of these recent offences have been that, in the main, they have taken place during the daytime whilst the house is unoccupied. We can also narrow a small number down to afternoon hours. Whilst thinking about preventing future offences it is worth considering that the clocks are about to go back so we are firmly into the darker winter months. Residents are asked to consider their home security and what interior and external lighting they use when the house is unoccupied. This is the time of year when historically we see an increase in burglary reports.Our Neighbourhood Policing officers have been visiting locations and roads where there have been recent burglaries and door knocking neighbouring properties to discuss crime concerns and offering practical burglary prevention advice.Shop theftBetween November 2018 to March 2019, compared to the same period in 2017, the South Nottinghamshire Community Safety Partnership (CSP) area, which includes: Broxtowe, Gedling and Rushcliffe has seen a 8% increase in shop-theft.On November 2018, the South Nottinghamshire CSP Operational Delivery Group agreed that the CSP priorities should include residential burglary as a 6 weekly priority.Please note: your local Neighbourhood Policing Team (NPT) will still be proactively dealing with priorities identified at the local neighbourhood level.In order to further reduce shop-theft across South Nottinghamshire we will:Target those criminals who are actively committing this type of crime on our area. For example, any individual who has historically committed a shop-theft on our area but is currently wanted for an unrelated offence will be prioritised for arrest.Use social media and face-to-face communication to educate and inform retail premises regarding crime prevention.Continue to support and develop the effective use of shop watch.Prioritise intelligence ensuring that anything that is ‘shop theft’ related is actioned swiftly.June 2019 updateThere have been 20 reported shop theft offences in May. Of this number the majority have taken place in larger retailers in the West Bridgford area.There have been three arrests this month related to these shop thefts.Work continues with the West Bridgford Shop Watch scheme to share information and to agree practices to prevent this type of offending. Motor vehicle crimeBetween November 2018 to April 2019, compared to the same period in 2018, the South Nottinghamshire Community Safety Partnership (CSP) area, which includes: Broxtowe, Gedling and Rushcliffe has seen a -6.6% reduction (1,132 crimes total). Longer term, an issue for the CSP is Theft of Motor Vehicle (TOMV) which has seen an increase of +16.9% (298 crimes total).In November 2018, the South Nottinghamshire CSP Operational Delivery Group agreed that the CSP priorities should include motor vehicle crime as a 6 weekly priority. Please note: your local Neighbourhood Policing Team (NPT) will still be proactively dealing with priorities identified at the local neighbourhood level. In order to further reduce motor vehicle related crime across South Nottinghamshire we will:Target those criminals who are actively committing this type of crime on our area. For example, any individual who has historically committed a vehicle crime on our area but is currently wanted for an unrelated offence will be prioritised for arrest.Use social media and face-to-face communication to educate and inform the public regarding crime prevention.Prioritise intelligence ensuring that anything that is ‘vehicle crime’ related is actioned swiftly.  Proactively use ‘capture car(s)’. The capture car is a special car that looks like a normal car, but has in-built technology that enables the police to capture evidence against the criminal.June 2019 updateThere have been 24 theft from motor vehicle offences reported to date in May 2019. Although this is a slight reduction on March and April this is a continuing long term risk to the area as a single crime type. One reoccurring theme is cars and vans that are broken into whilst parked in supermarket and pub car parks. In over a half of all cases there was no damage caused in getting into the vehicle which would indicate that in most cases the vehicle was not locked or in the case of some transit vans that the suspect has used a jamming device. We are working with the retailers and businesses to encourage them to remind customers about vehicle security and have visited a number of busy car parks including Asda, Loughborough Road and Nottingham Knight to speak with customers and deter offenders. Again please follow us on Facebook and Twitter for regular social media targeted crime prevention advice.

Issue dated: 01/06/2019

Action dated: 01/06/2019

Local Priorities

• thefts from sheds and outbuildings in Sutton Bonington, Nevile and Wolds • anti-social behaviour in East Leake • speeding along the A606 in Stanton

Issue dated: 01/03/2015

Action dated: 01/03/2015

Local Priorities

The Group decided to identify the following priorities: • speeding in Gotham, on the A6006 Rempstone-Zouch and on the A60 in Bunny • thefts from sheds in Sutton Bonington, at the Willowbrook allotments in Keyworth and at the Ridgeway in Gotham • anti-social behaviour at the Sutton Bonington playing field, the Rectory Field in Keyworth and the SSSI and Railway Walk in Gotham

Issue dated: 01/10/2014

Action dated: 01/10/2014

Street Crime Within Leake & Keyworth

Last Update April.

Adams Hill Anti-social behaviour
Alder Way Vehicle crime Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Ambleside Anti-social behaviour
Ambleside Drugs Offender sent to prison
Angrave Road Burglary Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Ash Grove Burglary Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Barrow Slade Other theft Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Bidwell Crescent Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Bidwell Crescent Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Brickcliffe Road Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Brickcliffe Road Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Bunny Hill Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Cedar Drive Anti-social behaviour
Charnwood Avenue Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Chestnut Close Other theft Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Church Close Other theft Unable to prosecute suspect
Cromwell Drive Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Dale Road Violence and sexual offences Unable to prosecute suspect
Elm Avenue Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Elms Close Anti-social behaviour
Farmer Street Criminal damage and arson Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Fisher Close Violence and sexual offences Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Gilbert Avenue Criminal damage and arson Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Gilbert Avenue Criminal damage and arson Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Gorse Road Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Gotham Road Anti-social behaviour
Gotham Road Anti-social behaviour
Gotham Road Criminal damage and arson Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Gotham Road Criminal damage and arson Under investigation
Gotham Road Criminal damage and arson Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Gotham Road Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Gotham Road Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Hall Farm Close Other theft Offender given a caution
Harles Acres Vehicle crime Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Harles Acres Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Harles Acres Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Heavenside Anti-social behaviour
Heavenside Anti-social behaviour
High View Avenue Burglary Under investigation
Hill Road Anti-social behaviour
Home Farm Close Criminal damage and arson Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Home Farm Close Public order Under investigation
Kirk Ley Road Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Kirk Ley Road Other crime Under investigation
Laming Gap Lane Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Laurel Close Other theft Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Leivers Close Drugs Formal action is not in the public interest
Lenton Circus Vehicle crime Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Loughborough Road Vehicle crime Unable to prosecute suspect
Main Street Burglary Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Main Street Public order Under investigation
Malt Street Anti-social behaviour
Malt Street Anti-social behaviour
Malt Street Criminal damage and arson Under investigation
Malt Street Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Malt Street Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Malt Street Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Manor Farm Meadow Burglary Under investigation
Manor Farm Meadow Burglary Under investigation
Manor Road Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Maple Close Criminal damage and arson Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Meadow End Anti-social behaviour
Medina Drive Anti-social behaviour
Meeting House Close Anti-social behaviour
Meeting House Close Vehicle crime Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Melton Road Burglary Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Monk'S Lane Violence and sexual offences Action to be taken by another organisation
Monk'S Lane Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Moore Close Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Nicker Hill Anti-social behaviour
Nottingham Road Anti-social behaviour
Nottingham Road Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Old Park Close Other crime Under investigation
Orchard Close Burglary Under investigation
Orchard Close Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Orchard Close Anti-social behaviour
Orchard Close Vehicle crime Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Park Avenue East Anti-social behaviour
Pasture Lane Anti-social behaviour
Petrol Station Other theft Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Petrol Station Other theft Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Petrol Station Other theft Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Petrol Station Other theft Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Pithouse Lane Other crime Action to be taken by another organisation
Plantation Road Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Rempstone Road Other theft Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Roseland Close Vehicle crime Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Sharpley Drive Anti-social behaviour
Sharpley Drive Criminal damage and arson Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Spinney Road Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Spinney Road Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
St Winifreds Court Violence and sexual offences Unable to prosecute suspect
Station Road Other theft Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Supermarket Criminal damage and arson Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Supermarket Shoplifting Under investigation
Supermarket Possession of weapons Under investigation
The Arches Vehicle crime Under investigation
The Burrows Anti-social behaviour
The Crescent Anti-social behaviour
Thompson Close Other crime Under investigation
Tollerton Lane Burglary Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Top Green Vehicle crime Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Top Green Vehicle crime Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Travell'S Hill Anti-social behaviour
Travell'S Hill Burglary Under investigation
Walton Drive Vehicle crime Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Weavers Close Anti-social behaviour
Weavers Close Other theft Under investigation
Weavers Close Public order Under investigation
West Leake Road Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Willow Brook Burglary Under investigation
Willow Brook Criminal damage and arson Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Winchester Close Anti-social behaviour
Winchester Close Anti-social behaviour
Windmill Close Other theft Investigation complete; no suspect identified