Crime Prevention

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Penkhull & Stoke Staffordshire Police Police Local Neighbourhood

Penkhull is an historic doomsday village with a traditional church square. Set at the top of Penkhull Bank, it overlooks the town of Stoke-on-Trent and offers a breathtaking view across the city.

Penkhull has a bustling little well founded community with a number of schools and activities for youngsters and a number of century-old public houses for the adult population.

This area includes former site of the Spode Factory and the more northern part of Stoke Town Centre.

Visit Police Neighbourhood Page 101

Map of the Penkhull & Stoke Policing Area

Yellow markers represent Police Forces and the red markers represent neighbourhoods within Staffordshire Police.

Zoom LevelLatitudeLongitude

Towns and Villages within the Penkhull & Stoke Neighbourhood

The Penkhull & Stoke is policed by the Staffordshire Police and covers the following settlements.

Settlements located within Penkhull & Stoke
Name Type County
Newcastle-under-Lyme Town Staffordshire
Stoke-on-Trent City Staffordshire

Worst Locations for Crime within the Penkhull & Stoke neighbourhood


The Top 5 Worst Locations for Crime in the Penkhull & Stoke neighbourhood in April 2019
Town Type County Location Number of Crimes Committed
Stoke-on-TrentcityStaffordshireOn or near London Road28
Stoke-on-TrentcityStaffordshireOn or near Grindley Hill Court8
Stoke-on-TrentcityStaffordshireOn or near Church Street6
Stoke-on-TrentcityStaffordshireOn or near Further/Higher Educational Building4
Stoke-on-TrentcityStaffordshireOn or near Hornby Row4


The Top 5 Worst Locations for Crime in the Penkhull & Stoke neighbourhood in March 2019
Town Type County Location Number of Crimes Committed
Stoke-on-TrentcityStaffordshireOn or near London Road13
Stoke-on-TrentcityStaffordshireOn or near Hilton Road9
Stoke-on-TrentcityStaffordshireOn or near Grindley Hill Court7
Stoke-on-TrentcityStaffordshireOn or near Glebe Street7
Stoke-on-TrentcityStaffordshireOn or near Lodge Road6


The Top 5 Worst Locations for Crime in the Penkhull & Stoke neighbourhood in February 2019
Town Type County Location Number of Crimes Committed
Stoke-on-TrentcityStaffordshireOn or near London Road39
Stoke-on-TrentcityStaffordshireOn or near Glebe Street9
Stoke-on-TrentcityStaffordshireOn or near Trade Street6
Stoke-on-TrentcityStaffordshireOn or near Petrol Station6
Stoke-on-TrentcityStaffordshireOn or near Oliver Road5

Police Officer Information for Penkhull & Stoke

Christine Copestake SGT

You can contact your local officer by phoning their police radio. You'll need their airwave number 00847, then just dial 0300 123 2345 and listen to the instructions.

John Edwards SGT

You can contact your local officer by phoning their police radio. You'll need their airwave number 04661, then just dial 0300 123 2345 and listen to the instructions.

Steven Gibson SGT

You can contact your local officer by phoning their police radio. You'll need their airwave number 04694, then just dial 0300 123 2345 and listen to the instructions.

Barry Joynson PC

You can contact your local officer by phoning their police radio. You'll need their airwave number 04913, then just dial 0300 123 2345 and listen to the instructions.

Louise Harding SGT

You can contact your local officer by phoning their police radio. You'll need their airwave number 04954, then just dial 0300 123 2345 and listen to the instructions.

James Hargreaves SGT

You can contact your local officer by phoning their police radio. You'll need their airwave number 05072, then just dial 0300 123 2345 and listen to the instructions.

Thomas Watson SGT

You can contact your local officer by phoning their police radio. You'll need their airwave number 05459, then just dial 0300 123 2345 and listen to the instructions.

Katy Thorneycroft PCSO

You can contact your local officer by phoning their police radio. You'll need their airwave number 16939, then just dial 0300 123 2345 and listen to the instructions.

Kyle Bennett PC

You can contact your local officer by phoning their police radio. You'll need their airwave number 26555, then just dial 0300 123 2345 and listen to the instructions.

Daniel Looker PC

You can contact your local officer by phoning their police radio. You'll need their airwave number 26717, then just dial 0300 123 2345 and listen to the instructions.

Neighbourhood Priorities for Penkhull & Stoke


Drugs - 50%

Issue dated: 30/11/-0001

Action dated: 30/11/-0001

Street drinking - 50%

Issue dated: 30/11/-0001

Action dated: 30/11/-0001

Street Crime Within Penkhull & Stoke

Last Update April.

Ashlands Road Anti-social behaviour
Ashlands Road Violence and sexual offences Unable to prosecute suspect
Ashlands Road Violence and sexual offences Unable to prosecute suspect
Bath Street Vehicle crime Under investigation
Bath Street Vehicle crime Under investigation
Bath Street Other crime Awaiting court outcome
Bath Street Other crime Awaiting court outcome
Boon Avenue Anti-social behaviour
Boon Avenue Anti-social behaviour
Bromley Hough Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Campbell Place Anti-social behaviour
Campbell Place Vehicle crime Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Campbell Place Vehicle crime Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Church Street Anti-social behaviour
Church Street Anti-social behaviour
Church Street Anti-social behaviour
Church Street Anti-social behaviour
Church Street Anti-social behaviour
Church Street Other theft Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Epworth Street Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Further/Higher Educational Building Bicycle theft Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Further/Higher Educational Building Criminal damage and arson Unable to prosecute suspect
Further/Higher Educational Building Public order Unable to prosecute suspect
Further/Higher Educational Building Public order Under investigation
Gifford Place Anti-social behaviour
Glebe Street Violence and sexual offences Unable to prosecute suspect
Gresty Street Violence and sexual offences Unable to prosecute suspect
Grindley Hill Court Violence and sexual offences Unable to prosecute suspect
Grindley Hill Court Violence and sexual offences Unable to prosecute suspect
Grindley Hill Court Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Grindley Hill Court Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Grindley Hill Court Violence and sexual offences Unable to prosecute suspect
Grindley Hill Court Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Grindley Hill Court Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Grindley Hill Court Violence and sexual offences Unable to prosecute suspect
Hilton Road Anti-social behaviour
Hilton Road Anti-social behaviour
Hilton Road Anti-social behaviour
Honeywall Violence and sexual offences Unable to prosecute suspect
Honeywall Violence and sexual offences Unable to prosecute suspect
Hornby Row Anti-social behaviour
Hornby Row Anti-social behaviour
Hornby Row Anti-social behaviour
Hornby Row Criminal damage and arson Offender fined
Jeremy Close Criminal damage and arson Under investigation
Leason Street Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Leason Street Violence and sexual offences Unable to prosecute suspect
Lion Street Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Lionel Grove Anti-social behaviour
Lionel Grove Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Lodge Road Violence and sexual offences Unable to prosecute suspect
Lodge Road Violence and sexual offences Unable to prosecute suspect
London Road Anti-social behaviour
London Road Anti-social behaviour
London Road Anti-social behaviour
London Road Anti-social behaviour
London Road Anti-social behaviour
London Road Anti-social behaviour
London Road Anti-social behaviour
London Road Criminal damage and arson Offender given community sentence
London Road Other theft Unable to prosecute suspect
London Road Other theft Unable to prosecute suspect
London Road Possession of weapons Awaiting court outcome
London Road Public order Unable to prosecute suspect
London Road Public order Investigation complete; no suspect identified
London Road Shoplifting Under investigation
London Road Shoplifting Under investigation
London Road Shoplifting Investigation complete; no suspect identified
London Road Shoplifting Unable to prosecute suspect
London Road Shoplifting Under investigation
London Road Shoplifting Investigation complete; no suspect identified
London Road Shoplifting Awaiting court outcome
London Road Shoplifting Awaiting court outcome
London Road Shoplifting Local resolution
London Road Shoplifting Under investigation
London Road Shoplifting Local resolution
London Road Shoplifting Awaiting court outcome
London Road Violence and sexual offences Unable to prosecute suspect
London Road Violence and sexual offences Unable to prosecute suspect
London Road Violence and sexual offences Awaiting court outcome
Lukesland Avenue Anti-social behaviour
Mount Avenue Anti-social behaviour
Oliver Road Anti-social behaviour
Parking Area Violence and sexual offences Unable to prosecute suspect
Penkhull Terrace Criminal damage and arson Under investigation
Petrol Station Anti-social behaviour
Petrol Station Anti-social behaviour
Petrol Station Anti-social behaviour
Petrol Station Shoplifting Offender given suspended prison sentence
Princes Road Criminal damage and arson Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Richmond Street Criminal damage and arson Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Rogerstone Avenue Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Rothwell Street Anti-social behaviour
Sharman Close Anti-social behaviour
Sharman Close Violence and sexual offences Unable to prosecute suspect
Sharman Close Violence and sexual offences Unable to prosecute suspect
Sillitoe Place Anti-social behaviour
Stone Street Violence and sexual offences Unable to prosecute suspect
Supermarket Anti-social behaviour
Thistley Hough Violence and sexual offences Unable to prosecute suspect
Thistley Hough Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Trade Street Criminal damage and arson Under investigation
Trade Street Violence and sexual offences Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Welch Street Violence and sexual offences Unable to prosecute suspect
Welch Street Violence and sexual offences Awaiting court outcome
West Bank Anti-social behaviour
West Bank Violence and sexual offences Unable to prosecute suspect
Yoxall Avenue Public order Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Yoxall Avenue Violence and sexual offences Under investigation