The Castle (Hastings) neighbourhood is situated within the town of Hastings and is policed by the Sussex Police.
01273 404934Monday to Saturday from 9am until 8pm
Yellow markers represent Police Forces and the red markers represent neighbourhoods within Sussex Police.
Zoom Level | Latitude | Longitude |
6 | 53.521968 | -2.164306 |
Name | Type | County |
Hastings | Town | East Sussex |
Town | Type | County | Location | Number of Crimes Committed |
Hastings | town | East Sussex | On or near Nightclub | 23 |
Hastings | town | East Sussex | On or near Robertson Passage | 12 |
Hastings | town | East Sussex | On or near Supermarket | 10 |
Hastings | town | East Sussex | On or near Cornwallis Terrace | 10 |
Town | Type | County | Location | Number of Crimes Committed |
Hastings | town | East Sussex | On or near Nightclub | 15 |
Hastings | town | East Sussex | On or near Pelham Street | 13 |
Hastings | town | East Sussex | On or near Supermarket | 12 |
Hastings | town | East Sussex | On or near Cornwallis Terrace | 12 |
Hastings | town | East Sussex | On or near Queen'S Road | 10 |
Town | Type | County | Location | Number of Crimes Committed |
Hastings | town | East Sussex | On or near Pelham Street | 17 |
Hastings | town | East Sussex | On or near Harold Place | 9 |
Hastings | town | East Sussex | On or near Supermarket | 7 |
Hastings | town | East Sussex | On or near Robertson Passage | 7 |
Name | Rank | Bio |
PC Charlotte Williams | Prevention Youth Officer |
PC Victoria Elliott | Prevention Youth Officer |
PC Paul Eastes | Prevention Youth Officer |
PC Richard Wilkes | Prevention Licensing Officer |
Amir Nasir | PCSO |
John Tucker | PCSO |
Julia Hutchison | PCSO |
Sonya Shah | PCSO |
David Gibbins-Jones | PCSO |
Sarah Hunt | PCSO |
Faye Spires | PCSO |
Roy Collins | PCSO |
Liam Janman | PCSO |
Claudia Wood | PCSO |
Chris Gowing | PCSO |
Oliver Owen | PCSO |
John Tytherleigh | PCSO |
Last Update April.
Location | Type | Outcome |
Albert Road | Anti-social behaviour | |
Albert Road | Public order | Unable to prosecute suspect |
Albert Road | Shoplifting | Unable to prosecute suspect |
Albert Road | Shoplifting | Investigation complete; no suspect identified |
Albert Road | Violence and sexual offences | Under investigation |
Albert Road | Violence and sexual offences | Under investigation |
Cambridge Gardens | Criminal damage and arson | Under investigation |
Cambridge Road | Violence and sexual offences | Under investigation |
Cambridge Road | Violence and sexual offences | Further investigation is not in the public interest |
Cambridge Road | Violence and sexual offences | Under investigation |
Carlisle Parade | Anti-social behaviour | |
Carlisle Parade | Anti-social behaviour | |
Castle Gardens | Violence and sexual offences | Under investigation |
Castle Hill Passage | Anti-social behaviour | |
Castle Hill Passage | Anti-social behaviour | |
Castle Hill Passage | Bicycle theft | Investigation complete; no suspect identified |
Castle Hill Road | Violence and sexual offences | Investigation complete; no suspect identified |
Castledown Avenue | Anti-social behaviour | |
Castledown Avenue | Violence and sexual offences | Under investigation |
Claremont | Violence and sexual offences | Formal action is not in the public interest |
Claremont | Violence and sexual offences | Offender given a caution |
Collier Road | Vehicle crime | Investigation complete; no suspect identified |
Cornwallis Gardens | Vehicle crime | Investigation complete; no suspect identified |
Cornwallis Gardens | Vehicle crime | Investigation complete; no suspect identified |
Cornwallis Gardens | Violence and sexual offences | Under investigation |
Cornwallis Terrace | Violence and sexual offences | Unable to prosecute suspect |
Cornwallis Terrace | Violence and sexual offences | Unable to prosecute suspect |
Cornwallis Terrace | Anti-social behaviour | |
Cornwallis Terrace | Burglary | Investigation complete; no suspect identified |
Cornwallis Terrace | Criminal damage and arson | Investigation complete; no suspect identified |
Cornwallis Terrace | Other theft | Under investigation |
Cornwallis Terrace | Other theft | Investigation complete; no suspect identified |
Cornwallis Terrace | Public order | Unable to prosecute suspect |
Cornwallis Terrace | Shoplifting | Under investigation |
Cornwallis Terrace | Theft from the person | Investigation complete; no suspect identified |
Cornwallis Terrace | Violence and sexual offences | Under investigation |
Cornwallis Terrace | Violence and sexual offences | Investigation complete; no suspect identified |
Cornwallis Terrace | Violence and sexual offences | Unable to prosecute suspect |
Cornwallis Terrace | Violence and sexual offences | Under investigation |
Cornwallis Terrace | Violence and sexual offences | Investigation complete; no suspect identified |
Cornwallis Terrace | Violence and sexual offences | Under investigation |
Devonshire Road | Violence and sexual offences | Under investigation |
Earl Street | Criminal damage and arson | Unable to prosecute suspect |
Earl Street | Criminal damage and arson | Formal action is not in the public interest |
Elford Street | Public order | Under investigation |
Elford Street | Violence and sexual offences | Under investigation |
Ellis Close | Vehicle crime | Under investigation |
Ellis Close | Violence and sexual offences | Under investigation |
Emmanuel Road | Criminal damage and arson | Investigation complete; no suspect identified |
Emmanuel Road | Other theft | Under investigation |
Emmanuel Road | Other theft | Under investigation |
Gordon Road | Burglary | Under investigation |
Harold Place | Anti-social behaviour | |
Harold Place | Anti-social behaviour | |
Harold Place | Public order | Under investigation |
Harold Place | Public order | Unable to prosecute suspect |
Harold Place | Shoplifting | Investigation complete; no suspect identified |
Harold Place | Theft from the person | Under investigation |
Harold Place | Theft from the person | Unable to prosecute suspect |
Harold Place | Vehicle crime | Investigation complete; no suspect identified |
Harold Place | Violence and sexual offences | Under investigation |
Hastings Priory Meadow | Shoplifting | Under investigation |
Hastings Priory Meadow | Shoplifting | Unable to prosecute suspect |
Hastings Priory Meadow | Theft from the person | Under investigation |
Hastings Priory Meadow | Theft from the person | Investigation complete; no suspect identified |
Havelock Road | Anti-social behaviour | |
Havelock Road | Other theft | Under investigation |
Havelock Road | Violence and sexual offences | Under investigation |
Holmesdale Gardens | Anti-social behaviour | |
Linton Road | Criminal damage and arson | Under investigation |
Linton Road | Drugs | Under investigation |
Linton Road | Other theft | Under investigation |
Linton Road | Vehicle crime | Under investigation |
Linton Road | Violence and sexual offences | Under investigation |
Linton Road | Violence and sexual offences | Under investigation |
Manor Road | Anti-social behaviour | |
Manor Road | Burglary | Under investigation |
Manor Road | Criminal damage and arson | Investigation complete; no suspect identified |
Manor Road | Vehicle crime | Investigation complete; no suspect identified |
Manor Road | Violence and sexual offences | Unable to prosecute suspect |
Middle Street | Anti-social behaviour | |
Middle Street | Robbery | Under investigation |
Middle Street | Shoplifting | Under investigation |
Middle Street | Shoplifting | Under investigation |
Middle Street | Violence and sexual offences | Under investigation |
Milward Crescent | Anti-social behaviour | |
Milward Road | Criminal damage and arson | Under investigation |
Milward Road | Violence and sexual offences | Under investigation |
Milward Road | Violence and sexual offences | Under investigation |
Milward Road | Violence and sexual offences | Under investigation |
Milward Road | Violence and sexual offences | Under investigation |
Nelson Road | Criminal damage and arson | Investigation complete; no suspect identified |
Nelson Road | Violence and sexual offences | Under investigation |
Nelson Road | Violence and sexual offences | Under investigation |
Nelson Road | Violence and sexual offences | Unable to prosecute suspect |
Nelson Road | Violence and sexual offences | Under investigation |
Nightclub | Anti-social behaviour | |
Nightclub | Anti-social behaviour | |
Nightclub | Anti-social behaviour | |
Nightclub | Anti-social behaviour | |
Nightclub | Anti-social behaviour | |
Nightclub | Anti-social behaviour | |
Nightclub | Anti-social behaviour | |
Nightclub | Burglary | Investigation complete; no suspect identified |
Nightclub | Drugs | Under investigation |
Nightclub | Possession of weapons | Under investigation |
Nightclub | Public order | Investigation complete; no suspect identified |
Nightclub | Public order | Further investigation is not in the public interest |
Nightclub | Theft from the person | Investigation complete; no suspect identified |
Nightclub | Violence and sexual offences | Investigation complete; no suspect identified |
Nightclub | Violence and sexual offences | Under investigation |
Nightclub | Violence and sexual offences | Under investigation |
Nightclub | Violence and sexual offences | Investigation complete; no suspect identified |
Nightclub | Violence and sexual offences | Unable to prosecute suspect |
Nightclub | Violence and sexual offences | Unable to prosecute suspect |
Nightclub | Violence and sexual offences | Investigation complete; no suspect identified |
Nightclub | Violence and sexual offences | Under investigation |
Nightclub | Violence and sexual offences | Under investigation |
Nightclub | Violence and sexual offences | Under investigation |
Nightclub | Violence and sexual offences | Under investigation |
Nightclub | Violence and sexual offences | Under investigation |
Nightclub | Violence and sexual offences | Under investigation |
Nightclub | Violence and sexual offences | Investigation complete; no suspect identified |
Nightclub | Violence and sexual offences | Under investigation |
Oliver Close | Anti-social behaviour | |
Oliver Close | Violence and sexual offences | Under investigation |
Oliver Close | Violence and sexual offences | Under investigation |
Parking Area | Other theft | Investigation complete; no suspect identified |
Parking Area | Criminal damage and arson | Investigation complete; no suspect identified |
Parking Area | Public order | Under investigation |
Parking Area | Violence and sexual offences | Under investigation |
Pedestrian Subway | Anti-social behaviour | |
Pedestrian Subway | Anti-social behaviour | |
Pelham Place | Anti-social behaviour | |
Pelham Street | Anti-social behaviour | |
Pelham Street | Bicycle theft | Investigation complete; no suspect identified |
Pelham Street | Theft from the person | Investigation complete; no suspect identified |
Pelham Street | Theft from the person | Investigation complete; no suspect identified |
Pelham Street | Violence and sexual offences | Under investigation |
Portland Place | Drugs | Under investigation |
Portland Place | Robbery | Under investigation |
Priory Road | Vehicle crime | Under investigation |
Priory Street | Anti-social behaviour | |
Prospect Place | Burglary | Investigation complete; no suspect identified |
Queen'S Road | Anti-social behaviour | |
Queen'S Road | Anti-social behaviour | |
Queen'S Road | Other theft | Investigation complete; no suspect identified |
Queen'S Road | Other theft | Investigation complete; no suspect identified |
Queen'S Road | Possession of weapons | Under investigation |
Queen'S Road | Theft from the person | Investigation complete; no suspect identified |
Robertson Passage | Anti-social behaviour | |
Robertson Passage | Burglary | Investigation complete; no suspect identified |
Robertson Passage | Drugs | Under investigation |
Robertson Passage | Public order | Investigation complete; no suspect identified |
Robertson Passage | Public order | Unable to prosecute suspect |
Robertson Passage | Public order | Under investigation |
Robertson Passage | Violence and sexual offences | Under investigation |
Robertson Passage | Violence and sexual offences | Under investigation |
Robertson Passage | Violence and sexual offences | Unable to prosecute suspect |
Robertson Passage | Violence and sexual offences | Awaiting court outcome |
Robertson Passage | Violence and sexual offences | Awaiting court outcome |
Robertson Passage | Violence and sexual offences | Under investigation |
Robertson Street | Anti-social behaviour | |
Robertson Street | Violence and sexual offences | Under investigation |
Robertson Street | Violence and sexual offences | Under investigation |
Robertson Street | Violence and sexual offences | Under investigation |
Robertson Terrace | Anti-social behaviour | |
Robertson Terrace | Drugs | Under investigation |
Russell Street | Anti-social behaviour | |
Russell Street | Anti-social behaviour | |
Russell Street | Shoplifting | Investigation complete; no suspect identified |
Saunders Close | Violence and sexual offences | Unable to prosecute suspect |
Schwerte Way | Criminal damage and arson | Investigation complete; no suspect identified |
Shopping Area | Anti-social behaviour | |
Shopping Area | Anti-social behaviour | |
Shopping Area | Anti-social behaviour | |
Shopping Area | Burglary | Under investigation |
Shopping Area | Possession of weapons | Under investigation |
Shopping Area | Public order | Investigation complete; no suspect identified |
Shopping Area | Shoplifting | Investigation complete; no suspect identified |
Shopping Area | Shoplifting | Under investigation |
Shopping Area | Shoplifting | Investigation complete; no suspect identified |
South Terrace | Violence and sexual offences | Under investigation |
St Andrew'S Square | Other theft | Under investigation |
St Mary'S Terrace | Violence and sexual offences | Unable to prosecute suspect |
St Mary'S Terrace | Violence and sexual offences | Unable to prosecute suspect |
St Michael'S Place | Drugs | Under investigation |
St Michael'S Place | Violence and sexual offences | Under investigation |
Station Road | Anti-social behaviour | |
Station Road | Possession of weapons | Under investigation |
Station Road | Shoplifting | Investigation complete; no suspect identified |
Station Road | Shoplifting | Further investigation is not in the public interest |
Station Road | Violence and sexual offences | Under investigation |
Station Road | Violence and sexual offences | Under investigation |
Stonefield Place | Anti-social behaviour | |
Stonefield Road | Public order | Investigation complete; no suspect identified |
Stonefield Road | Other crime | Under investigation |
Supermarket | Anti-social behaviour | |
Supermarket | Anti-social behaviour | |
Supermarket | Criminal damage and arson | Under investigation |
Supermarket | Public order | Investigation complete; no suspect identified |
Supermarket | Public order | Under investigation |
Supermarket | Shoplifting | Investigation complete; no suspect identified |
Supermarket | Shoplifting | Unable to prosecute suspect |
Supermarket | Shoplifting | Under investigation |
Supermarket | Shoplifting | Unable to prosecute suspect |
Supermarket | Violence and sexual offences | Investigation complete; no suspect identified |
Supermarket | Violence and sexual offences | Investigation complete; no suspect identified |
Supermarket | Violence and sexual offences | Under investigation |
Trinity Street | Burglary | Under investigation |
Trinity Street | Other theft | Investigation complete; no suspect identified |
Trinity Street | Violence and sexual offences | Under investigation |
Trinity Street | Violence and sexual offences | Unable to prosecute suspect |
Trinity Street | Violence and sexual offences | Under investigation |
Waldegrave Street | Criminal damage and arson | Investigation complete; no suspect identified |
Wellington Mews | Anti-social behaviour | |
Wellington Square | Anti-social behaviour | |
Wellington Square | Violence and sexual offences | Unable to prosecute suspect |
White Rock | Anti-social behaviour | |
White Rock | Anti-social behaviour | |
White Rock | Anti-social behaviour | |
White Rock | Burglary | Under investigation |
White Rock | Other theft | Unable to prosecute suspect |
White Rock | Violence and sexual offences | Investigation complete; no suspect identified |
White Rock | Violence and sexual offences | Under investigation |
White Rock | Violence and sexual offences | Under investigation |
White Rock | Violence and sexual offences | Under investigation |
White Rock | Violence and sexual offences | Under investigation |
White Rock | Violence and sexual offences | Unable to prosecute suspect |
White Rock | Violence and sexual offences | Unable to prosecute suspect |
White Rock | Violence and sexual offences | Unable to prosecute suspect |
White Rock | Violence and sexual offences | Unable to prosecute suspect |
White Rock Gardens | Anti-social behaviour | |
White Rock Road | Anti-social behaviour | |
White Rock Road | Burglary | Investigation complete; no suspect identified |
White Rock Road | Vehicle crime | Investigation complete; no suspect identified |