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Redlands / Park Thames Valley Police Police Local Neighbourhood

The Redlands / Park neighbourhood is situated within the town of Reading and is policed by the Thames Valley Police.

Every neighbourhood in Thames Valley has a dedicated Neighbourhood Policing team.

Neighbourhood Policing teams can be contacted via 101, the Thames Valley Police non-emergency number. Always call 999 in an emergency.

Neighbourhood Policing teams…
  • Are led by senior police officers and include police community support officers (PCSOs), often together with volunteer police officers, volunteers and partners.
  • May serve one or several neighbourhoods.
  • Work with local people and partners to identify, tackle and prevent local, low-level crime, anti-social behaviour, and any ongoing concerns.
  • Provide you with a visible, accessible and accountable police service and aim to make your neighbourhood safer.
  • Have been present in every Thames Valley neighbourhood since 1 April 2008.
  • Focus all of their efforts on their dedicated neighbourhoods, building relationships with local people.
Neighbourhood Policing…
  • Needs you to tell us about the issues that concern you in your area.
  • Has transformed policing at a local level, to meet the needs of local communities.
  • Is known as ‘Safer Neighbourhoods’ in Milton Keynes.

Have Your Say logo From the start of 2010, Thames Valley Police extended its neighbourhood consultation by introducing a wider range of publicised opportunities to meet neighbourhood teams.

We will provide open monthly meetings to allow the public to influence our priorities. These meetings will be branded as Have Your Say opportunities, and in many cases will be held in conjunction with partners.

Once local priorities have been identified, a broader ‘toolkit’ of problem-solving tactics is being made available to ensure crime and anti-social behaviour is tackled effectively.

Across the Thames Valley area, there are many successful Neighbourhood Action Groups which will continue to deliver local problem solving, but the introduction of Have Your Say meetings will allow neighbourhood teams to identify more quickly those specific local priorities that need attention.

Thames Valley Police views the introduction of Have Your Say meetings as a positive step in tackling issues that matter most to the public. I welcome your support and engagement in this endeavour.

Visit Police Neighbourhood Page 101

Map of the Redlands / Park Policing Area

Yellow markers represent Police Forces and the red markers represent neighbourhoods within Thames Valley Police.

Zoom LevelLatitudeLongitude

Towns and Villages within the Redlands / Park Neighbourhood

Settlements located within Redlands / Park
Name Type County
Reading Town Berkshire,Oxfordshire

Worst Locations for Crime within the Redlands / Park neighbourhood


The Top 5 Worst Locations for Crime in the Redlands / Park neighbourhood in April 2019
Town Type County Location Number of Crimes Committed
ReadingtownBerkshire,OxfordshireOn or near Bamburgh Close7
ReadingtownBerkshire,OxfordshireOn or near Petrol Station5
ReadingtownBerkshire,OxfordshireOn or near Southern Hill5
ReadingtownBerkshire,OxfordshireOn or near Hospital5
ReadingtownBerkshire,OxfordshireOn or near Morpeth Close5


The Top 5 Worst Locations for Crime in the Redlands / Park neighbourhood in March 2019
Town Type County Location Number of Crimes Committed
ReadingtownBerkshire,OxfordshireOn or near Cintra Close9
ReadingtownBerkshire,OxfordshireOn or near Supermarket8
ReadingtownBerkshire,OxfordshireOn or near Hospital8
ReadingtownBerkshire,OxfordshireOn or near Manchester Road7
ReadingtownBerkshire,OxfordshireOn or near Donnington Gardens7


The Top 5 Worst Locations for Crime in the Redlands / Park neighbourhood in February 2019
Town Type County Location Number of Crimes Committed
ReadingtownBerkshire,OxfordshireOn or near Hospital11
ReadingtownBerkshire,OxfordshireOn or near Petrol Station10
ReadingtownBerkshire,OxfordshireOn or near Bamburgh Close7
ReadingtownBerkshire,OxfordshireOn or near Norwood Road6
ReadingtownBerkshire,OxfordshireOn or near Cumberland Road4

Neighbourhood Events for Redlands / Park

East Reading Safer Neighbourhood Forum


New members always welcome. The Safer Neighbourhood Forum (previously known as the NAG) deals with crime problems in the area alongside general community issues in partnership alongside Reading Borough Council, Thames Valley Police and Reading University.

Start: 04/07/2019 19:00

End: 04/07/2019 21:00
Have Your Say Meeting


Come and Have Your Say with your neighbourhood police team about anything concerning you in your community. We also offer valuable crime prevention advice.

Start: 05/07/2019 13:30

End: 05/07/2019 14:30
Have Your Say Meeting


Come and Have Your Say with your neighbourhood police team about anything concerning you in your community. We also offer valuable crime prevention advice.

Start: 09/07/2019 13:30

End: 09/07/2019 14:30
Have Your Say Meeting


Come and Have Your Say with your neighbourhood police team about anything concerning you in your community. We also offer valuable crime prevention advice.

Start: 14/07/2019 10:30

End: 14/07/2019 11:30
East Reading Safer Neighbourhood Forum


New members always welcome. The Safer Neighbourhood Forum (previously known as the NAG) deals with crime problems in the area alongside general community issues in partnership alongside Reading Borough Council, Thames Valley Police and Reading University.

Start: 01/08/2019 19:00

End: 01/08/2019 21:00
Have Your Say Meeting


Come and Have Your Say with your neighbourhood police team about anything concerning you in your community. We also offer valuable crime prevention advice.

Start: 13/08/2019 13:30

End: 13/08/2019 14:30
Have Your Say Meeting


Come and Have Your Say with your neighbourhood police team about anything concerning you in your community. We also offer valuable crime prevention advice.

Start: 10/09/2019 13:30

End: 10/09/2019 14:30
Have Your Say Meeting


Come and Have Your Say with your neighbourhood police team about anything concerning you in your community. We also offer valuable crime prevention advice.

Start: 22/09/2019 10:30

End: 22/09/2019 11:30

Police Officer Information for Redlands / Park

Kevin Willis PCSO

This officer is a Police Community Support Officer. While having no power of arrest, the officer can attend incidents, patrol and reassure, tackle ASB and parking issues, and in Thames Valley will be deployed to deliver our Crime Attendance policy of attending to provide follow up support and contact. They too are also responsible for tackling the concerns of the community.

Sue Roff PCSO

This officer is a Police Community Support Officer. While having no power of arrest, the officer can attend incidents, patrol and reassure, tackle ASB and parking issues, and in Thames Valley will be deployed to deliver our Crime Attendance policy of attending to provide follow up support and contact. They too are also responsible for tackling the concerns of the community.

Chris Davis PS

The Sergeant is the next in command and also assists the Inspector. In addition they provide leadership in the development and supervision of the Constables and PCSOS. They too work with the community and other agencies to ensure that the concerns of the community are dealt with by the Neighbourhood Team.

Cami Pacurar PC

This officer is a Constable and takes direction from the Sergeant and they work with the community and other agencies. They are also responsible for tackling those issues as identified by the local community.

Sarah Sanderson Inspector

The Inspector is in command of the Neighbourhood Policing Team and is responsible for the overall policing of the neighbourhood. They lead, manage and co-ordinate the team and also work with the community and other agencies, in ensuring an appropriate and timely response to incidents and issues affecting the community.

Hannah Swain PCSO

This officer is a Police Community Support Officer. While having no power of arrest, the officer can attend incidents, patrol and reassure, tackle ASB and parking issues, and in Thames Valley will be deployed to deliver our Crime Attendance policy of attending to provide follow up support and contact. They too are also responsible for tackling the concerns of the community.

Holly Francis PCSO

This officer is a Police Community Support Officer. While having no power of arrest, the officer can attend incidents, patrol and reassure, tackle ASB and parking issues, and in Thames Valley will be deployed to deliver our Crime Attendance policy of attending to provide follow up support and contact. They too are also responsible for tackling the concerns of the community.

Dave Wren PC

This officer is a Constable and takes direction from the Sergeant and they work with the community and other agencies. They are also responsible for tackling those issues as identified by the local community

Neighbourhood Priorities for Redlands / Park


Drug Dealing - Reports of drug dealing taking place along the Kennet and Avon towpath.

We have conducted High Visual patrols along the towpath to deter this criminality.

Issue dated: 01/06/2016

Action dated: 21/06/2016

Brothels - Members of the public reported that a number of properties were being used as brothels in the Newtown area.

The Redlands and Park Neighbourhood Policing Team conducted 2 warrants resulting in 2 brothels being shut down and Closure Orders being placed on the properties for 3 months.

Issue dated: 01/06/2016

Action dated: 21/06/2016

Drugs. Both users and dealing in New town and the Canal side have been reported as issues of concern.

We have been conducting high visibility patrols on foot and in vehicles to deter the problem. We have made several arrests and executed warrants but realise enforcement is not the solution in isolation. We have been in contact with our partners to find ways to address the demand for drugs and we will soon be conducting drop ins and patrols with our partners in the drug support services in an attempt to help people with their addictions.

Issue dated: 01/07/2017

Action dated: 18/09/2017

Many residents have been concerned about street drinking, drunkenness and general antisocial behaviour

We have been involved with the community safety forum along with Reading borough council. We helped to organise a community litter picking event in New Town which coincided with the neighbourhood team conducting high visibility patrols. This resulted in a marked difference in the appearance of the area.
We have officers who will be deployed during Fresher’s fortnight until the early hours of the morning to deter antisocial behaviour and both police and protect our student community.

Issue dated: 01/07/2017

Action dated: 18/09/2017

Anti-social behaviour caused by students late at night.

We have been conducting extra patrols in the area and Reading University has launched a new Street Support Team which has been running since 16th April 2018. The trial scheme is part of plans to promote positive community relationships between students and non-student neighbours.

The University Street Support Team will provide advice to students socialising late at night, encouraging them to be responsible, respectful and safe when travelling through residential areas. The team will also help students feel safe and supported late at night and collect empty bottles and glasses as they go.

The highly trained and highly visible team will be working in residential streets around the campus between 10pm and 4am several nights a week. They’ll primarily be based in areas within your wards, between the following streets:
• Redlands Road and London Road, including St George’s Hall and University bars the Dairy and Park Bar.
• Whiteknights Road and Wokingham Road, including Bridges/Wessex Halls and the number 17 bus stop.
• Northcourt Avenue and Christchurch Green, including St Patrick’s/Sherfield Halls and the number 21/21a bus stop.

The University has created this trial based on views from local residents, neighbourhood police teams, Reading Borough Council and other community partners in the town.

The scheme will run as a trial over the summer term (April - June) and autumn term (September - December). We’ll be reviewing the scheme regularly and we’d be very grateful for feedback so we can make sure the team are working in the best way possible. We will also use the feedback to consider long-term delivery of the scheme.

Issue dated: 01/04/2018

Action dated: 10/04/2018

Drug use and dealing in the canal side areas, car parks and communal areas of flats.

We have been working with our partners in housing associations to better secure the communal areas they manage and encourage them to install CCTV. We have increased our patrols in the area especially on foot and cycle to better access the problem areas. We have been looking to secure derelict buildings which provide areas for drugs to be used and cause the associated paraphernalia to be left behind. We have close links with the organisation IRIS (Which provides support and treatment for drug users) and we will take drug users to them directly if they accept our help. We have utilised closure orders to prevent vulnerable people having their houses taken over by drug dealers. This allows us to arrest people if they continue to be present in the vulnerable persons house.

We continue to rely on information from the public to inform us of where we need to target our efforts.

Issue dated: 01/04/2018

Action dated: 10/04/2018

Vehicles parked on pavements, causing an obstruction in Robert Parker Road

Over the last few days PCSOs have been issuing 'Police Aware' stickers to vehicles causing an unacceptable obstruction to the pavement, with three out of four wheels on the pathway. This was originally called in by a resident of the area.

Issue dated: 03/07/2018

Action dated: 05/07/2018

Drugs and exploitation are top priorities. We have received many reports of drug dealing on the riverside near the Christchurch bridge and the bottom of De-Montford Road.

Following these reports we have gained evidence for a closure order on a property that is now in place. This address was used as a base for drug dealing and a vulnerable male was being exploited. Residents have reported that things have dramatically improved with far less drug users visiting the area. This has also reduced the associated antisocial behaviour and drug paraphernalia. We continue to patrol the area and enforce the closure order to ensure the problem does not reoccur.

We have also been patrolling the canal side and communal areas in residential blocks to deter drug use and dealing and continue to work in partnership with the council and housing associations to target harden the areas.

Issue dated: 18/07/2018

Action dated: 18/07/2018

Street drug dealing and use centred around several locations in East Reading including the whole of the riverside and Orts Road area of Newtown.

The teams have been searching for evidence of drug dealing. Drug paraphernalia has been found and disposed of near Granby Court and the old Huntley and Palmer buildings. We continue to conduct patrols and gather intelligence about anything suspicious in the area.

Issue dated: 10/09/2018

Action dated: 23/11/2018

Residents at risk from exploitation, generally by drug users and dealers.

We are continuing to protect vulnerable residents and also work with our agency partners to prevent exploitation and gather information. Several properties have had locks changed and will have closure orders placed on them if the situation persists.

Issue dated: 10/09/2018

Action dated: 23/11/2018

Antisocial behaviour which includes criminal damage in blocks of flats and multi occupancy addresses.

We continue to patrol the areas and work alongside Reading Borough Council's Anti-social Behaviour Officers. We would ask residents to call the 101 number with any information and descriptions of potential offenders. We are also working closely with Reading University to address student anti-social behaviour in the area.

Issue dated: 23/11/2018

Action dated: 23/11/2018

Street drug dealing and use centred around several locations in East Reading including the riverside, canal side and Orts Road area of Newtown.

The teams have been searching for evidence of drug dealing. Drug paraphernalia has been found and disposed of near Granby Court and the old Huntley and Palmer buildings. We continue to conduct patrols and gather intelligence about anything suspicious in the area. Residents witnessing any suspicious activity or persons should report this information in as soon as possible.

Issue dated: 09/01/2019

Action dated: 20/01/2019

Residents at risk from exploitation generally by drug users and dealers

We are continuing to protect vulnerable residents and also working with our agency partners to prevent exploitation and gather information. Several properties have had locks changed and will have closure orders placed on them if the situation persists.

Issue dated: 09/01/2019

Action dated: 20/01/2019

Anti-social behaviour which includes criminal damage in blocks of flats and multi occupancy addresses.

We continue to patrol the areas affected and would ask residents to call the 101 number with any information and descriptions of potential offenders.

Issue dated: 09/01/2019

Action dated: 20/01/2019

Street drug dealing and use centred around several locations in East Reading including the riverside, canal side and Orts Road area of Newtown.

Proactive patrols to deter and detect drug related activity and identify hotspots for such activity. Residents witnessing any suspicious activity or persons should report this information in as soon as possible via 101 or the Thames Valley Police website.

Issue dated: 10/04/2019

Action dated: 12/04/2019

Residents at risk from exploitation generally by drug users and dealers.

With our local authority partners we are currently identifying addresses that have related issues and trying to engage with the residents to safeguard them. Any addresses of concern are also being identified for closure orders. one of these has been in force since February 2019 from which an individual was arrested for Possession with Intent to Supply. The investigation is ongoing with no reports of continued activity. Residents witnessing any suspicious activity or persons should report this information in as soon as possible.

Issue dated: 10/04/2019

Action dated: 12/04/2019

Anti-social behaviour (ASB) which includes criminal damage in blocks of flats and multi occupancy addresses.

In partnership with the University of Reading, we identify addresses which require police intervention to educate residents on appropriate behaviour. We have engaged and patrolled block developments where anti-social behaviour is reported and we are liaising with relevant landlords to find long term solutions. We have also conducted patrols of the ASB affected areas regularly and we are drawing on support of the Special Constabulary. The Specials conducted a recent operation patrolling east end ASB hot spots with further operations planned for the future.

Issue dated: 10/04/2019

Action dated: 12/04/2019

Street Crime Within Redlands / Park

Last Update April.

Adelaide Road Criminal damage and arson Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Adelaide Road Other theft Unable to prosecute suspect
Alexandra Road Burglary Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Alexandra Road Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Amity Road Other crime Under investigation
Amity Street Drugs Under investigation
Amity Street Violence and sexual offences Unable to prosecute suspect
Auckland Road Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Bamburgh Close Anti-social behaviour
Bamburgh Close Burglary Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Bamburgh Close Drugs Under investigation
Bamburgh Close Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Bamburgh Close Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Bamburgh Close Violence and sexual offences Unable to prosecute suspect
Bamburgh Close Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Belle Avenue Anti-social behaviour
Belle Avenue Drugs Under investigation
Blenheim Road Anti-social behaviour
Carnarvon Road Criminal damage and arson Under investigation
Cholmeley Place Possession of weapons Under investigation
Cholmeley Place Theft from the person Under investigation
College Road Drugs Under investigation
Corbridge Road Violence and sexual offences Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Craven Road Other theft Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Craven Road Violence and sexual offences Unable to prosecute suspect
Craven Road Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Culver Lane Criminal damage and arson Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Culver Lane Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Culver Road Anti-social behaviour
Culver Road Anti-social behaviour
Cumberland Road Criminal damage and arson Under investigation
Cumberland Road Public order Unable to prosecute suspect
Cumberland Road Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
De Beauvoir Road Criminal damage and arson Unable to prosecute suspect
De Beauvoir Road Public order Awaiting court outcome
Denmark Road Bicycle theft Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Denmark Road Criminal damage and arson Unable to prosecute suspect
Denmark Road Other theft Under investigation
Denmark Road Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Donnington Gardens Criminal damage and arson Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Donnington Gardens Violence and sexual offences Unable to prosecute suspect
Earley Hill Road Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Eldon Street Other theft Under investigation
Erleigh Road Burglary Under investigation
Fatherson Road Criminal damage and arson Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Fatherson Road Vehicle crime Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Forsete Place Anti-social behaviour
Foxhill Road Anti-social behaviour
Freshwater Road Other theft Under investigation
Freshwater Road Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Granby Court Violence and sexual offences Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Grange Avenue Public order Under investigation
Green Road Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Green Road Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Hamilton Road Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Haywood Court Other theft Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Haywood Court Violence and sexual offences Awaiting court outcome
Haywood Court Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Haywood Court Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Hexham Road Anti-social behaviour
Hospital Drugs Under investigation
Hospital Other theft Under investigation
Hospital Other theft Under investigation
Hospital Public order Under investigation
Hospital Violence and sexual offences Unable to prosecute suspect
Jubilee Road Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Junction Road Other theft Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Kendrick Road Anti-social behaviour
Lancaster Close Criminal damage and arson Under investigation
Lancaster Close Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Lennox Road Burglary Awaiting court outcome
Liverpool Road Violence and sexual offences Unable to prosecute suspect
Liverpool Road Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Liverpool Road Violence and sexual offences Unable to prosecute suspect
Liverpool Road Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
London Road Violence and sexual offences Unable to prosecute suspect
Lower Mount Burglary Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Lower Mount Burglary Under investigation
Lydford Road Violence and sexual offences Unable to prosecute suspect
Manchester Road Bicycle theft Under investigation
Manchester Road Public order Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Morgan Road Vehicle crime Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Morpeth Close Robbery Under investigation
Morpeth Close Theft from the person Under investigation
Morpeth Close Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Morpeth Close Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Morpeth Close Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Newcastle Road Criminal damage and arson Under investigation
Newcastle Road Criminal damage and arson Under investigation
Newcastle Road Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Northumberland Avenue Criminal damage and arson Unable to prosecute suspect
Northumberland Avenue Other theft Unable to prosecute suspect
Northumberland Avenue Vehicle crime Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Northumberland Avenue Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Norwood Road Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Palmer Park Avenue Possession of weapons Awaiting court outcome
Palmer Park Avenue Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Parking Area Criminal damage and arson Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Parking Area Other theft Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Petrol Station Shoplifting Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Petrol Station Shoplifting Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Petrol Station Shoplifting Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Petrol Station Shoplifting Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Petrol Station Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Radstock Road Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Regent Street Public order Under investigation
Riversdale Court Other theft Under investigation
Rupert Street Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
School Terrace Vehicle crime Under investigation
School Terrace Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Southern Hill Criminal damage and arson Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Southern Hill Other theft Under investigation
Southern Hill Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Southern Hill Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Southern Hill Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
St Bartholomews Road Anti-social behaviour
St Peter'S Road Burglary Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Stanhope Road Criminal damage and arson Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Stanhope Road Other theft Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Sun Street Criminal damage and arson Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Sun Street Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Supermarket Shoplifting Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Supermarket Bicycle theft Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Sutherlands Avenue Other theft Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Theatre/Concert Hall Anti-social behaviour
Theatre/Concert Hall Anti-social behaviour
Theatre/Concert Hall Vehicle crime Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Warwick Road Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Waybrook Crescent Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Whiteknights Road Bicycle theft Under investigation
Wokingham Road Anti-social behaviour
Wokingham Road Anti-social behaviour
Wokingham Road Criminal damage and arson Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Wokingham Road Shoplifting Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Wokingham Road Anti-social behaviour
Wykeham Road Violence and sexual offences Unable to prosecute suspect
Wykeham Road Violence and sexual offences Under investigation