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Warwick Rural East Safer Neighbourhood Team Warwickshire Police Police Local Neighbourhood

Visit Police Neighbourhood Page 101 (In an emergency always call 999)

Map of the Warwick Rural East Safer Neighbourhood Team Policing Area

Yellow markers represent Police Forces and the red markers represent neighbourhoods within Warwickshire Police.

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Towns and Villages within the Warwick Rural East Safer Neighbourhood Team Neighbourhood

The Warwick Rural East Safer Neighbourhood Team is policed by the Warwickshire Police and covers the following settlements.

Settlements located within Warwick Rural East Safer Neighbourhood Team
Name Type County
Baginton Village Warwickshire
Blackdown Village Warwickshire
Bubbenhall Village Warwickshire
Coventry City Warwickshire,West Midlands
Cubbington Village Warwickshire
Eathorpe Village Warwickshire
Hunningham Village Warwickshire
Kenilworth Town Warwickshire
Offchurch Village Warwickshire
Radford Semele Village Warwickshire
Royal Leamington Spa Town Warwickshire
Stoneleigh Village Warwickshire
Weston under Wetherley Village Warwickshire

Worst Locations for Crime within the Warwick Rural East Safer Neighbourhood Team neighbourhood


The Top 5 Worst Locations for Crime in the Warwick Rural East Safer Neighbourhood Team neighbourhood in April 2019
Town Type County Location Number of Crimes Committed
CubbingtonvillageWarwickshireOn or near High Street4
CubbingtonvillageWarwickshireOn or near Petrol Station2
CubbingtonvillageWarwickshireOn or near Broadway2
Radford SemelevillageWarwickshireOn or near St Nicholas Road2


The Top 5 Worst Locations for Crime in the Warwick Rural East Safer Neighbourhood Team neighbourhood in March 2019
Town Type County Location Number of Crimes Committed
CubbingtonvillageWarwickshireOn or near Queen Street2
CubbingtonvillageWarwickshireOn or near Sports/Recreation Area2
CoventrycityWarwickshire,West MidlandsOn or near Siskin Parkway East2


The Top 5 Worst Locations for Crime in the Warwick Rural East Safer Neighbourhood Team neighbourhood in February 2019
Town Type County Location Number of Crimes Committed
CubbingtonvillageWarwickshireOn or near West View Road3
CubbingtonvillageWarwickshireOn or near Petrol Station2

Neighbourhood Events for Warwick Rural East Safer Neighbourhood Team

Cubbington Mill Care Home - Open Day (SNT at event if operational commitments permit)

Start: 14/06/2019 14:00

End: 14/06/2019 14:00
Cubbington Primary School Spring Fayre (SNT at event if operational commitments permit)

Start: 15/06/2019 12:00

End: 15/06/2019 12:00
Dogs Trust Fun Day - Offchurchbury Estate (SNT at event if operational commitments permit)

Start: 16/06/2019 10:00

End: 16/06/2019 10:00
WRE Community Forum June 2019 - Baginton Village Hall, Frances Road, Baginton

Start: 19/06/2019 19:00

End: 19/06/2019 19:00
Warwick University - Student Safety Event

Start: 26/06/2019 12:00

End: 26/06/2019 12:00
Radford Semele Primary School Fete (SNT at event if operational commitments permit)

Start: 29/06/2019 13:00

End: 29/06/2019 13:00
Weston-under-Wetherley Village Fete (SNT at event if operational commitments permit)

Start: 06/07/2019 14:00

End: 06/07/2019 14:00

Police Officer Information for Warwick Rural East Safer Neighbourhood Team

David Kettle Inspector

I joined the Police in 2000 and I have worked as both a Reactive Officer and within an investigative environment. I have a vast amount of experience working in neighbourhood policing and I am committed to making The District a safe place to live, work and visit.

Chris Kitson Sergeant

I began my service with Nottinghamshire Police in 2002 and transferred to Warwickshire Police in 2009. Since then I have worked at Stratford, Leamington and more recently in an 18 month tenure as Custody Sergeant at Leamington. Having now been given the opportunity to work with Warwick District Safer Neighbourhoods team, I am looking forward to working with our partner agencies to ensure we continue to protect our communities from crime and anti-social behaviour. Listening to, and engaging in the needs of our community is at the frontline of policing, and I feel proud to be part of a team that is dedicated to providing the highest standard of service in Warwickshire.

Ross Kirby Police Constable

I joined Warwickshire Police in 2004 and initially worked at Rugby Police Station as a response officer. In 2007, I joined the task force which provided armed and traffic support to the County. After five years in this role, I moved back to incident response, working from Greys Mallory and attending emergency and priority incidents in the southern rural area. Since April 2015, I have worked on both Kenilworth and Leamington North Safer Neighbourhood Teams. It was also during this time I was an acting Sergeant back at Greys Mallory, before joining the Warwick Town team in November 2017. I have recently qualified as Wildlife Officer, and am looking forward to putting those skill to use over the coming years.

Ed King Police Community Support Officer

I joined the Warwick Rural East Safer Neighbourhood Team in April 2009. My background consists of working in the licensing trade and I have had sales and distribution experience for a local production company. I am pro-active in building relations at schools on the Warwick Rural East area and I deliver presentations to young people with regards to personal safety, cyber safety, anti-social behaviour etc. Having been brought up in the area, I have a good knowledge of local issues and the surrounding environment. I look forward to interacting with the different communities on the Warwick Rural East area and helping to solve problems within your locality. I have a keen interest in wildlife and rural affairs, and enjoy the challenges that working on a rural area brings.

Sharron Underwood Police Community Support Officer

I joined the Warwick Rural East Safer Neighbourhood Team in April 2013. I started my service with Warwickshire Police in September 2008 and upon joining became a member of the Whitnash Safer Neighbourhood Team. I have created a number of projects which include delivering presentations to primary schools, luncheon clubs and colleges. Since 2008 I have delivered my very own young driver safety presentation to approximately 1100 students at Trident Engineering College and Young Farmers clubs. I received a Chief Constable's Commendation in April 2013 for my dedication, passion and professionalism towards contributing to road safety and was also awarded Educator of the Year from Brake Road Safety Charity. The quality and impact of the workshops has been recognised by partner agencies and there has been a noticeable decrease in the number of road traffic collisions involving students at the college. I have also revived Warwickshire Horsewatch in Warwick Rural East area. I am an experienced Safer Neighbourhoods Officer and look forward to resolving issues within your community.



Neighbourhood Priorities for Warwick Rural East Safer Neighbourhood Team


1. Due to a number of anti-social behaviour incidents reported in the Cubbington/New Cubbington area there is concern from members of the public.

2. With the onset of lighter nights/evenings there is concern for potential anti-social behaviour in Radford Semele. Local representatives have also highlighted parking concerns on Lewis Road, Radford Semele.

3. There is concern from members of the public in relation to excess vehicle speed on Coventry Road, Baginton between the village shop and Oak Close.

Warwick Rural East Safer Neighbourhood Team will provide updates on a regular basis for the duration of these priority tasks.

1. Anti-Social Behaviour/Reassurance Patrols - Cubbington/New Cubbington

  • Priorities set 13-FEB-2019.

2. Anti-Social Behaviour/Reassurance Patrols - Radford Semele

  • Priorities set 13-FEB-2019.

3. Speed Checks/Monitoring - Coventry Road, Baginton

  • Priorities set 13-FEB-2019.
Issue dated: 13/02/2019

Action dated: 13/02/2019

1. Parents/carers and local residents near to Cubbington primary, Our Lady & St. Teresa's primary and Radford Semele primary have raised concern in relation to inconsiderate parking. There is concern for children's safety when going to/from school.

2. Due to a number of incidents reported in the Cubbington area there is concern from members of the public.

3. There is concern from members of the public in relation to excess vehicle speed on Sandy Lane, Blackdown outside North Leamington secondary school.


1. School Safety Patrols - Warwick Rural East Area

  • Between 10-OCT-2018 (priorities set) and 13-FEB-2019 Warwick Rural East SNT conducted 15 patrols outside primary schools on the WRE area (OLST 7 - Cubbington 4 - Radford Semele 4). Parents/carers, pupils, school staff and residents were engaged with on a regular basis. 15 motorists were verbally warned/advised re obstructive parking (OLST 11 - Cubbington 2 - Radford Semele 2). 13 warning notices were placed on vehicles causing unnecessary obstructions (OLST 2 - Cubbington 8 - Radford Semele 3). 1 traffic offence report was submitted for an unnecessary obstruction outside OLST.

2. Anti-Social Behaviour/Reassurance Patrols - Cubbington 

  • Between 10-OCT-2018 (priorities set) and 13-FEB-2019 Warwick Rural East SNT conducted 19 patrols in Cubbington parish. A community meeting was held in December in response to a spike in residential burglaries where high value vehicles were targeted. Crime prevention literature was provided to 500+ residential properties, along with information being shared on local social media pages. In January and February 2019 a number of anti-social behaviour incidents were reported involving a group of young persons. Youths had trespassed and caused damage at a primary school. They had also caused nuisance at a business premises. An incident of shoplifting occurred. PCSO Sharron Underwood acted promptly and engaged with 10 youths and their parents. All 10 youths received an anti-social behaviour warning letter, along with a 3 month banning letter from a local business.

3. Speed Checks/Monitoring - Sandy Lane, Blackdown

  • Between 10-OCT-2018 (priorities set) and 13-FEB-2019 Warwick Rural East SNT conducted 10 speed checks/monitoring sessions on Sandy Lane, Blackdown. Sessions took place outside/near to North Leamington School in the 30mph/40mph zones. Sessions were primarily conducted at school pick-up times. 34 warning letters were sent to motorists for exceeding the 30mph and 40mph speed limits. Fastest recorded vehicles: 42mph in 30mph / 61mph in 40mph. 1 motorist was visited and warned/advised. 1 motorist returned to the location and was advised that their employers would be notified. The 10 sessions totaled 512 minutes, averaging 51 minutes per session.

Warwick Rural East SNT have completed the set tasks as agreed.

Issue dated: 10/10/2018

Action dated: 10/10/2018

1. There is concern from members of the public in relation to excess vehicle speed in the Cubbington/New Cubbington area. The local Community Speed Watch group has identified a number of locations where speeding is an issue.

2. Parents/carers and local residents near to Cubbington primary, Our Lady & St. Teresa's primary and Radford Semele primary have raised concern in relation to inconsiderate parking. There is concern for children's safety when going to/from school.

3. Due to a number of incidents reported in the Bubbenhall area there is concern from members of the public.

1. Speed Checks/Monitoring - Cubbington/New Cubbington  

  • Between 13-JUN-2018 (priorities set) and 10-OCT-2018 Warwick Rural East SNT conducted 10 speed checks/monitoring sessions in the Cubbington area (3 Rugby Road, 3 Windmill Hill, 4 Kenilworth Road). 41 warning letters were sent to motorists for exceeding the 30mph and 40mph speed limits (19 Rugby Road, 14 Windmill Hill, 8 Kenilworth Road). 1 motorist advised verbally on Kenilworth Road.

2. School Safety Patrols - Warwick Rural East Area  

  • Between 13-JUN-2018 (priorities set) and 10-OCT-2018 Warwick Rural East SNT conducted 15 patrols outside primary schools on the WRE area (OLST 4, Cubbington 6, Radford Semele 5). Parents/carers, pupils, school staff and residents were engaged with on a regular basis. 9 motorists were verbally warned/advised re obstructive parking (OLST 2, Cubbington 5, Radford Semele 2). 12 warning notices were placed on vehicles causing unnecessary obstructions (OLST 1, Cubbington 5, Radford Semele 6).

3. Anti-Social Behaviour/Reassurance Patrols - Bubbenhall  

  • Between 13-JUN-2018 (priorities set) and 10-OCT-2018 Warwick Rural East SNT conducted 22 patrols in Bubbenhall, paying particular attention to the recreational field and village hall. Residents were engaged with on a regular basis. Since the middle of July, evidence of drug and alcohol use around the village hall/on the recreational field was not encountered.

Warwick Rural East SNT have completed the set tasks as agreed.

Issue dated: 13/06/2018

Action dated: 10/10/2018

Street Crime Within Warwick Rural East Safer Neighbourhood Team

Last Update April.

Acorn Close Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Acorn Close Other crime Under investigation
Avenue J Violence and sexual offences Offender given a caution
Avenue L Anti-social behaviour
Avenue L Anti-social behaviour
B4453 Burglary Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Broadway Other theft Under investigation
Broadway Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Brookfield Road Anti-social behaviour
Cross Lane Vehicle crime Under investigation
Fosse Way Vehicle crime Under investigation
Fosse Way Violence and sexual offences Unable to prosecute suspect
Godfrey Close Anti-social behaviour
Hallfields Criminal damage and arson Unable to prosecute suspect
Hemmings Close Anti-social behaviour
High Street Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
High Street Violence and sexual offences Action to be taken by another organisation
High Street Violence and sexual offences Action to be taken by another organisation
High Street Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Leicester Lane Vehicle crime Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Leicester Lane Burglary Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Lower End Anti-social behaviour
Mill Hill Vehicle crime Investigation complete; no suspect identified
New Street Violence and sexual offences Unable to prosecute suspect
North Close Violence and sexual offences Unable to prosecute suspect
Old Milverton Road Burglary Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Overtons Close Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Park/Open Space Possession of weapons Unable to prosecute suspect
Parking Area Robbery Under investigation
Pedestrian Subway Criminal damage and arson Under investigation
Petrol Station Other theft Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Petrol Station Other theft Unable to prosecute suspect
Price Road Violence and sexual offences Unable to prosecute suspect
South View Road Burglary Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Southam Road Burglary Under investigation
Sports/Recreation Area Violence and sexual offences Under investigation
Sports/Recreation Area Theft from the person Under investigation
Sports/Recreation Area Anti-social behaviour
St Nicholas Road Anti-social behaviour
St Nicholas Road Other theft Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Stirling Avenue Vehicle crime Under investigation
The Grange Theft from the person Unable to prosecute suspect
Vicarage Road Anti-social behaviour
Waggoners Close Other theft Investigation complete; no suspect identified
Welsh Road Vehicle crime Investigation complete; no suspect identified
West View Road Anti-social behaviour